NO. 1
Committee Abbreviations:
AGR - Agriculture & Food Systems |
CAI - Culture, Arts, & International Affairs |
CMV - Corrections, Military, & Veterans |
CPC - Consumer Protection & Commerce |
ECD - Economic Development |
EDN - Education |
EEP - Energy & Environmental Protection |
FIN - Finance |
HET - Higher Education & Technology |
HLT - Health & Homelessness |
HSG - Housing |
HUS - Human Services |
JHA - Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs |
LGO - Labor & Government Operations |
LMG - Legislative Management |
TOU - Tourism |
TRN - Transportation |
WAL - Water & Land |
Committee |
RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS. Establishes a process by which a neighbor of a tenant may seek relief from the tenant's landlord for acts of harassment by the tenant. Includes an alternative process for the eviction of tenants.
RELATING TO NUCLEAR ENERGY. Establishes a nuclear energy commission within the department of business, economic development, and tourism to study the feasibility, risks, and benefits of developing nuclear energy generation facilities in Hawaii. Requires report to the legislature.
RELATING TO THE TOURISM SPECIAL FUND. Reestablishes the tourism special fund to be expended by the Hawaii Tourism Authority and allocates revenues from the transient accommodations tax.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TOURISM AUTHORITY. Removes the term "and qualified" from the Hawaii Tourism Authority's appointment process to clarify advise and consent authority of the Senate.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TOURISM AUTHORITY. Authorizes the deposit of general obligation bond funding into the convention center enterprise fund. Requires the Hawaii Tourism Authority board of directors to approve the use of any general obligation bond proceeds prior to expenditure. Clarifies that convention center enterprise fund moneys may be used for any ongoing or future major repair, maintenance, and improvement of the convention center facility. Declares that the general fund appropriation breaches the expenditure ceiling. Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds. Appropriates funds to repair, maintain, and improve the Hawaii convention center.
RELATING TO WATER. Short form bill relating to water.
RELATING TO LAND. Short form bill relating to land.
RELATING TO ZONING. Short form bill relating to zoning.
RELATING TO DISASTER RESPONSE. Short form bill relating to disaster response.
RELATING TO SCHOOL ZONES. Prohibits loitering at schools and public property within 200 feet of a school. Prohibits obstructing a building, walkway, public passage, road, highway, sidewalk, or structure of a school or a public property within 200 feet of a school.
RELATING TO SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INCENTIVES. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025. Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the continued administration of the Hawaii healthy food incentive program and to provide matching funds to beneficiaries who participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. Revises the deadline for a county council to take action on a low- and moderate-income housing project's application from 45 days to 90 days after receipt of the applicable agency's report and the proposed project's preliminary plans and specifications.
RELATING TO VETERINARY MEDICINE. Prohibits animal owners and their employees from performing any surgical procedures on the owner's animal or animals. Prohibits the elastration, or castration via banding, of a pet animal. Provides that a violation of the prohibitions is a class C felony. Clarifies that the offense of cruelty to animals in the first degree does not apply to accepted veterinary practices and cropping or docking as customarily practiced when the procedures are performed by a licensed veterinarian.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE I OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO GUARANTEE ALL INDIVIDUALS THE RIGHT TO A CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT. Proposes a constitutional amendment that guarantees individuals the right to a clean and healthy environment; the control of pollution; and the conservation, protection, and enhancement of the natural, native, cultural, scenic, and healthful qualities of the environment.
RELATING TO BURIAL COUNCILS. Allows any burial council member whose term has expired to continue in office as a holdover member until the member's reappointment to a second term is confirmed or a successor is nominated and appointed.
RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION. For a collective bargaining agreement or executive policy in effect on and after 7/1/2025, requires that an employer of firefighters maintain its fire staffing service at a level of no less than four on-duty firefighters in each company.
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE. Makes mandatory the suspension of the driver's license of a driver or registered owner of a vehicle for operating a motor vehicle without a motor vehicle insurance policy. Increases duration of suspension of driver's license for violations.
RELATING TO TAX CREDITS. Establishes a tax credit for certain owners of a condominium whose association is increasing maintenance fees to comply with a county ordinance requiring an automatic fire sprinkler system or alternative fire prevention and fire safety system.
RELATING TO DEATH BENEFITS. Increases from $800 to $1,600 the amount of death benefits paid by the Department of Human Services to cover the cremation and disposition costs for a deceased person who was eligible for medical or financial assistance at the time of the person's death and whose body is unclaimed.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes the Hawaii Teacher Apprenticeship Program, to be administered by the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, to support, recruit, develop, and retain teachers for Hawaii's public schools. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII PROMISE PROGRAM. Provides scholarships for the unmet needs of qualified students at any four-year University of Hawaii campus who meet certain criteria.
RELATING TO SCHOOL BUSES. Requires all school bus contracts to require contractor's vehicles to be propelled by electric power or a non-fossil fuel by January 1, 2035.
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES VIII AND X OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO AUTHORIZE THE LEGISLATURE TO ESTABLISH A SURCHARGE ON RESIDENTIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTY TO INCREASE FUNDING FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. Proposes amendments to the Hawaii State Constitution to increase funding for public education for the children and adults of Hawaii by authorizing the Legislature to establish, as provided by law, a surcharge on residential investment property valued at $3,000,000 or greater.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Increases certain traffic fines and required motor vehicle insurance minimums.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Changes the penalties for violations of certain traffic laws and required motor vehicle insurance minimums.
RELATING TO SCHOOL MEALS. Requires eligible schools to participate in the federal Community Eligibility Provision, which provides federal funds to help schools offer free meals to all students. Appropriates moneys for any difference between federal funds amounts and costs of providing free meals. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling will be exceeded.
RELATING TO SUICIDE PREVENTION AND AWARENESS MONTH. Amends Act 36, SLH 2019, to change the effective date from 7/1/2050 to 7/1/2024.
RELATING TO LAND USE. Between 7/1/2024 and 12/31/2026, authorizes each county planning commission to petition for the redistricting of land from the agricultural to the rural district through the land use commission's declaratory ruling process. Sunsets 12/31/2026.
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM INFORMATION PRACTICES ACT. Excludes critical infrastructure information from disclosure requirements under the Uniform Information Practices Act.
RELATING TO STATE WATER CODE PENALTIES. Adds a minimum penalty of $50 and a maximum penalty of $60,000 per violation of the State Water Code, expands the types of potential violations of the State Water Code, and makes each day that a violation exists or continues to exist a separate offense. Requires the Commission on Water Resource Management to consider certain factors when imposing penalties.
RELATING TO ADAPTATION PATHWAYS PLANNING. Expands the authority of the State and counties to develop adaptation pathways plans to modify and relocate infrastructure away from critically threatened areas to locations outside sea level rise and coastal flooding exposure areas. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO RESTORATION OF BEACH LANDS. Amends the definition of "beach restoration" used in laws governing the Board of Land and Natural Resources' powers to engage in beach restoration to include activities undertaken to improve eroded beaches and degraded dune systems and to remove abandoned and remnant manmade materials that pose a risk to the health of the public and ecosystem.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII WILDFIRE RELIEF FUND. Establishes the Hawaii Wildfire Relief Fund. Requires the establishment of a Wildfire Reserve Trust Fund to support the Hawaii Wildfire Relief Fund. Authorizes the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to establish a Wildfire Bond Loan Program in conjunction with the Hawaii Wildfire Relief Fund. Authorizes the Director of Budget and Finance to issue revenue bonds and general obligation bonds to support the Hawaii Wildfire Relief Fund. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO VEGETATION MANAGEMENT. Makes appropriations to the Department of Land and Natural Resources and Department of Transportation for vegetation management projects to reduce the risks of wildfires across the State.
RELATING TO WILDFIRE RISK AND INSURANCE. Requires the Insurance Commissioner to conduct a study on wildfire risk and insurance and submit a report regarding the study to the Legislature prior to the Regular Session of 2025.
RELATING TO THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL. Re-establishes the position of the State Fire Marshal.
