<i>Friday, March 4, 2011</i>
<h3>February Capitol Connection</h3>

<p>February's Capitol connection covers:
&#149 &nbsp;Opening Day 
&#149 &nbsp;Ways and Means Budget Briefings 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#150; The Ways and Means committee conducted Budget Briefings from January 3-18th
&#149 &nbsp;Updates on our community roadways 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#150; Moanalua Road, Ka&#8216;ahumanu Street, Ho&#8216;omalu Street, and Ho&#8216;oma&#8216;ema&#8216;e Street
&#149 &nbsp;Capitol Artist Program
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#150; Featuring Artwork from the student of Roy Chang from Aiea Intermediate School
&#149 &nbsp;Public Access Room
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#150; A great resource for getting involved in the legislative process
To read a copy of the Capitol Connection, <a href="/memberfiles/senate/Ige/Newsletters/Feb_2011_Newsletter.pdf" >click here</a>.</p>
<i>Tuesday, January 18, 2011</i>
<h3>Senator Ige PBS Insights Segment Available On-Demand</h3>
<p>Senator David Ige's appearance on PBS Insights, originally aired on January 13th, is now available for viewing by clicking the "Video on Demand" link on the <a href="http://www.pbshawaii.org/ourproductions/insight.php">Insights page</a> of the PBS Hawaii website.
<i>Tuesday, January 18, 2011</i>
<h3>Opening Day Broadcast</h3>
The Opening Day Activities will be broadcasted on &#8216;Olelo. The House Opening Day Ceremony will be on channel 49 at 9:45 a.m. The Senate Opening Day Ceremony will be on channel 53 at 10:00 a.m. </p>
<i>Wednesday, January 12, 2011</i>
<h3>Senator Ige Appearing Live on PBS Insights</h3>
<p>Senator David Ige will be appearing on the PBS show Insights live on Thursday January 13th at 7:30p.m. Tune in to Oceanic channel 10 to view the program. The program's format will be roundtable discussion and open to viewer questions. </p>
<i>Thursday, February 4, 2010</i>
<h3>Hawaii State Senate Paperless Initiative</h3>
Publication Date: February 4, 2010
Video Credit: 2009 Sea Rider Productions
Concerned with not only the cost in dollars, but also the number of trees necessary to provide copies of all the documents needed, the Senate spearheaded the effort to be as paperless as possible.  To accomplish this, a pilot project was conducted in the 2008 session that reduced paper usage by 60%, a savings of over 6 million sheets of paper or 725 trees. Based on this initial success, the Senate is expanding the scope to include all Senators and all committees.  Wireless capability in the Capitol building has been expanded to allow wireless access to the internet from most public areas in the building:  all offices, hallways, hearing rooms and Chambers.  The Senate is committed to setting an example in its push for a "sustainable" future for Hawaii, but also to improve the public's access to the legislative process.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/v_zmzIWNNg0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>