S.B. NO.














relating to special number plates.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that January 4, 2026, marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first successful landing on Kahoolawe by nine courageous individuals, known as the "Kahoolawe nine," in support of Native Hawaiian sovereignty and self-determination, initiating an islandwide movement to "Stop the Bombing" and the United States' military use of the island of Kahoolawe.

     The legislature further finds that Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana (PKO), a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the island of Kahoolawe and the principles of Aloha Aina, was established in 1976 to protect the natural and cultural resources across Hawaii.  In 1976, the PKO took legal action by filing a federal lawsuit against the United States Navy, citing violations of environmental laws, historic preservation, and religious freedom, thus highlighting the cultural and ecological significance of Kahoolawe.  On October 22, 1990, President George Bush ordered the cessation of bombing and target practice on Kahoolawe and in November 1990, Congress established the Kahoolawe Island Conveyance Commission to facilitate the return of Kahoolawe to the State, leading the legislature and then Governor John Waihee III to create the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission.

     The legislature additionally finds that PKO, alongside the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission and the department of land and natural resources have undertaken the stewardship of the island, restoring vital cultural practices such as the Makahiki ceremony, which embodies the relationship between the Hawaiian people and the land, as well as ongoing conservation efforts to restore the island's natural ecosystem.  Due to this diligence, Kahoolawe has become a profound symbol of Aloha Aina and environmental resilience, representing the collective effort to heal the island through reforestation, soil conservation, and cultural renewal.

     Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to authorize the issuance of special number plates to recognize and honor the island of Kahoolawe.

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 249, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§249-    Special number plates for the island of Kahoolawe; authorized.  (a)  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the director of finance shall issue to any registered owner of a motor vehicle, who is a resident of the State, and has completed the application and paid the required fees, a special number plate for the registered owner's motor vehicle commemorating the island of Kahoolawe.

     (b)  The director of finance of the city and county of Honolulu, in consultation with the directors of finance of the counties of Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii, the chiefs of police of the city and county of Honolulu and the counties of Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii, and the board of directors of the Kohe Malamalama o Kanaloa Protect Kahoolawe Fund, shall establish a special number plate design that:

     (1)  Contains words, images, or both, that indicate the special number plate is issued to recognize the island of Kahoolawe;

     (2)  Complies with all other requirements in section 249‑9(a);

     (3)  Is similar in shape and size to the uniform state number plate prescribed by law; and

     (4)  Does not obstruct the visibility of the number or letters or any other information that is required by law to be on a number plate and is readily identifiable and distinguishable under actual traffic conditions.

     (c)  The special number plate design shall not:

     (1)  Infringe upon or otherwise violate any trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright, or other proprietary or property right;

     (2)  Represent any obscene or degrading image, idea, word, or phrase;

     (3)  Advertise or endorse a product, brand, or service that is provided for sale;

     (4)  Promote any religious belief; or

     (5)  Promote any philosophy based on prejudice or that is contrary to state civil rights laws.

     (d)  Each special number plate shall be securely fastened to the motor vehicle in lieu of the uniform state number plate.

     (e)  The director of finance shall charge a special number plate fee at least equal to the county's cost of providing the special number plate and administrative costs, if any, plus a fundraising fee to be determined by the director of finance in consultation with the board of directors of the Kohe Malamalama o Kanaloa Protect Kahoolawe Fund.  The fundraising fee shall be in addition to any other state or county fees collected for a motor vehicle registration or license plate.

     (f)  The director of finance may charge an additional fundraising fee, of the same or a different amount as the fundraising fee established pursuant to subsection (e), for the renewal of a special number plate.  If an additional fundraising fee is implemented pursuant to this subsection, the director of finance shall not renew and instead shall revoke the special number plate of the registered owner of a motor vehicle who fails to pay the additional fundraising fee imposed by this subsection.

     (g)  The revenue generated by the fundraising fees, or a portion of the revenue generated by the fundraising fees as determined by the director of finance, shall be deposited in the name of the Kohe Malamalama o Kanaloa Protect Kahoolawe Fund in a separate county budget account.  The director of finance shall determine the most efficient means of directing the revenue generated by the fundraising fees to the Kohe Malamalama o Kanaloa Protect Kahoolawe Fund.

     (h)  The director of finance may revoke all special number plates issued pursuant to this section if the total number of registered owners of motor vehicles who obtain the special number plates is less than one hundred fifty within three years of issuance of the first special number plate.

     (i)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to any plates issued pursuant to section 249-9.2.

     (j)  For the purposes of this section, unless a different meaning appears from the context, "special number plate" means a license plate that represents the island of Kahoolawe."

     SECTION 3.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.









Report Title:

Special Number Plates; Kahoolawe; Kohe Malamalama o Kanaloa Protect Kahoolawe Fund; Motor Vehicles



Authorizes the issuance of special number plates to commemorate the island of Kahoolawe.




The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.