RELATING TO WATER. Specifies that fire safety use is a beneficial use of fresh water in the State Water Code. Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources, in consultation with the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, to cooperate with the counties and reservoir owners to develop protocols and agreements for the use of reservoir waters for fire safety purposes. Amends the conditions, manner, and areas in which the Commission on Water Resource Management can declare and provide notice of water shortages and emergencies.
RELATING TO THE STATE PARKS SPECIAL FUND. Allows the Department of Land and Natural Resources to expend the moneys from the State Parks Special Fund for programs aimed at environmental protection.
RELATING TO NATURAL RESOURCES. Appropriates funds to the Department of Land and Natural Resources for natural resource protection and restoration.
RELATING TO AQUATIC RESOURCES. Expands the department of land and natural resources' rulemaking authority to include any rule deemed necessary to protect certain aquatic life. Expands the board of land and natural resources' authority to temporarily adopt, amend, or repeal certain natural resource rules by formal action at a publicly noticed meeting if the board finds that such adoption, amendment, or repeal is necessary to implement effective and adaptive management measures in light of newly available technology, or in light of newly available data.
RELATING TO STATE HOLIDAYS. Designates the day of the second new moon after the winter solstice of every year as the Lunar New Year. Establishes the Lunar New Year as a state holiday.
RELATING TO STATE EMPLOYMENT. Establishes and appropriates funds for permanent positions within the Employee Staffing Division of the Department of Human Resources Development for the recruitment and retention of state employees.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Short form bill relating to workers' compensation.
RELATING TO PROCUREMENT. Short form bill relating to procurement.
RELATING TO STATE WORKERS. Short form bill relating to state workers.
RELATING TO LABOR. Short form bill relating to labor.
RELATING TO LABOR. Short form bill relating to labor.
RELATING TO DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE. Adds confiscation of a vehicle as a maximum penalty on a third conviction for operating a motor vehicle without a license within a five-year period. Provides that if the defendant is not the registered owner of the vehicle used to commit the third offense, the owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for certain costs and fines.
RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Repeals existing law that preempted local ordinances or regulations that regulate the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices and nullified and voided any conflicting local laws and regulations. Allows counties to adopt ordinances that regulate the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices that do not conflict with and are more stringent than the state law that governs smoking.
RELATING TO STATEWIDE FIRE HELICOPTERS. Establishes a statewide firefighting helicopter program, to be administered by the State Fire Marshal. Appropriates funds to obtain helicopters, facilities equipment, and supplies; hire and train staff; and do other things necessary to ensure that the program is ready to begin providing aerial firefighting services on July 1, 2025. Declares that the expenditure exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025. Establishes that this measure only takes effect if another bill is passed that establishes a State Fire Marshal position.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Excludes a homeowner-developer from the annual requirement to file a developer's report and pay a fee if the homeowner's development consists of not more than two units, one in which the developer resides and one for which the initial sale of the other unit has been completed.
RELATING TO CONSUMER HEALTH DATA. Establishes requirements, including additional disclosures and consumer consent regarding the collection, sharing, and use of consumer health data information. Establishes rights for consumers regarding their health data, including the right to have health data deleted. Prohibits the sale of consumer health data without a consumer's signed valid authorization. Prohibits the erection of a geofence around health care centers.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to education.
RELATING TO EARLY LEARNING. Short form bill relating to early learning.
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES. Prohibits the sale of certain new motor vehicles that do not use light emitting diode bulbs for any exterior and interior lights.
RELATING TO USE OF FORCE IN SELF-PROTECTION. Clarifies when the use of deadly force is not justified.
RELATING TO FIRST RESPONDERS. Requires the State to share in the cost of county first responder personnel fulfilling state-imposed new mandates or increases in the level of service under existing programs.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Limits the exclusion from gross income to pensions received for past services provided in the State.
RELATING TO CONSUMER PROTECTION. Caps the primary and secondary ticket seller service charges that may be added on to event ticket prices. Requires website operators to guarantee refunds in certain circumstances and disclose that the website is not the primary ticket seller. Prohibits speculative tickets and the usage of bots.
RELATING TO SEX TRAFFICKING. Permits the courts to consider enhanced sentencing for defendants convicted of sex trafficking if the victim was a minor, Native Hawaiian, or transported between islands or across state lines for the purposes of sex trafficking.
RELATING TO THE PENAL CODE. Prohibits a person from wearing a ski mask or balaclava in public places, under certain conditions.
RELATING TO VEHICLE NUMBER PLATES. Allows owners of vehicles to display the front number plate on the inside of the front windshield as an alternative to being securely fastened to the front of the vehicle.
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE TOWING FEES. Authorizes tow operators to charge additional reasonable amounts for overturned vehicles.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Excludes from the motor carrier safety law's definition of "motor carrier vehicle" chassis used to transport shipping containers.
RELATING TO WINDSHIELD TINTING. Lowers the level of light transmittance allowed on sun screening glazing on motor vehicle windows from thirty-five per cent to twenty per cent.
RELATING TO ANIMAL CRUELTY. Amends the criminal penalties for various animal cruelty offenses by increasing the category of offense.
RELATING TO WILDFIRE PREVENTION. Appropriates funds to the department of land and natural resources to develop a native plant nurseries and seed bank initiative program.
RELATING TO NEONICOTINOIDS. Classifies neonicotinoid pesticides as restricted use pesticides and establishes a list of chemicals that belong to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals.
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Establishes the public employee health benefits working group to investigate the feasibility of establishing and offering a fully self-insured health benefits plan with no deductible or monthly premium cost to state and county public employees. Requires a report to the Legislature.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish a two-year agricultural crime pilot project to examine the effectiveness of prosecuting agricultural crimes, including agricultural theft and agricultural vandalism, in the City and County of Honolulu and County of Kauai. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO PLASTIC POLLUTION. Prohibits state agencies from purchasing or using polystyrene food-service containers. Prohibits vendors contracted through a state agency from selling, offering for sale, providing, or using polystyrene food-service containers at any site owned or leased by the State. Prohibits polystyrene food-service containers from being sold, offered for sale, provided, or used at any state facility, state-authorized concession, state-sponsored or state-permitted event, or state program.
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Requires the Department of Health to conduct a feasibility study on the establishment of a wastewater treatment works project in Waialua, Oahu. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO CIVIC ENGAGEMENT. Requires the public access room to establish and maintain an outreach and engagement program for primary, secondary, post-secondary, and community education. Requires the department of education and university of Hawaii to assign appropriate staff to coordinate with the public access room for the outreach and engagement program. Establishes two full-time equivalent permanent civic education resource teacher positions. Appropriates funds to the legislative reference bureau for one full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE) position to assist in effectuating this requirement. Appropriates funds to the department of education for the expansion of civic education in the public schools.
RELATING TO THE LABOR EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL. Specifies that the Labor Education Advisory Council shall be advisory to the President of the University of Hawaii on all activities and programs of the Center for Labor Education and Research. Requires written responses addressing the Council's advice and adoption of resolutions by the President and Chancellor of the University of Hawaii, West Oahu campus.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Appropriates funds for student housing capital improvement projects at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds and appropriates funds for a capital improvement project for the repair, maintenance, and demolition of buildings at the Poamoho Research Station.
RELATING TO MICROENTERPRISE KITCHENS. Authorizes microenterprise home kitchens. Authorizes the Department of Health to adopt rules regarding microenterprise home kitchens, grant and revoke permits, charge fees, and conduct inspections. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO THE LAND CONSERVATION FUND. Increases the maximum amount of conveyance tax revenues allocated to the land conservation fund.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires the Office of Elections to print and mail a physical copy of the digital voter information guide to any voter upon request. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Prohibits any person convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant or habitually operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant from purchasing or publicly consuming alcohol for a certain period.
RELATING TO EXPUNGEMENT. Creates a state-initiated process to expunge records of arrests and convictions pursuant to section 712-1249, Hawaii Revised Statutes, at no cost to the record holder. Requires the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to submit biannual reports to the legislature until all eligible records are expunged.
RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Exempts drug paraphernalia for marijuana from certain penalties under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. Makes the possession of less than 1 ounce of recreational marijuana a nonjailable violation punishable by a fine of $25.
