Measure | Measure Title | Introducer(s) |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Intermediate Court of Appeals, Associate Judge, Gubernatorial Nominee RANDAL K.O. LEE, for a term of ten years. |
None |
Transmitting the proclamation convening the Twenty-Fourth Legilature of the State of Hawaii in special session on Wednesday, October 24, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as the Director of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARWIN CHING, for a term to expire 12-6-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as the Director of the Department of Public Safety, Gubernatorial Nominee, CLAYTON A. FRANK, for a term to expire 12-6-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAURA H. THIELEN, for a term to expire 12-6-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawai`i, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES G. LEE JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kaua`i and Ni`ihau, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL Y.M. LOO, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kaua`i and Ni`ihau, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL Y.M. LOO, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANGELA LISA LEIMAILE EHIA-QUITEVIS, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANGELA LISA LEIMAILE EHIA-QUITEVIS, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Hurricane Relief Fund, Gubernatorial Nominee, GARY Y.K. CHOCK S.E., for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Hurricane Relief Fund, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL P. HAMNETT, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Hurricane Relief Fund, Gubernatorial Nominee, DENNIS MICHAEL SUGIHARA, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Gubernatorial Nominee, LESLIE HARUO KONDO, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Gubernatorial Nominee, LESLIE HARUO KONDO, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, BLENN AKIRA FUJIMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, BLENN AKIRA FUJIMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARREN T. KIMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANTON S. WONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Teacher Standards Board
, Gubernatorial Nominee, KELLY MICHELE NOELANI CASTELLANO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Teacher Standards Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GAIL EDYTH WEAVER, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as the Administrator for the State Health Planning and Development Agency, Gubernatorial Nominee, RONALD E. TERRY, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHAWN CANNON, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, AVERY B. CHUMBLEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANDREW DON MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROGER K. GODFREY, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROSANNE C. HARRIGAN EDD, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, CATHERINE L.N. KIM, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARRY TOSHIO MIZUNO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, MABEL JEAN ODO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, CLIFFORD L. NAKEA, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARRY KOJI TANIGUCHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD JAMES VIDGEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICIA ANNETTE LANOIE BLANCHETTE MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CLEMENTINA D. CERIA-ULEP, for a term to expire 7-1-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, STEPHANIE A. MARSHALL, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL REED MASUDA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARIE MILKS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, PAUL DOUGLAS NIELSON MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JERRY ROBERT SMEAD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARC SHLACHTER MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELDON L. WEGNER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARY C. WESSELKAMPER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Oahu Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONALD WILLIAM WOOD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SIDNEY MITSUO FUKE, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRENDA SUE HO, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROBERT DAILY IRVINE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRIAN M. IWATA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DENNIS DON LEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL IADELUCA MYRIANTHIS, RPT, PSYD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN M. OKAMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation East Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CRAIG Y. SHIKUMA MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALISTAIR WILLIAM BAIROS, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARRY BLUM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN D. CORNILLEZ, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES W. HIGGINS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID BRUCE MAKALIU KAAPU, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRUCE MAKARERICZ, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD M. MCDOWELL MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEON PASKER, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD J. TAAFFE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation West Hawai`i Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELIZABETH HEIMAN ZAGORODNEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAN AKITA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAVERNE L. BESSERT, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDA FAYE COLLINS, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, TIMOTHY BLAKE CRANE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROSELIND BARBARA BULATAO-FRANKLIN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD B. GODING MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RANDALL J. HEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JODY KJELDSEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID JOHN PETERS, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARIANO TORRES MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ESTELITA CABAL TRINIDAD, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ZADOC WHITE BROWN JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GRANT Y.M. CHUN, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GINA MARIE FLAMMER, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, G. STEPHEN HOLADAY, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONNA LEE MCCLEARY MD, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawa`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEE EIJI MIYASATO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Baord, Gubernatorial Nominee, HOWARD K. NAKAMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KAREN TOSHIYO OURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, BETTY JANE OTT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SUSAN K. STEWART, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD CLAY SUTHERLAND, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Public Housing Authority (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, ANNE MARIE BECK, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Public Housing Authority (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, RENE BERTHIAUME, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Public Housing Authority (PHA), Gubernatorial Nominee, SHERRILEE K. DODSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on the Status of Women, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELENA M.H CABATU, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Advisory Board on Veterans' Services, Gubernatorial Nominee, HERBERT C. LUM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, LITO M. ASUNCION, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARCELLA ALOHALANI BORNSTEIN BOIDO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, EARNEST CHUNG, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, EARNEST CHUNG, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, CANISIUS TKEL FILIBERT, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DOMINIC K. INOCELDA, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DOMINIC K. INOCELDA, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, GERALD HISASHI OHTA, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, GERALD HISASHI OHTA, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, MAUREEN NAMAKAOKALANI RAWLINS, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, TIN MYAING THEIN, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Language Access Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, SUZANNE MARIE ZENG, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARRYL WAYNE BARDUSCH, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DARRYL WAYNE BARDUSCH, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KEITH T. MATSUMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, PAMELA A. TORRES CPCM, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, JOSEPH L. DWIGHT IV, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai`i Community Development Authority (HCDA), Gubernatorial Nominee, JOSEPH L. DWIGHT IV, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Kaneohe Bay Regional Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, BENJAMIN KEOLAMA`ALAHI LINDSEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, KYLE JAMES KALEO CHOCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2010. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAND R. LEZY, for a term to expire 6-30-2008. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Land Use Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAND R. LEZY, for a term to expire 6-30-2012. |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Commission on Water Resource Management, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONNA FAY K. KIYOSAKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2011. |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 25, 2007, the Governor has amended the expiration date for the term of the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Laura H. Thielen, Governor's Message No. 5 (dated October 23, 2007) to December 31, 2010 |
None |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, RAYMOND SHIGEO ONO, for a term to expire 6-30-2009. |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn MICHAEL Y.M. LOO, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kaua`i and Ni`ihau from consideration by the Senate (GM8). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn ANGELA LISA LEIMAILE EHIA-QUITEVIS, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu from consideration by the Senate (GM10). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn LESLIE HARUO KONDO, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Public Utilities Commission from consideration by the Senate (GM15). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn BLENN AKIRA FUJIMOTO, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Board of Directors, Hawai`i Strategic Development Corporation from consideration by the Senate (GM17). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn EARNEST CHUNG, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Island Language Access Advisory Council from consideration by the Senate (GM93). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn DOMINIC K. INOCELDA, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Language Access Advisory Council from consideration by the Senate (GM96). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn GERALD HISASHI OHTA, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Language Access Advisory Council from consideration by the Senate (GM98). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn DARRYL WAYNE BARDUSCH, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Procurement Policy Board from consideration by the Senate (GM103). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn JOSEPH L. DWIGHT, IV, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Hawai`i Community Development Authority (HCDA) from consideration by the Senate (GM107). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 26, 2007, the Governor has withdrawn NORMAND R. LEZY, Gubernatorial Nominee to the Land Use Commission from consideration by the Senate (GM111). |
None |
Informing the Senate that on October 31, 2007, the Governor signed the following bill into law: HB2 (Act 1, 2nd Special Session) |
None |
Informing the Senate that on November 2, 2007, the Governor signed the following bill into law: SB1 SD1 (Act 2, 2nd Special Session) |
None |
Letter dated November 4, 2007, transmitting a copy of Executive Order 07-10 which establishes conditions and protocols for a large capacity ferry vessel company's inter-island operations, pursuant to Act 2, Section 4, Second Special Session 2007. |
None |