(Act of July 9, 1921, c 42, 42 Stat 108)
Consent of Congress
Consent of Congress, see H.J. Res. 32, 105th Cong. 1st Sess., Pub. L. No. 105-21, 111 Stat. 235 (June 27, 1997), for §§209 and 219.1; and S.J. Res. 23, 102nd Cong. 2nd Sess., Pub. L. No. 102-398, 106 Stat. 1953 (October 6, 1992), for §§202, 203, 204, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215, 220, 221, 222, and 227.
This Act is now part of the State Constitution and is subject to amendment or repeal as prescribed in Article XII of the Constitution.
Bracketed section headings have been inserted and are not official.
Consent of Congress, see Public Law 99-557 (October 27, 1986).
Law Journals and Reviews
The Native Hawaiian Trusts Judicial Relief Act: The First Step in an Attempt to Provide Relief. 14 UH L. Rev. 889.
Courts and the Cultural Performance: Native Hawaiians' Uncertain Federal and State Law Rights to Sue. 16 UH L. Rev. 1.
Native Hawaiian Homestead Water Reservation Rights: Providing Good Living Conditions for Native Hawaiian Homesteaders. 25 UH L. Rev. 85.
Case Notes
Claims under Act arise exclusively under state law; hence, Eleventh Amendment bars federal court from deciding claims against state officials based solely on this Act. 45 F.3d 333.
Appellant who claimed article XII's (of the state constitution) implementation of this Act violated the Fourteenth Amendment because government benefits, leases to public lands, are available only to native Hawaiians, lacked standing. 342 F.3d 934.
Lessee defendants' motion to dismiss granted, where plaintiffs claimed native Hawaiian lessee defendants violated this Act, as well as plaintiffs' rights under 42 U.S.C. §1983 by subleasing Hawaiian home lands to non-native Hawaiians. 824 F. Supp. 1480.
To the extent plaintiffs sought redress for violations of the Hawaii constitution or this Act, the Eleventh Amendment barred the state law claims; thus, state defendants' motion for summary judgment granted on all state law claims against state officials brought in their official capacities; state defendants sued in personal capacities were entitled to qualified immunity. 824 F. Supp. 1480.
Association that included native Hawaiian beneficiaries asserted viable claim under 42 U.S.C. §1983 alleging breach of trust duties by appellees under this Act via Admission Act. 78 H. 192, 891 P.2d 279.
Act is part of Hawai'i constitution and does not constitute federal law; thus, federal preemption principles did not apply to case where there was no relevant federal law at issue and conflict between Act and state statute was matter of state constitutional law. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.
Chapter 343 does not conflict with this Act, has only incidental impact on Hawaiian home lands, and is not inconsistent with interests of the beneficiaries; thus, chapter applies to Hawaiian home lands. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.
For Hawaiian home lands, the department of Hawaiian home lands is the accepting authority for applicant proposals under §343-5(c); because the governor is not involved, there is no conflict with this Act. 87 H. 91, 952 P.2d 379.