RELATING TO OPEN MEETINGS. Provides a specific right of action to challenge decisions of the Office of Information Practices relating to the State's open meetings law. Aligns the enforcement mechanisms for the State's open meetings law with the State's Uniform Information Practices Act.
RELATING TO THE SUNSHINE LAW. Establishes that board packets shall be made available for public inspection no later than two business days, rather than forty-eight hours, before a board meeting. Clarifies that public testimony may be submitted to the board before the meeting.
RELATING TO THE SUNSHINE LAW. Requires public meeting notices to inform members of the public how to provide remote oral testimony in a manner that allows the testifier, upon request, to be visible to board members and other meeting participants.
RELATING TO OPEN MEETINGS. Requires that a board may only schedule a meeting for discussion and decisionmaking on a report by an investigative group six days after the investigative group has made a report of its findings to the board.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. Requires law enforcement officers to issue citations in lieu of arrest for certain offenses.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. Authorizes a 48-hour grace period after a missed initial court appearance.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. Amends various provisions related to pretrial release.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. Allows the court to order substance abuse assessment and treatment. Prohibits the arrest of a parolee, or the revocation of parole, solely due to the defendant having 1 positive test for drug use.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires that each vote cast for a question on a ballot for the ratification of a constitutional amendment be counted in the negative only if the ballot properly indicates that the vote is in the negative.
RELATING TO ARRANGEMENT OF CANDIDATE NAMES ON BALLOTS. Requires that any new contract entered into by the Office of Elections for equipment or services relating to preparing ballots or counting votes include the capability to randomize the names of candidates appearing on the ballot if technologically possible. Requires candidate names to be randomized on ballots to the greatest extent possible. Requires the Office of Elections to inform voters and candidates, by a method suited for the voting system, that the names of candidates may not be in alphabetical order.
RELATING TO ALGORITHMIC DISCRIMINATION. Prohibits users of algorithmic decision-making from utilizing algorithmic eligibility determinations in a discriminatory manner. Requires users of algorithmic decision-making to send corresponding notices to individuals whose personal information is used. Requires users of algorithmic decision-making to submit annual reports to the Department of the Attorney General. Provides for appropriate means of civil enforcement.
RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER. Appropriates moneys for 4.0 FTE deputy public defender positions within the Office of the Public Defender (BUF151) and requires that one of the positions be assigned to the family court section.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires the Office of Elections to file an application with Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc. (ERIC), by 1/1/2025, for the State to be admitted as a member of the organization. Requires the Office of Elections to share with each county the information and services made available by ERIC pursuant to the State's membership agreement with the organization. Requires the Office of Elections and each county office that administers elections to use information and services made available by ERIC to verify their respective voter registration rolls. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO PUBLIC RECORDS. Imposes a cap on costs charged to reproduce certain government records. Waives reproduction costs charged for the first one hundred pages if disclosure serves the public interest. Waives costs charged to duplicate certain government records in an electronic format. Imposes a cap on costs charged to search for, review, and segregate records. Provides for a waiver of fees when a record's disclosure serves the public interest.
RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. Requires law enforcement agencies and the Law Enforcement Standards Board to consult the National Decertification Index and ensure reporting of officer misconduct to the Index. Requires reporting of certain domestic violence records to the National Decertification Index, notwithstanding any contrary law or court order. Provides that a law enforcement officer's conviction for promoting a detrimental drug in the third degree under section 712-1249, HRS, or any similar drug-related offense shall not serve as the sole reason to deny certification or employment to the officer.
RELATING TO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. Exempts unemployment compensation from state personal income tax beginning in the 2023 tax year. Increases the maximum weekly benefit a person may receive in unemployment compensation beginning on 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO WATER CATCHMENT. Creates a refundable water catchment income tax credit for a homeowner who installs, places in service, or maintains a water catchment system meeting certain requirements on residential property in the State owned by the homeowner.
RELATING TO TEACHERS. Increases the bonus for teachers who achieve and maintain a current national board certification from $5,000 to $15,000. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO CAMPUS SAFETY. Requires all existing university of Hawaii employees to be provided training on federal laws and UH policies regarding sex discrimination and sexual misconduct by December 31, 2024. Appropriates funds out of the general revenues of the state, rather than the university of Hawaii tuition and fees special fund, for fiscal year 2024-2025 for operating expenses and to establish positions.
RELATING TO FIRE ALARMS. Requires the DOE to submit an annual report to the legislature on the installation, repair, and maintenance of fire alarm systems in Hawaii's public schools. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS. Establishes a pilot program to place resource officers in West Oahu schools. Appropriation. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO OPPORTUNITY ZONES. Permanently excludes businesses within a federally designated opportunity zone from required unemployment insurance contributions and temporarily excludes those businesses from general excise and income tax for five years.
RELATING TO HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS. Provides that within lands under Department of Hawaiian Home Lands jurisdiction, the Department shall have the nonexclusive authority to enforce state statutes and rules and county ordinances and rules in the same manner as state sheriffs and county police officers.
RELATING TO PASS-THROUGH ENTITY TAXATION. Reduces the pass-through entity level tax rate and allows the nonrefundable tax credit to be carried forward to subsequent years.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Authorizes the Department of Transportation to allow helicopter operations during daylight hours at Kapalua airport.
RELATING TO FLOODING. Appropriates moneys to each county to mitigate flood risks on privately owned roads. Provides that the appropriation or expenditure of moneys shall not be construed to establish a duty of care or grounds for liability for the State or counties. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO PEDESTRIANS. Authorizes pedestrians to act contrary to the statewide traffic code when a reasonably careful pedestrian would determine that there is no immediate danger of a collision with a moving vehicle.
RELATING TO INSURANCE. For policies, contracts, plans, agreements, and plan contracts issued or renewed after 12/31/2024, requires the insurers, mutual benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for standard fertility preservation services.
RELATING TO STATE ENTERPRISE ZONES. Expands the scope of state enterprise law by amending the definition of "eligible business activity" to include the private practice of medicine.
RELATING TO A PROBATION COMPLIANCE CREDITS PROGRAM. Requires the Judiciary to establish a compliance credits pilot program for probationers that comply with their conditions of supervision.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL LAND TRANSFER. Requires the conveyance of a certain parcel of land from the department of education to the county of Kauai. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Imposes conveyance tax on the transfer of a controlling interest of an entity with an interest in real property. Stipulates that the imposition of the conveyance tax on transfers of entity ownership shall not apply to any transfer of interest or acquisition between entities wholly owned by the same common ownership that results in no change in the beneficial ownership. Imposes the conveyance tax on certain transfers of real property at the lowest tax rate.
RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY. Requires contested cases or environmental impact statement cases involving renewable energy, except cases involving incineration, to be appealed from an agency's decision directly to the Hawaii Supreme Court for final decision. Requires the cases to be prioritized and decided expeditiously.
RELATING TO URBAN DEVELOPMENT. Part II: Prohibits county zoning ordinances from not allowing four or more residential units per residential lot within an urban district. Requires the counties to allow for attached and detached additional units or accessory dwelling units but authorizes the counties to impose certain restrictions. Part III: Provides that a parcel zoned for residential use that is in the state urban land use district shall not be prohibited from being subdivided, consolidated, or resubdivided under certain conditions. Part IV: Requires the counties to consider the square footage of a development when determining the development's proportionate share of public facility capital improvement costs. Permits the appropriate board of water supply to calculate impact fees based on total number of fixtures when the public facility impacted is a water or sewage facility. Effective 1/1/2026.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Requires the school facilities authority to work with the Department of Education to prioritize projects for the construction of educator workforce housing that will house teachers and other staff of the Department. Requires the School Facilities Authority to include in its annual report to the Governor, Board of Education, and Legislature the actions the Authority will take within the next year, three years, and five years toward increasing educator workforce housing. Requires the Department of Education to collaborate with the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Maui County, Kauai County, and other appropriate state departments and agencies to submit a preliminary report to the Legislature on the status of lands designated to be transferred to the Department of Education pursuant to Act 307, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Requires the counties to adopt an ordinance allowing licensed architects and professional engineers to self-certify that plans accompanying a building permit application are in compliance with all applicable state and county building codes.
RELATING TO CONTRACTORS. Removes the leasing restriction on owner-builders who obtain an owner-builder exemption to act as their own general contractor.
