Title 1: Definitions

Title 2: Hawaiian Homes Commission


201 Definitions

201.5 Federal reaffirmation

201.6 Community based governance on Hawaiian home lands

202 Department officers, staff, commission, members,


203 Certain public lands designated "available lands."

Parcel I

Parcel II

Kewalo-Uka, Honolulu, Oahu

Kewalo-Uka, Honolulu, Oahu

204 Control by department of "available lands," return to

board of land and natural resources, when; other

lands, use of

204.5 Additional powers

205 Sale or lease, limitations on

206 Other officers not to control Hawaiian home lands;


207 Leases to Hawaiians, licenses

207.5 Housing development

208 Conditions of leases

209 Successors to lessees

210 Cancellation of leases

210.5 Repealed

211 Community pastures

212 Lands returned to control of board of land and

natural resources

213 Funds and accounts

213.5 Establishment of special fund

213.6 Hawaiian home lands trust fund

214 Purposes of loans; authorized actions

215 Conditions of loans

216 Insurance by borrowers; acceleration of loans; lien

and enforcement thereof

217 Ejectment, when; loan to new lessee for improvements

218 Repealed

219 Agricultural and aquacultural experts

219.1 General assistance

220 Development projects; appropriations by legislature;

bonds issued by legislature; mandatory reservation of


220.5 Development by contract; development by project

developer agreement

221 Water

222 Administration

223 Right of amendment, etc.

224 Sanitation and reclamation expert

225 Investment of funds; disposition

226 Qualification for federal programs

227 Enterprise zones

Title 3: Amendments to Hawaiian Organic Act

Title 4: Miscellaneous Provisions



Title 5: Homestead General Leasing Program

501 to 516 Repealed


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