Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:    GOV. MSG. NOS. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10




Honorable Colleen Hanabusa

President of the Senate

Twenty-Fourth State Legislature

Second Special Session of 2007

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of: 


Island Burial Council, Island of HAWAII


G.M. No. 6


for a term to expire 6-30-2009;


Island Burial Council, Islands of Kauai and Niihau


G.M. No. 7


for a term to expire 6-30-2008;


G.M. No. 8


for a term to expire 6-30-2012;


Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu


G.M. No. 9


for a term to expire 6-30-2008;


G.M. No. 10


for a term to expire 6-30-2012,


begs leave to report as follows:  


     Your Committee reviewed the personal histories, resumes, and statements submitted by the nominees, and finds James G. Lee, Jr. (Island of Hawaii); Michael Y.M. Loo (Islands of Kauai and Niihau); and Angela Lisa Leimaile Ehia-Quitevis (Island of Oahu) to have the necessary qualifications to be nominated to serve as members on the Island Burial Councils.


     Testimony in support of James G. Lee, Jr.'s nomination was submitted by the Department of Land and Natural Resources and one individual.  Five individuals submitted testimony in opposition to Mr. Lee's nomination.


     Mr. Lee graduated from Maryknoll School and received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Chaminade University.  He currently serves as the Director of Development for W.H. Shipman Ltd. where he is responsible for the management and development of all industrial, commercial, and residential properties owned and operated by the company.  Furthermore, he is responsible for ensuring that these properties are maintained and operated in a manner that is in the best interest of the company, and consistent with the company's commitment to be a good corporate citizen.  Previous to his employment at W.H. Shipman, Ltd., Mr. Lee served as a Project Manager for Oceanside 1250, a Vice President for JGL Enterprises, and a Housing and Community Development Specialist for the Department of Housing and Community Development, City and County of Honolulu.


     Your Committee notes the testimony received in opposition to Mr. Lee's nomination, specifically citing his prior employment at Oceanside 1250, the developer of the Hōkūlia project on the Big Island, and raising concerns that his prior involvement with this project poses a conflict of interest if he serves on the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawaii, especially given the frequency in which agenda items regarding the Hōkūlia project are posted.  Via speakerphone, Mr. Lee testified to your Committee that he feels that he can still be an effective member of the Island Burial Council despite his prior employment at Oceanside 1250, and if any conflict of interest arises relating to Hōkūlia, he hopes that the Deputy Attorney General assigned to the Council will provide further guidance to him.  Mr. Lee further stated that he believes that the Island Burial Council should not revolve around a single landowner, and to judge him solely on his past affiliation with the Hōkūlia project would be a disservice to the Council.


     Your Committee further notes the peculiar situation the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawaii is in as the Council is unable to meet due to its current vacancy for a landowner or developer representative on the Council and the quorum problems this vacancy has caused without representation from this category.  Despite concerns raised over his prior employment with the Hōkūlia project, your Committee is assured that Mr. Lee can still be an effective member of the Council and notes that his current employment with W.H. Shipman, Ltd. poses a minimal conflict of interest.


     Mr. Lee is nominated to represent the large property owners and developers on the Island of Hawaii.  He has the education, experience, and commitment to assist the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawaii in determining the preservation or relocation of previously identified Native Hawaiian burial sites; assisting the Department of Land and Natural Resources in the inventory and identification of Native Hawaiian burial sites; and making recommendations regarding appropriate management, treatment, and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters relating to Native Hawaiian burial sites.  Mr. Lee's demonstrated commitment to and professional experience in the areas of land use, land management, and land development will prove to be valuable assets for the Island Burial Council, Island of Hawaii.


     Testimony in support of Michael Y.M. Loo's nomination was submitted by the Department of Land and Natural Resources and twelve individuals.


     Mr. Loo is a graduate of St. Louis School in Honolulu and received his Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa.  He currently serves as President and Owner of Building Solutions, Inc., which is a real estate management and consulting firm primarily associated with directing real estate and development activities for Princeville at Hanalei on the Island of Kauai.  Prior to his current position, he held various positions with Princeville Corporation with ascending responsibility and authority, including project management, facility operations and maintenance, and land and community development.


     Mr. Loo is nominated to represent the large property owners and developers on the Islands of Kauai and Niihau.  He has the education, experience, and commitment to assist the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kauai and Niihau in determining the preservation or relocation of previously identified Native Hawaiian burial sites; assisting the Department of Land and Natural Resources in the inventory and identification of Native Hawaiian burial sites; and making recommendations regarding appropriate management, treatment, and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters relating to Native Hawaiian burial sites.  Mr. Loo's demonstrated commitment to and professional experience in the areas of land use, land management, and land development will prove to be valuable assets for the Island Burial Council, Islands of Kauai and Niihau.


     Testimony in support of Angela Lisa Leimaile Ehia-Quitevis's nomination was submitted by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, KAHEA: The Hawaiian Environmental Alliance, and one individual.


     Ms. Ehia-Quitevis received her general equivalency diploma from the Waipahu Community Adult Education Program, and has completed several courses in hooponopono, Hawaiian history, oli, and ōlelo, and facilitation training.  She currently works at Hālau Lōkahi Public Charter School as a Community Coordinator for the Aho Loa Program and has been a Kiai Āina or a Native Hawaiian Cultural Monitor with Garcia and Associates, and a Native Hawaiian Coordinator and Community Resource Manager at Kanu O Ka Āina Learning Ohana.


     Ms. Ehia-Quitevis is affiliated with and is currently serving on several community and cultural organizations, including as a member of Friends of Kūkaniloko, a Board Member for Nā Kii Ke Ano, a member of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Wahiawā, and a Board Member for the Aloha Āina Society.  Of particular note, in 2006, she was the recipient of the Kalanianaole Award, which recognizes an outstanding Hawaiian Civic Club member for service to the community-at-large by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs.


     Ms. Ehia-Quitevis is nominated to serve as a regional representative for the Waialua region on the Island of Oahu.  She has extensive knowledge and experience in caring for and protecting the iwi and is committed to continuing the legacy of the kūpuna.  Ms. Ehia-Quitevis not only has a strong sense of kuleana to teach future generations to care for their community and the iwi kūpuna, but also hopes to be a bridge between the community and the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu, and restore trust between these groups.  She has the understanding and requisite cultural sensitivity to assist the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu in determining the preservation or relocation of previously identified Native Hawaiian burial sites; assisting the Department of Land and Natural Resources in the inventory and identification of Native Hawaiian burial sites; and making recommendations regarding appropriate management, treatment, and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters relating to Native Hawaiian burial sites.  Ms. Ehia-Quitevis will be a valuable asset to the Island Burial Council, Island of Oahu.


     As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your Committee on Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs that are attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs,