RELATING TO THE COUNTIES. Prohibits the counties from levying minimum real property taxes upon property that would be greater than the real property tax levied under the county's standard tax rate for the property.
RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION. Limits to six years the period of time to commence an action to recover damages based on construction to improve real property.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Authorizes the use of electronic mail to deliver certain documents when purchasing a condominium.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW. Clarifies that with controverted claims, an injured employee's private health care plan must by default pay or provide medical care, services, and supplies pending acceptance of the claim or determination of compensability and may seek reimbursement from the employer if accepted or compensable. Establishes a penalty.
RELATING TO COUNTY LABOR STANDARDS. Authorizes the counties to adopt labor standards.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII EMPLOYER-UNION HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND BASE COMPOSITE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION. Provides that effective 1/1/2026, the employer base composite monthly contribution will be based on the change in medicare part B premiums from 2024 to 2025 and at a two-year lag thereafter. Sets the employer base composite monthly contribution effective 1/1/2025 at 5.2 per cent, which equals the ten-year annualized growth rate, of the 2024 employer base composite monthly contribution.
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Requires the employer to initiate negotiations on repricing of classes within a bargaining unit within thirty days of its receipt of the exclusive representative's written request to negotiate. Establishes that the employer's failure to initiate the negotiation within such time frame and the parties' failure to reach an agreement within ninety days of the exclusive representative's written request to negotiate or by January 31 of a year in which the collective bargaining agreement is due to expire, whichever is earlier, constitute an impasse to which the impasse procedures in section 89-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall apply.
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Allows the exclusive representative to negotiate benefits of the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund. Allows disputes relating to benefits of, and amounts of contributions to, the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund to be resolved by arbitration.
RELATING TO GENERAL EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION. Allows an employee or the exclusive representative, if applicable, to file a complaint with the Hawaii Labor Relations Board if the employer fails to comply with section 78-64, Hawaii Revised Statutes, relating to general employee orientation.
RELATING TO INDEBTEDNESS. Shortens the time within which a disbursing officer must notify an employee of indebtedness to the government resulting from salary or wage overpayment. Amends the criteria for an actionable cause of action. Amends the amount a disbursing officer shall deduct to begin immediate recovery of indebtedness.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. For members of the Employees' Retirement System hired after July 1, 2012, includes overtime in the definition of compensation when an employee has been directed by their supervisor or an appropriate authority to work more than their normal hours of service to perform specific duties and tasks related to an active emergency proclamation.
RELATING TO STATE POSITION VACANCIES. Requires the Department of Human Resources Development to submit an annual report to the Legislature on vacancies in the state executive branch. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO HUMAN RESOURCES. Requires and appropriates funds for the state auditor to examine the feasibility of requiring certain human resources job classifications to be certified in human resources.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Requires boards of directors of condominium associations to deposit at least ten per cent of all revenues for each fiscal year, except for estimated replacement reserve assessments, into the total replacement reserves fund of the association. Requires the Real Estate Commission to enforce the minimum deposit requirement and allows unit owners to file complaints with the Commission. Holds board members who fail to comply with the minimum deposit requirement personally liable and subject to a fine.
RELATING TO SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY. Establishes licensure requirements for school psychologists to be administered by the board of psychology. Requires all school psychologists to be licensed by 7/1/2026. Increases the composition of the board of psychology to include two school psychologists.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes a nationally certified school psychologist incentive program. Appropriates funds for the incentive program.
RELATING TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Requires the board of education to invite the exclusive representative for bargaining unit (5) (teachers and other personnel of the department of education) to appoint a nonvoting public school teacher representative to the board and the exclusive representative for bargaining unit (6) (educational officers) to appoint a nonvoting public school administrator representative to the board.
RELATING TO THE SAFETY OF EDUCATIONAL WORKERS. Requires the Department of Education to take certain steps to report incidents of harassment and implement procedures for handling harassment of educational workers. Creates the offense of harassment of an educational worker.
RELATING TO TAX CREDITS. Establishes a state income tax credit for qualified expenses incurred by certain individuals employed by the Department of Education, Hawaii state public library system, or as part of a head start program in a school.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement negotiated for Bargaining Unit (5), provides annual salary step increases for public school teachers and educational officers who have completed a year's satisfactory service and comply with specified requirements.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes the qualified internship grant program within the Department of Education to provide grants to businesses and organizations that employ qualified interns participating in work-based learning through a qualified internship program. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Requires the DOE to work with the BOE to create a public digital platform by the 2025-2026 school year that shows how schools are adopting high-quality instructional materials for K-6 English language arts.
RELATING TO SCHOOL BUS SERVICES. Appropriates funds to the Department of Education to assist individuals in obtaining a commercial driver's license for the purpose of becoming school bus drivers.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Requires all public schools to implement universal screenings for students in kindergarten through third grade to identify and support students who are at risk of dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Requires the department of labor and industrial relations to establish and administer a family leave insurance program. Provides family leave insurance benefits and extends the period of family leave to 16 weeks for businesses that employ one or more employees who meet the hourly qualifications. Eliminates the previous threshold of 100 employees for employers to be subject to the family leave law. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO PAID SICK LEAVE. Requires certain employers to provide a minimum amount of paid sick leave to employees to be used to care for themselves or a family member who is ill or needs medical care and supplemental paid sick leave to employees under certain public health emergency conditions.
RELATING TO CAPITAL GAINS. Taxes capital gains income at the same rate as ordinary income.
RELATING TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Expands eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to include any individual or household whose monthly income is equal to or less than three hundred per cent of the federal poverty level. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO A CHILD TAX CREDIT. Establishes a refundable child tax credit. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2024.
RELATING TO EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS. Expands eligibility for, and automates, the expungement of conviction records if certain criteria are met. Beginning 12/1/2026, requires the Attorney General to issue automatic expungement orders and the Judiciary to seal or remove information from publicly accessible databases.
RELATING TO PUBLIC CORRUPTION. Increases the penalties for bribery offenses under certain circumstances.
RELATING TO WARNING SIRENS. Requires the Hawaii emergency management agency to prepare and develop a plan to upgrade all-hazard warning sirens to be capable of transmitting voice instructions and directions and capable of voice activation.
RELATING TO SMOKING. Requires the department of health to establish designated smoking areas on public sidewalks by 12/31/2024. Beginning 1/1/2025, prohibits smoking on public sidewalks unless within a designated smoking area.
RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL AND VOCATIONAL LICENSING. Requires a licensing authority to deny or suspend, or refuse to renew, reinstate, or restore, any license if the licensee or applicant is found to have been involved with unlawful fentanyl dealings.
RELATING TO PRIVACY. Establishes provisions allowing for consumers to request data brokers that maintain their personal information to delete any personal information related to the consumer.
RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Except under certain circumstances, makes it unlawful for a person to possess, purchase, deliver, sell, or intend to sell an encapsulating machine or tabulating machine when the person knows, or reasonably should know, that the machine will be used to manufacture, compound, convert, produce, prepare, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance.
RELATING TO MOBILE CLINICS. Appropriates funds to the department of human services to purchase, staff, and operate mobile treatment clinics that provide services throughout the night.
RELATING TO ANIMAL ENDANGERMENT. Prohibits intentionally leaving or confining pet animals in a vehicle under conditions that endanger their health, safety, or well-being. Permits law enforcement officers, animal control officers, and firefighters to enter an unattended vehicle to protect the health, safety, or well-being of a pet animal that is endangered by being left or confined in an unattended vehicle. Allows private citizens to rescue a pet animal that has been left in an unattended vehicle under certain circumstances.
RELATING TO INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Removes the regulation of dancing on licensee premises from the jurisdiction of liquor commissions. Repeals the grant of police powers upon liquor commission investigators. Repeals a category for dispenser licenses in which employees sit with patrons. Repeals the prohibition on the issuance of cabaret licenses in certain areas. Limits the prohibition on the issuance of licenses to persons convicted of a felony to when the felony was committed within the preceding ten years. Repeals the condition for standard bars to provide music and dancing only if the business is located in a commercial district and obtains a temporary approval. Repeals language punishing obstruction of liquor investigators and authorizing investigators to forcibly enter licensee premises. Repeals the general right to inspection by liquor investigators.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Requires employers to be liable for medical care, services, and supplies when a worker's compensation claim filed by a solid waste worker suffering from cancer is accepted.
