Monday, July 30, 2012

University of Hawaii News

A ground breaking ceremony for the new Clarence TC Ching complex was held on the UH lower campus on July 17th. The complex will provide new locker rooms, training room facilities, offices, state of the art bleachers, and a 800 seat sand volleyball court. Officials from the University of Hawaii, Lawmakers, and Governor Neil Abercrombie were all on hand for the dedication.

On Thursday July 26th, members of the University of Hawaii Athletic Department were the featured speakers at the Aiea / Pearl City Town Hall meeting. Acting athletic director Rockne Freitas as well as Warrior Head Football Coach Norm Chow and Sand Volleyball Coach Scott Wong spoke to the crowd about the future of the athletic department and fielded questions from the audience. The Warrior Football team will open its season on September 1 at USC.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 2012 Newsletter

Click here for an e-copy of our April Newsletter as part of the 26th Legislature. We also encourage you to follow me on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for the latest in our community and what is happening here at the Capitol.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Over the past month, Senator Ige and members of the Senate welcomed and honored a few guests to the Hawaii State Capitol.

Students from Pearlridge Elementary and Waimalu Elementary visited the state capitol in March where Senator Ige educated the students on the legislative process as well as shared some insights on the history of the state capitol building.

As the capitol celebrated Education week, two outstanding members from our community were honored on the floor of the senate. Aiea Intermediate principal Tom Kurashige and Moanalua High School music director Mr. Elden Seta are pictured with Senator Ige as the Senate honors these outstanding educators in our State.

2012 marks the 50th anniversary of Aiea High outstanding public school in our state that has continued to be a shining light in the Aiea / Pearl City community and has produced many talented individuals who have gone on to become great leaders and contributors to the state. Senator Ige as well as Senator Donna Mercado Kim stand with Aiea High Principal Michael Tokioka, PTSO President Nancy Hsu, SA President Justine Bulosan, SA VP Sierra Callihan, and alum Lynette Serrao on this milestone event.

Monday, March 12, 2012

House Bill 2096

Senators and Representatives joined the Governor for the singing of House Bill (HB) 2096, which extends the mitigation of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax increase. HB 2096 maintains the UI rate that employers will pay for calendar year 2012. Without this measure, a business would have had to pay an additional $550 per year for each employee. This measure will thus help avoid an increase in costs for every business in the state.

This bill also maintains the Maximum Weekly Benefit Amount at 75 percent of the Average Weekly Wage, rather than the normal 70 percent for calendar year 2012; and allows the UI fund to accept loans from the state general fund or the federal government, should the need arise.

Students from Pearl City Elementary also joined legislators for the signing. The students are Alycia Pasion, left, Jessica Miller, Iris Ponce, Jasmin Nagasawa and Naomi Reupena-Tuaiao and teacher Russell Minobe.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Floor Presentation honoring Kaui Hart Hemmings

Senator David Ige and members of the Senate honored Hawaii born author Kaui Hart Hemmings during a floor presentation at the Hawaii State Capitol. Hemmings is the daughter of former Hawaii Legislator Fred Hemmings and the author the of the novel the Descendants. The Descendants was awarded an Academy Award for best original screen play based of off the book written by Hemmings. (Photo courtesy of Senate Communications)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Celebrating the artwork of the students in our community

Shawn Idefonso and his family proudly show off his artwork with Sen. Ige. Shawn is under the direction of Roy Chang at Aiea Intermediate. Come down to the State capitol to view the artwork of the students of Aiea which is on display in the Chamber level of the capitol and in Senator Ige's office.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Floor Presentation Congratulating Melvin Kauila Clark

On February 21, 2012, the Hawaii State Senate congratulated Melvin Kauila Clark, Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Community Health Centers, on his many years of service to the people of Hawaii.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 2012 Newsletter

Click here for highlights from the first month of the 26th Legislature including a review of Senate Bill 2012. We also encourage you to follow me on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for the latest in our community and what is happening here at the Capitol.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Senator Ige with Warrior Head Foootball Coach Norm Chow....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senator David Y. Ige Talks about the Importance of Investing in the State

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hawaii Senate Passes Bill To Improve Construction Industry

View the video on

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrating the artwork of the students in our community

These talented students are under the direction of Roy Chang. The following artwork by Yi Li (Grade 7- Aiea Inter) is on display in the Chamber level of the capitol and in Senator Ige's office.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 2012 Newsletter

The 26th Legislative session is officially underway and despite the economic challenges that we face, I remain hopeful and optimistic that this will be a great year for our state. Here is a link to our January Newsletter complete with a recap of last session and ways to stay connected with my office throughout the session.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Friday - Art at the Capitol

The State Capitol will be participating in the First Friday Activities on April 1st from 5-7pm to showcase the Art in Public Places Collection. Works of art created by local artists are displayed in state buildings and rotated throughout Hawai‘i in order for all people to have access to visual arts in various styles, techniques and media. There are almost 200 works on display in the Senate offices. Come by my office in Room 215 and see the pieces on display.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March Capitol Connection

March's Capitol connection covers:

•  Senate Education Week
•  Meet the Staff
•  Capitol Artist Program

To read a copy of the Capitol Connection, click here.

Friday, March 4, 2011

February Capitol Connection

February's Capitol connection covers:

•  Opening Day

•  Ways and Means Budget Briefings
    – The Ways and Means committee conducted Budget Briefings from January 3-18th

•  Updates on our community roadways
    – Moanalua Road, Ka‘ahumanu Street, Ho‘omalu Street, and Ho‘oma‘ema‘e Street

•  Capitol Artist Program
    – Featuring Artwork from the student of Roy Chang from Aiea Intermediate School

•  Public Access Room
    – A great resource for getting involved in the legislative process

To read a copy of the Capitol Connection, click here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Senator Ige PBS Insights Segment Available On-Demand

Senator David Ige's appearance on PBS Insights, originally aired on January 13th, is now available for viewing by clicking the "Video on Demand" link on the Insights page of the PBS Hawaii website.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Opening Day Broadcast

The Opening Day Activities will be broadcasted on ‘Olelo. The House Opening Day Ceremony will be on channel 49 at 9:45 a.m. The Senate Opening Day Ceremony will be on channel 53 at 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Senator Ige Appearing Live on PBS Insights

Senator David Ige will be appearing on the PBS show Insights live on Thursday January 13th at 7:30p.m. Tune in to Oceanic channel 10 to view the program. The program's format will be roundtable discussion and open to viewer questions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hawaii State Senate Paperless Initiative

Publication Date: February 4, 2010
Video Credit: 2009 Sea Rider Productions

Concerned with not only the cost in dollars, but also the number of trees necessary to provide copies of all the documents needed, the Senate spearheaded the effort to be as paperless as possible. To accomplish this, a pilot project was conducted in the 2008 session that reduced paper usage by 60%, a savings of over 6 million sheets of paper or 725 trees. Based on this initial success, the Senate is expanding the scope to include all Senators and all committees. Wireless capability in the Capitol building has been expanded to allow wireless access to the internet from most public areas in the building: all offices, hallways, hearing rooms and Chambers. The Senate is committed to setting an example in its push for a "sustainable" future for Hawaii, but also to improve the public's access to the legislative process.