S.R. NO.













amending the rules of the senate of the twenty-Fourth legislature of the state of hawaii.



     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Second Special Session of 2007, that the following Senate Rules of the Senate of the State of Hawaii, the Twenty-fourth Legislature, be amended as follows:


     1.  That Rule 6, paragraph (12), be amended to read:


     "(12) To supervise the Senate's Print Shop[,] and Journal [and Sergeant-at-Arms]."


     2.  That Rule 9 be amended to read:


     "Rule 9.  Sergeant-at-Arms


     It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to attend the Senate on every day of meeting; to maintain order among those present as spectators; to give notice to the Presiding Officer of the attendance of any person with communications or otherwise; to supervise the distribution of incidentals which require distribution among the members; to supervise, subject to the control of the [Chief Clerk,] President, the Senate Messengers; to attend upon committees if so requested; to serve all orders or process as directed by the [Chief Clerk] President or Senate; to make all required arrests of members or other persons, and to retain the same in custody; to have the charge and responsibility for the postal requirements of the Senate; and generally to execute all of the requirements of the [Chief Clerk] President of the Senate."


     3.  That Rule 10 be amended to read:


     "Rule 10.  Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms


     The Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall assist the Sergeant-at-Arms in the performance of all duties and attend to such duties as may be required when so directed by the [Chief Clerk.] President.  In the absence of the Sergeant-at-Arms, the Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall perform all duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms."


     4.  That Rule 17 be amended to read:


     "Rule 17. Standing Committees


     Standing Committees shall be appointed for major subject matter areas at the opening of the session, or as soon thereafter as possible.  The Standing Committees and their areas of jurisdiction shall be as follows:


     (1)  Committee on Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to agriculture and aquaculture, including mariculture; burial councils; and Hawaiian affairs, including the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, sovereignty, and Hawaiian home lands.


     [(1)] (2)  Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Affordable Housing.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to business regulation, professional and vocational licensing, consumer protection, financial institutions, insurance regulation; public utility regulation; and telecommunications regulation; sustainability; housing development including affordable housing, the landlord tenant code, condominium property regimes, and leaseholds.


     [(2)] (3)  Committee on Economic Development and Taxation.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to economic development, and other emerging industries development; financial and technical assistance to business; film and digital media production; astronomy, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology and other scientific research and development activities; culture and arts; historic preservation; use of information storage, transmissions, processing and telecommunications; recreation including commercial ocean recreation activities, sports and athletics, Aloha Stadium; and taxation.


     [(3)] (4)  Committee on Education.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to early education, public schools, continuing education, the public libraries, the University of Hawaii, community college system, private higher education bond financing, and other education matters relevant to higher education.


     [(4)] (5)  Committee on Energy and Environment.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to energy resources including the development of alternative energy resources; population; and environmental quality control and protection, including litter control, recycling, wastewater treatment, endangered species, and hazardous waste.


     [(5)] (6)  Committee on Health.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to general health, maternal and child health, communicable diseases, dental health, medical and hospital services, mental health, developmental disabilities, and hospitals.


     [(6)] (7)  Committee on Human Services and Public Housing.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to public assistance, Medquest, youth services, early childhood education and care programs under the Department of Human Services, and vocational rehabilitation; long term care; programs relating to the promotion of the general wellbeing of Hawaii's youth, families, and elderly population; homeless and public housing.


     [(7)] (8)  Committee on Intergovernmental and Military Affairs.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to county and federal relations, matters of concern to the counties; civil defense, disaster readiness, and military and veterans' affairs.


     [(8)] (9)  Committee on Judiciary and Labor.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to the courts; crime prevention and control, including juvenile justice matters; criminal code revision; statutory revision; campaign spending and elections; ethics; constitutional matters; the Attorney General, Public Defender and Judiciary; government records and information practices; individual rights and civil liberties; public officers and employees, labor, employment opportunities and training, labor-management relations, collective bargaining; the public employees retirement system and the Hawaii public employees health fund.


     [(9)] (10)  Committee on Public Safety.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to public safety, corrections, the narcotics division, and the sheriffs division.


     [(10)] (11)  Committee on Tourism and Government Operations.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to tourism, including the Hawaii Convention Center, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, and the Hawaii Tourism Authority; state facilities not specifically identified herein; and state government operations policy, including procurement and government efficiency.


     [(11)] (12)  Committee on Transportation and International Affairs.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to air, water, and surface transportation; and international affairs, international relations, foreign policy issues, and foreign relations.


     [(12)] (13)  Committee on Water[,] and Land[, Agriculture and Hawaiian Affairs].  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to [sustainability,] state planning, urban renewal, community development, and land and water use; coastal zone management, land reclamation, naturally occurring fisheries, and ocean resources; state parks and beaches, management areas including ocean recreation management areas; and small boat harbors[; agriculture and aquaculture, including mariculture; burial councils; and Hawaiian affairs, including the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, sovereignty, and Hawaiian homestead lands].


     [(13)] (14)  Committee on Ways and Means.  The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to overall state financing policies, including revenue enhancement, other revenues, cash and debt management, and statewide implementation of planning, programming, budgeting and evaluation; and government structure and finance."; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Senate Rule material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken and new Senate Rule material is underscored; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendments made to the Senate Rules by this Resolution take effect upon the adoption of this Resolution.









Report Title: 

Senate Rule Amendments; Standing Committees; Sergeant-at-Arms