RELATING TO CAMPAIGN FINANCE. Authorizes candidates and their candidate committees to donate residual campaign funds to the general fund of the State or to the real property tax general fund of any county of the State.
RELATING TO THE GENERAL EXCISE TAX. Beginning 1/1/2025, exempts medical services provided by physicians and advanced practice registered nurses acting in the capacity of a primary care provider from the general excise tax.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Appropriate funds to the University of Hawaii to fulfill the requirements of Act 141, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII TUITION AND FEES SPECIAL FUND. Specifies conditions for exemptions for the University of Hawaii from sections 87A-39(a) and 88-125(a), HRS. Amends the formulation of general fund budget appropriation in proportion to the amount of regular tuition and related fee revenues estimated for the respective fiscal year.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Designates all University of Hawaii system campuses as voter registration agencies as defined in the National Voter Registration Act. Requires the Chief Election Officer to use data concerning voter registration and election participation to study voter registration, absentee voting, and provisional voting trends by age, race, and class to improve youth voter registration and election participation. Allows student identification cards issued by the University of Hawaii system to be used to register to vote. Designates all University of Hawaii campuses as voter service centers.
RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. Requires all telecommunications service providers to communicate relevant information relating to the deenergization of electrical lines to public safety or emergency response offices for the affected areas. Requires all electric utility companies to operate electrical lines and equipment in a manner that shall minimize the risk of catastrophic wildfire posed by the electrical lines and equipment. Requires each electric utility company to prepare a wildfire mitigation plan and protocols for deenergizing electrical lines.
RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to direct each electric and gas utility company in the State to file proposals for programs to provide certain benefits to residential property owners in fire-prone areas to reduce or eliminate the impacts of wildfires on residential properties or to purchase emergency equipment or supplies for use in deenergization events.
RELATING TO MOTOR CARRIERS. Repeals the regulation of motor carriers by the Public Utilities Commission. Makes conforming amendments.
RELATING TO PET SALES. Beginning January 1, 2025, establishes provisions relating to retail pet sales. Authorizes retail pet stores to showcase pet animals owned by a nonprofit animal welfare organization.
RELATING TO THE LANDLORD-TENANT CODE. Clarifies the rights and duties of landlords and tenants in the State.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE THIRTY-FIRST REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the thirty-first representative district.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Authorizes the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation to temporarily re-establish the Hawaii Office of Naval Research Grant Program to provide 50 per cent matching grants to Hawaii awardees of alternative energy research grants from the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Naval Research. Establishes the Alternative Energy Research and Development Revolving Fund. Appropriates moneys into and out of the revolving fund. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Requires that the charges for chiropractic treatments for personal injury protection benefits under motor vehicle insurance be tied to the charges, and any subsequent increases in charges, permissible under the workers' compensation supplemental medical fee schedule.
RELATING TO ENERGY RESILIENCY. Requires retail crediting for energy exports enrolled in grid services programs, whereby energy exported to the electrical grid past a participating customer-generator's point of common coupling from photovoltaic solar systems paired with battery storage as part of a utility-controlled grid service program would be credited at the full retail rate of electricity for the relevant time period.
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Requires the Department of Health to conduct a statewide needs assessment to determine what would be needed to transition to a more circular system with less waste generation, more reuse, and an extended producer responsibility program for packaging materials and paper products. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO PARROTFISH. Amends conservation and resources law to prohibit: (1) Commercial sales of parrotfish that have been caught by spearing; and (2) The spearing of parrotfish in state waters after sunset or before sunrise.
RELATING TO SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS FOR ELECTRIC PUBLIC UTILITIES. Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds for Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and its subsidiaries Maui Electric Company and Hawaii Electric Light Company for multi-project capital improvement programs.
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Requires individual wastewater systems that are near the shoreline, or likely to pollute groundwater, to include denitrification capacity.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Allows condominiums to be eligible for commercial property assessed financing.
RELATING TO ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES. Requires the Department of Health to establish and administer an electronic smoking device disposal program for the collection and disposal of electronic smoking devices that contain rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Requires all retail tobacco stores that sell electronic smoking devices to participate in the program or be subjected to a fine.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Short form bill relating to health.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Short form bill relating to homelessness.
RELATING TO ADULT MENTAL HEALTH. Short form bill relating to adult mental health.
RELATING TO CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH. Short form bill relating to child and adolescent mental health.
RELATING TO HOME BIRTHS. Short form bill relating to home births.
RELATING TO GENERAL EXCISE TAX. Exempts food and medical services from the general excise tax.
RELATING TO INCOME TAX. Eliminates state income tax.
RELATING TO THE INDIVIDUAL HOUSING ACCOUNT PROGRAM. Updates the Individual Housing Account statute to more accurately reflect the current cost of housing down-payments.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Reduces zoning restrictions for affordable housing development.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE III, SECTION 4, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO ESTABLISH TERM LIMITS FOR LEGISLATORS. Proposes a constitutional amendment to limit the terms of members of the legislature to a maximum of twelve years in the house of representatives or senate, or both, for terms beginning on or after the general election of 2024, with a grandfather clause for those already in office.
RELATING TO ELECTION INTEGRITY. Amends provisions in Chapter 11 to improve the integrity and accuracy of voter rolls, ballot security, increases the number of voter service centers, and requires ballots be sent by mail only upon voter request.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY POWERS. Clarifies that emergency powers must comply with the Constitution and the needs of the circumstances. Specifies parameters for when a state of emergency is terminated and how proclamations may be extended. Requires a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature for a proclamation extension.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY. Requires the Legislative Reference Bureau to conduct a study comparing other state's financial databases with Hawaii's current systems to assess the feasibility of adopting a single, more transparent and efficient statewide system. Appropriates funds exceeding the expenditure ceiling.
RELATING TO INCOME TAX CREDITS. Amends the amount of total income tax credits available. Provides the State with alternative marketing opportunities in lieu of a shared-card, end-title screen credit.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes a K-12 curriculum-to-career pipeline initiative. Appropriates funds to develop and implement the program. Declares the general fund expenditure ceiling exceeded.
RELATING TO OFFICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Establishes the office of entrepreneurship. Creates a program in partnership with the Hawaii film and creative industries development special fund. Declares the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded.
RELATING TO LEASES. Requires leases used in the conveyance of available lands as
RELATING TO HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS. Allows designation of eligible homestead lots as enterprise zones for a period of twenty years. Provides state and local incentives to qualified businesses on homestead lots.
RELATING TO PUBLIC LAND TRUST REVENUES. Requires that all moneys in the pro rata portion of the Public Land Trust be transferred to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Establishes a paid family leave program for state and county employees. Authorizes a qualifying employee to take up to twelve weeks of paid leave for the birth or placement of a child or to care for a family member who has a serious health condition.
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE X, SECTION 2 AND ARTICLE XVIII, SECTION 12, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO ESTABLISH LOCAL ELECTED SCHOOL BOARDS. Proposes a constitutional amendment that would establish local school boards throughout the State to be elected from at least 7 school districts as provided by law and to serve no more than twelve years as a member.
RELATING TO PARENTAL RIGHTS. Establishes the Ohana Bill of Rights for parents and legal guardians of minor children to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of their minor child.
RELATING TO THEFT. Creates the offense of organized retail theft. Provides penalties for organized retail theft. Creates an organized retail theft task force.
RELATING TO USE OF FORCE IN SELF-PROTECTION. Clarifies when the use of deadly force is not justified.
RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH. Amends the definition of "dangerous to self". Defines the terms "gravely disabled" and "psychiatric deterioration". Broadens the term of "imminently dangerous to self and others". Increases the maximum period of emergency hospitalization.
RELATING TO DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. Requires birthing facilities to screen newborns for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and to report data to the Department of Health. Provides a screening exemption when parents or guardians object on religious grounds.
