Senator David Y. Ige, Chair |
Senator Carol Fukunaga, Vice Chair |
Monday, October 29, 2007 |
1:15 pm |
Conference Room 016 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
In anticipation of receiving Governor's messages appointing nominees to various boards and commissions, your Committee will be holding a hearing to consider the background, experience, and qualifications of the following individual(s):
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Board of Directors, East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors
Pending referral to HTH |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROBERTA FUJIMOTO CHU, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, SIDNEY MITSUO FUKE, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRENDA SUE HO, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROBERT DAILY IRVINE, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRIAN M. IWATA, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, DENNIS DON LEE, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROL IADELUCA MYRIANTHIS RPT, PsyD, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN M. OKAMOTO, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation East Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, CRAIG Y. SHIKUMA M.D., for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Board of Directors, West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors
Pending referral to HTH |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALISTAIR WILLIAM BAIROS, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARRY BLUM, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN D. CORNILLEZ, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, JAMES W. HIGGINS, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID BRUCE MAKALIU KAAPU, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRUCE MAKARERICZ, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD M. MCDOWELL, M.D., for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEON PASKER, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD J. TAAFFE, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation West Hawaii Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELIZABETH HEIMAN ZAGORODNEY, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Board of Directors, Kauai Regional Board of Directors
Pending referral to HTH |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, NORMAN AKITA, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAVERNE L. BESSERT for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINDA FAYE COLLINS, for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, TIMOTHY BLAKE CRANE, for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARBARA FRANKLIN for a term to expire 6/30/2010
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD GODING, M.D., for a term to expire 6/30/2009
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, RANDALL J. HEE, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, JODY KJELDSEN, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID JOHN PETERS, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARIANO TORRES, M.D., for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ESTELISTA CABAL TRINIDAD, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Board of Directors, Maui Regional Board of Directors
Pending referral to HTH |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, ZADOC WHITE BROWN JR., for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, GRANT Y.M. CHUN, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, GINA MARIE FLAMMER, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, G. STEPHEN HOLADAY, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, DONNA LEE MCCLEARY, M.D., for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, LEE EIJI MIYASATO, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, HOWARD K. NAKAMURA, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, BETTY JANE OTT, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, KAREN TOSHIYO OURA, for a term to expire 6/30/2009.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, SUSAN K. STEWART, for a term to expire 6/30/2010.
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Regional Board of Directors, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD CLAY SUTHERLAND, for a term to expire 6/30/2010. |
Decision Making to follow, if time permits.
Persons wishing to testify should submit testimony in one of the following ways at least 24 hours prior to the hearing:
· In person: 1 copy of their testimony to the Committee Clerk, Room 010, State Capitol.
· By fax: Testimony may be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Office at 586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands), at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. When faxing, please indicate to which committee the testimony is being submitted, the date and time of the hearing, and the number of copies needed for submittal.
· By Email: Testimony may be emailed if less than 5 pages in length, to the Legislature's Public Access Room at Please indicate to which committee the testimony is being submitted, the date and time of the hearing, and the number of copies needed for submittal. In addition, please provide the testifier's name and mailing address in the email. Email sent to individual offices or any other Senate office will not be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the committee clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so arrangements can be made.
Public Folder. A folder labeled “Public Folder” containing the measures and testimonies for the hearing will be available for shared use by members of the public.
________________________________________ Senator David Y. Ige Chair |