RELATING TO MEDICAL SERVICES FOR FIREFIGHTERS. Provides cancer screening for full-time state firefighters every three years to cover twelve types of cancer. Appropriates funds exceeding the ceiling.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES. Requires the Med-QUEST Division of the Department of Human Services to adopt rules authorizing reimbursements for remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Prohibits the imposition of cost-sharing requirements for certain diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations.
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES II, III, AND XVII OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO PROVIDE FOR INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM, AND RECALL. Adds new sections to the Hawaii Constitution. Allows for amendments by initiative to prevail and reserves the powers of initiative and referendum to the people. Specifies a procedure for recall of elected officials and appointed justices and judges.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Exempts the sale of precious metal bullion from the general excise tax.
RELATING TO MEDICAL LIABILITY. Ensures that any mandated medical products are subject to standard liability.
RELATING TO MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS. Standardizes medical exemptions from vaccination and immunization requirements. Allows one medical exemption form to remain valid.
RELATING TO GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN SEXUALITY HEALTH EDUCATION CURRICULUM. Requires that student health and sexuality health education programs include discussion of fetal growth and development. Outlines specific content to be included.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUM INSURANCE. Establishes tax credits for insurers providing full property coverage to owners and associations of condominiums in the amount equal to twenty per cent of the insurance premium. Provides additional ten per cent tax credits to insurers incorporated in the State.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Adjusts annually for tax years beginning on or after 1/1/2025, the income tax brackets, personal exemption amounts, standard deduction amounts, and the overall limitation on itemized deductions by a cost-of-living adjustment factor linked to the Urban Hawaii Consumer Price Index.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Establishes the accessory dwelling unit housing development program with the Hawaii Community Development Authority to award subsidies to individuals who build accessory dwelling units on an island with a population of more than 150,000, but less than 175,000. Exempts those accessory dwelling units from general excise tax for the first 4 years of rental. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS. Provides that within lands under Department of Hawaiian Home Lands jurisdiction, no down payment shall be required for any mortgage.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes an income tax credit for employers to hire state residents who have been living, working, or studying on the mainland for three or more years and agree to return to Hawaii.
RELATING TO REGISTERED VOTERS. Requires county clerks to update the general register of voters according to death certificates and other disqualifying records upon receipt from department of health or another informing agency.
RELATING TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Requires any campaign advertisement that contains any image, video footage, or audio recording that is created with the use of generative artificial intelligence to include a disclosure statement regarding the use of that technology. Subjects violators to administrative fines.
RELATING TO OFFENDER REENTRY PROGRAMS. Expands programming and training for the comprehensive offender re-entry program under the department of corrections and rehabilitation to reduce the rate of recidivism and increase inmate marketability. Appropriates funds exceeding the ceiling.
RELATING TO MAUI WILDFIRE VICTIMS. Establishes a program to provide no interest and no fee loans for down payments to Maui wildfire victims who lost their homes in the wildfire. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the State general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Provides for a sentence of death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole upon conviction for sex trafficking of a minor. Requires separate sentencing proceedings after conviction before a jury.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Directs the Department of Taxation, in consultation with the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, to study the feasibility of replacing the income and general excise taxes with a new retail sales tax or other tax. Requires the Department of Taxation to submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including proposed implementing legislation, to the Legislature prior to the 2025 Regular Session.
RELATING TO PRODUCT LABELING. Establishes labeling requirements for products that were developed or tested using human cells.
RELATING TO SEX-SPECIFIC STUDENT ATHLETIC TEAMS. Creates the requirement that the Department of Education designate sex‑specific teams for the purpose of gender equality in school sports.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HAWAII CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OR DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL IN THE STATE WITHOUT PRIOR LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL. Repeals the provision of the state constitution that prohibits the construction of nuclear fission power plants unless approved by a two-thirds vote in each house of the Legislature.
RELATING TO MARRIAGE. Raises the minimum age for marriage from 16 to 18 years of age. Allows a person to marry at 17 years of age with the written consent of the person's parent, guardian, or a family court judge.
RELATING TO REGULATION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS. Requires that if a broker-dealer is subject to a more restrictive standard than under the federal Regulation Best Interest standard, the more restrictive standard shall apply. Allows certain investment advisor representatives to use other continuing education hours to satisfy continuing education requirements.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION TO CLARIFY LEGISLATIVE VOTING PROCEDURES. Proposes an amendment to article III of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii to clarify that a legislator who is present to vote on any bill, resolution, confirmation of an appointment, or adoption of a report of a committee, whether in a floor session or in committee, shall vote either "aye" or "no" on the matter, unless the member is recused. Prohibits the practice of voting "aye with reservations".
RELATING TO HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS. Establishes an ombudsman's office for homeowner associations within the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Establishes an ombudsman's office special fund. Requires board members of condominium associations, cooperative housing corporations, and planned community associations to meet certain educational requirements through classes offered by the ombudsman. Updates statutes relating to condominium associations, cooperative housing corporations, and planned community associations to integrate the role and functions of the ombudsman's office for homeowner associations. Appropriates funds for establishment of the ombudsman's office. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO HOME-SCHOOLED CHILDREN. Allows a home-schooled child to become a member of the sports teams of the public school that the child would otherwise be required to attend.
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Mandates that any qualified applicant shall be granted a license to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition unconcealed on the applicant's person.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Authorizes condominiums to invest funds in excess of their estimated replacement reserves into medium grade or high grade obligations, as specified by the Securities Valuation Office.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Restores in-person voting at polling places as the principal method of voting in this State. Repeals the establishment of voter service centers.
RELATING TO RANKED CHOICE VOTING. Prohibits the use of ranked choice voting for any election. Repeals the provision allowing for ranked choice voting for certain positions and circumstances.
RELATING TO TRANSPARENCY OF ELECTIONS. Requires election information to be publicly available either through website access or public records request.
RELATING TO ELECTION INTEGRITY. Requires that ballot signatures be verified by employees in the presence of at least two official observers.
RELATING TO MANDATORY RECOUNT OF VOTES. Lowers the threshold for a mandatory recount of votes. Requires that a recount be conducted in a different method than the original vote.
RELATING TO ELECTION BALLOTS. Requires that post-election pre-certification audits rely on physical ballots.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. Short form bill relating to the state budget.
RELATING TO STATE PROGRAMS. Short form bill relating to state programs.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT SERVICES. Clarifies the office of the legislative analyst.
RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. Clarifies that plan review of electrical, plumbing, and building plans, is considered lawful experience in engineering work.
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Requires cesspools attached to or used by housing or lodging that provides transient accommodations to be upgraded, converted, or connected to a sewerage system before 1/1/2030.
RELATING TO STATE FINANCES. Allows HHFDC or a county to establish a bond recycling program authorized by federal law. Allows HHFDC or a county to secure a line of credit or other instrument of indebtedness for the bond recycling program. Allows the Department of Budget and Finance and HHFDC to enter into an agreement with a county for bond recycling. Requires a county or issuer to submit a report to the Department of Budget and Finance and HHFDC on the status or use of its portion of the volume cap that is being recycled. Requires a reserve to be maintained for the unsecured portion of debt incurred for the bond recycling program and establishes a reserve for HHFDC as a subaccount of the rental housing revolving fund.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Authorizes HHFDC to issue bonds for housing project infrastructure and finance the development of regional state infrastructure projects. Exempts bonds issued by HHFDC for improvements by assessments, and the interest thereon, from state, county, and municipal taxation, with certain exceptions. Includes proceeds from bonds issued for regional state infrastructure projects as a source of revenue for regional state infrastructure subaccounts. Authorizes regional state infrastructure subaccount revenues to be used to repay regional state infrastructure project bond holders.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Requires any government agency that exercises its authority to develop low- or moderate- income housing projects to process any low- or moderate-income housing project that meets the development requirements of chapter 201H, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and applicable administrative rules.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Amends the priority for which moneys in the Rental Housing Revolving Fund are to be used. Requires the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation to: (1) prioritize the allocation of low-income housing tax credits to certain projects and (2) adopt administrative rules regarding the awarding of: (A) points when evaluating and ranking low-income housing tax credit applications and (B) Rental Housing Revolving Fund moneys to certain housing projects.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Amends the priority for which moneys in the Rental Housing Revolving Fund are to be used.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Requires certain projects meeting the criteria of section 201H-38(a)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to be exclusively for sale or rent to occupants who are Hawaii residents who own no other real property.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Prohibits the distribution of electioneering communications before an election that a person knows or should have known are deceptive and fraudulent deepfakes of a candidate or party.
RELATING TO SCHOOL BUS SERVICES. Authorizes the use of motorcoaches, small buses, and vans for school bus services if certain conditions are met.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Requires the department of labor and industrial relations to establish and administer a family leave insurance program. Provides family leave insurance benefits and extends the period of family leave to 16 weeks for businesses that employ one or more employees who meet the hourly qualifications. Eliminates the previous threshold of 100 employees for employers to be subject to the family leave law. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a refundable tax credit for nonpaid family caregivers. Requires the Department of Taxation to report to the Legislature before the convening of each Regular Session.
RELATING TO SOCIAL SERVICES. Increases the monthly needs allowance from $50 to $75. Clarifies that the needs allowance is not intended to replace or affect funds received from the federal supplemental security income program. Requires certain long-term care facility operators to pay for generic toiletries, linens, and meals and snacks. Requires the department of human services to perform an annual review of the needs allowance. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE HAWAI'I HEALTH AGING PARTNERSHIP. Appropriates funds to the Executive Office on Aging of the Department of Health for the Hawaii Healthy Aging Partnership. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded.
RELATING TO FALL PREVENTION. Appropriates funds to support the Department of Health's Senior Fall Prevention Campaign. Declares the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded.
RELATING TO DEMENTIA. Requires the law enforcement standards board to develop training materials related to the recognition and signs of Alzheimer's disease and related types of dementia. Requires law enforcement officers to review training materials for at least 1 hour per year.
RELATING TO MISSING PERSONS. Establishes a silver alert program within the Department of Law Enforcement to help locate and safeguard missing persons who are sixty-five years of age or older, cognitively impaired, or developmentally disabled. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, requires the Department of Education to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students enrolled in department schools. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE HOUSEHOLD AND DEPENDENT CARE SERVICES TAX CREDIT. Increases a taxpayer's applicable percentage of employment-related expenses that may be claimed for the household and dependent care services tax credit for five years.
RELATING TO DENTAL HYGIENISTS. Authorizes dental hygienists who are under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist to perform preventive dental sealant screenings and apply dental sealants on certain individuals in a school-based oral health program.
RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Prohibits the sale of flavored tobacco products and mislabeled e-liquid products that contain nicotine. Repeals language making the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices a statewide concern and preempting county ordinances and regulations. Effective 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Establishes a three-year summer tuition pilot program to provide funding to UH community colleges to offset the costs aligning the resident tuition rates for the summer semester with the resident tuition rates for the spring and fall semesters at the community colleges. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO WORLD PEACE DAY. Designates World Peace Day as a state holiday in place of Good Friday.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Establishes the Panaewa community development district to allow for planning, development, and maintenance of public lands in Panaewa, Hawaii. Amends membership of the Hawaii community development authority to include representatives of the Panaewa community development district.
RELATING TO HEMP. Makes a conforming amendment to allow the Department of Health, or its designee, to conduct criminal history record checks on applicants for hemp processor permits.
RELATING TO IDENTIFICATION CARDS. Authorizes and establishes a regulatory framework for the issuance, use, and acceptance of electronic credentials.
RELATING TO TAXATION. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023, temporarily reinstates the Technology Infrastructure Renovation Tax Credit and expands the definition of "technology-enabled infrastructure" to include data servers.
RELATING TO UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. Allows striking workers to be eligible for unemployment benefits.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Provides protections for clerks, election officials, and election workers from harassment, threats, abuse, and assault in the performance of their official duties. Prohibits the sharing of personal information of clerks, election officials, and election workers for the purposes of harassment, threats, abuse, and assault. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO BEACH PROTECTION AND COASTAL ACCESS. Amends the beach protection policy of the coastal zone management program to recognize that unauthorized structures, materials, armoring, or hardening structures, including seawalls and revetments, sandbags, geotextile fabrics, and sand burritos, placed in the shoreline are a nuisance per se. Strengthens state and county abatement and cost recovery authority of, and allows citizen suits for, this type of nuisance.
RELATING TO THE TAX CREDIT FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. Adds a cap for the amount of tax credits for research activities that an eligible taxpayer and the taxpayer's related entities may receive per taxable year. Consolidates the survey and certification requirements for tax credits for research activities. Amends the annual aggregate cap on tax credits for research activities that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism may certify. Requires certification of the tax credits for research activities on a first-come, first-served basis to be based on the date that a complete application is received, subject to certain conditions. Extends from 12/31/2024 to 12/31/2029, the sunset date for tax credits for research activities.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Requires the Department of Transportation to identify any roadways other than Makakilo Drive that may be used as emergency egress routes in Makakilo. Requires the Department of Transportation to plan for, design, and construct an emergency egress route in Makakilo under certain circumstances. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO DISABLED VETERANS. Exempts qualified disabled veterans from various annual motor vehicle fees and taxes, including vehicle weight taxes and beautification fees.
RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT. Requires certain employers in the State to offer reproductive loss leave for employees.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year, requires each public, private, and charter school in the State to establish a program within the health education curriculum for high school students to provide instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Specifies instruction requirements. Waives liability for instruction under certain circumstances.
RELATING TO HOSPITALS. Directs the Department of Health to include in its rules addressing hospital licensure a requirement that each hospital holding a license from the Department of Health have security personnel in certain locations at all times.
RELATING TO THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE. Requires that each Department of Education public school student earn 2 credits in Hawaiian language as a graduation requirement.
RELATING TO COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Establishes a working group within the University of Hawaii to evaluate possibilities for making community college free for Hawaii residents.
RELATING TO CLIMATE RESILIENCE. Requires the Hawaii clean energy initiative program to design and implement a plan to increase jobs that strengthen emergency preparedness and climate resilience. Authorizes the use of the energy security special fund to advance the State's goals of strengthening emergency preparedness and climate mitigation.
RELATING TO STUDENT TRANSPORTATION. Appropriates funds to the Department of Education to strengthen student transportation services for Hawaii's public school system.
RELATING TO MINIMUM WAGE. Beginning September 30, 2028, requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to annually calculate an adjusted minimum wage rate to within the nearest twenty-five cents using the Urban Hawaii Consumer Price index to take effect on January 1 of the following year.
RELATING TO PREFERRED NAMES. Requires the Department of Education to implement a process to allow students to use preferred names to strengthen inclusivity in public schools.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. Adjusts and requests appropriations for fiscal biennium 2023-2025 funding requirements for operations and capital improvement projects of Executive Branch agencies and programs.
RELATING TO STATE BONDS. Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds. Makes findings required by Article VII, Section 13, of the Hawaii State Constitution to declare that the issuance of authorized bonds will not cause the debt limit to be exceeded.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII REVENUE BONDS. Authorizes the board of regents of the university of Hawaii to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of financing capital improvement projects.
RELATING TO PASS-THROUGH ENTITY TAXATION. Reduces the pass-through entity level tax rate and allows the tax credit to be carried forward to subsequent years.
RELATING TO TAX CREDITS. Requires that income tax credits established or renewed after 12/31/2024 include a five-year sunset or an annual one-third reduction, beginning with the sixth year of the credit.
RELATING TO THE PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT UNDER PROTEST LAWSUITS. Allows for the interest earned on payments under protest in the litigated claims fund to be paid in nontaxation cases if the claimant prevails. Establishes a procedure for the disposition of moneys and refiling of actions when a payment under protest suit is filed prematurely.
RELATING TO THE PROCEDURE FOR TAX APPEALS. Removes language specifying that an appeal from the Tax Appeal Court be filed with the Tax Appeal Court. Allows an appeal from the Tax Appeal Court to be filed within thirty days of entry of a final judgment.
RELATING TO THE WORKS OF ART SPECIAL FUND. Repeals capital improvement appropriations for renovations of state buildings as a source of funds for the works of art special fund.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Expands the counties' authorization to exercise the same powers as the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation for purposes of developing, constructing, financing, refinancing, or providing mixed-income projects and mixed-use developments. Authorizes units in low- and moderate-income housing projects to be made available to households with higher incomes if there is an insufficient number of persons or families who meet income qualifying requirements. Applies to bond proceeds expended by a county after 12/31/23.
RELATING TO OCEAN RECREATION COMMERCIAL PERMITS. Requires that any newly established ocean recreation management area include the same or greater number of commercial use permits as the number of permits applicable to the area before the establishment of the ocean recreation management area.
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Prohibits a person from selling ammunition to a person under the age of twenty-one. Prohibits a person under the age of twenty-one from owning, possessing, or controlling ammunition.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. Renames the Department of Law Enforcement to the "Department of the State Sheriff". Renames the Director of Law Enforcement to "State Sheriff" and deputy directors to "undersheriffs". Establishes an assistant position to be designated by the State Sheriff.
RELATING TO CORRECTIONS. Restricts the use of solitary confinement in state-operated and state-contracted correctional facilities, with certain specified exceptions. Prohibits the use of solitary confinement and requires the use of appropriate alternatives for committed persons who are members of a vulnerable population. Requires the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to develop written policies and procedures regarding solitary confinement by 7/1/2025. Requires the Department to develop policies and procedures to review committed persons placed in solitary confinement and develop a plan for committed persons currently in solitary confinement by 4/1/2025. Requires a report to the Legislature. Effective 7/1/2025.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL LANDS. Requires a property owner of agricultural land to obtain a special permit from the respective county prior to conducting public and private open area types of recreational use.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Requires the Legislative Reference Bureau to conduct a study on how certain other states approach the following subjects as they relate to condominiums: an ombudsman, licenses for management, alternate dispute resolution, governmental regulation, owner education, and owner access to documents. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO THE AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Includes agritourism in the definition of "enterprise" to authorize the Agribusiness Development Corporation to financially support businesses engaged in agritourism.
RELATING TO TOUR GUIDES. Establishes the Tour Guide Licensing Program within the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Requires tour guides to complete the Professional Standards Tour Certification program by the University of Hawaii or another program approved by the Director.
RELATING TO TAX AMNESTY. Establishes a one-time amnesty program for liabilities for taxable years beginning on or transactions occurring on or after 01/01/2000 through taxable periods ending on or transactions occurring on 12/31/2023. Specifies that the amnesty period begins 01/01/2025 and completes no later than 12/31/2025.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO FIRE PREVENTION. Requires certain owners and occupants of properties located in hazardous fire areas to maintain effective firebreaks within thirty feet of the property and to practice other fire prevention activities. Establishes the Community Fuels Reduction Project to be administered by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation to the Department of Land and Natural Resources for the Community Fuels Reduction Project. Beginning with fiscal year 2025-2026 and each fiscal year thereafter, requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to establish the Community Fuels Reduction Project as a separate line item within the Department's budget.
RELATING TO DEFAMATION. Protects individuals who make claims of sexual misconduct from defamation lawsuits unless the claims were proven to be made with malice.
RELATING TO OUT-OF-STATE PRESCRIPTIONS. Authorizes out-of-state pharmacists to transfer prescription information for the initial fill of a prescription.
RELATING TO EDUCATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. Appropriates funds for temporary positions to support the statewide expansion of the University of Hawaii Windward Community College's mental health-related programs.
RELATING TO HEALTHCARE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. Appropriates moneys to the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and Department of Education to support healthcare workforce development programs, specifically the public high school healthcare workforce certificate program and glidepath program for certified nurse aides. Requires these appropriations to be matched using a state-to-private-funds ratio of 3:1. Appropriates moneys to renovate and equip certain public high school classrooms to be used for healthcare training. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO ENERGY-EFFICIENCY PORTFOLIO STANDARDS. Extends the State's energy-efficiency portfolio standards from 2030 to 2045. Authorizes the public utilities commission to establish interim goals.
RELATING TO ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE. Requires that if parking is to be included in any new state building construction, the design provide that at least twenty-five per cent of parking stalls be electric vehicle charger-ready. Requires the Hawaii State Energy Office, in consultation with the Department of Accounting and General Services and Department of Transportation, to conduct a survey and identify certain high-priority state facilities. Establishes a goal of the State to retrofit state facilities to be electric vehicle charger-ready. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH. Establishes provisional or associate-level licensure requirements for marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, and psychologists and authorizes insurance reimbursements in certain circumstances. Requires psychologist license applicants to possess a doctoral degree and complete certain supervised experience requirements before sitting for the licensing examination. Authorizes insurance reimbursements for services provided by a supervised social work intern in certain circumstances. Appropriates funds. Parts II, III, IV, and V effective 7/1/2026.
RELATING TO CRISIS INTERVENTION. Establishes the behavioral health crisis center pilot program. Appropriates funds for the pilot program.
RELATING TO HIRING. Authorizes a state department, division, or agency, rather than the Department of Human Resources Development, to conduct a minimum qualification review of applicants for vacant positions within the department, division, or agency. Requires the Department of Human Resources Development to provide state departments, divisions, and agencies the applications received for vacancies under certain circumstances.
RELATING TO THE RENTAL HOUSING REVOLVING FUND. Appropriates funds into and out of the rental housing revolving fund to provide loans or grants for mixed-income rental projects or units in mixed-income rental projects for qualifying individuals and families. Appropriates funds for an unspecified number of finance specialist positions to assist with these loans and grants.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES. Appropriates funds to increase the department of human services' homeless programs office budget.
RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. Establishes the distribution management advisory board to develop and advise on the statewide distribution management plan.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Allows pharmacists, during declared states of emergency, to refill prescriptions of up to thirty-day supplies of dangerous drugs and dangerous devices if the prescriber is unavailable or cannot be contacted to authorize the refill and if, in the pharmacist's professional judgment, failure to refill the prescription might interrupt the patient's ongoing care and have a significant adverse effect on the patient's well-being.
RELATING TO SCHOOL SAFETY. Requires the Department of Education to grant public access to emergency action plans that do not pose a security risk to students, staff, or guests of school campuses. Requires each Department school to have a comprehensive school evacuation communication plan for use during emergencies. Requires the Department of Education to collaborate with the Department of Transportation to assess all Department school campuses to determine if there are sufficient emergency evacuation routes for each campus and report to the Legislature.
RELATING TO ZONING. Allows counties to enact a zoning ordinance to amortize or phase out nonconforming single-family transient vacation rental units over a reasonable period of time.
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Appropriates funds for long-term monitoring of air and water quality for communities impacted by the Maui wildfires, as well as support for research efforts to better understand the environmental concerns linked to urban fires.
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Appropriates funds to the Department of Land and Natural Resources to support long-term water quality monitoring and pollution source detection.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES. Appropriates funds to DLNR for operating expenses, equipment, the establishment of positions, and capital improvement projects to support wildfire emergency response.
RELATING TO FIRE PREVENTION. Increases the maximum fine for violations of the fire protection laws. Specifies that each day a violation exists or continues to exist shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. Raises the criminal penalty for the offense of arson in the fourth degree to a class C felony if the offense was committed during the time period and within the geographic area in which a red flag warning was in effect. Provides that the state of mind requirement is not applicable to the fact that the red flag warning was in effect and that the actor is strictly liable with respect to the attendant circumstance that the red flag warning was in effect.
RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION. Establishes the office of the state fire marshal to direct fire protection efforts statewide. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Appropriates funds for temporary full-time equivalent adjunct faculty positions at the University of Hawaii Maui College.
RELATING TO PARTIAL PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS. Increases the amount of partial public campaign financing available for all state and county elective offices. Amends section 11-425, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), by increasing the maximum amount of public funds available for all offices by 50%. Increases the maximum amount of public funds available for a candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs from $1,500 to 10% of the expenditure limit established in section 11-423(d), HRS, for each election. Amends section 11-429(a), HRS, by increasing the amounts of qualifying contributions for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs from more than $1,500 in the aggregate to more than $5,000 in the aggregate. Provides a downward adjustment of the amounts of qualifying contributions for the office of prosecuting attorney for the City and County of Honolulu, County of Hawaii, and County of Kauai and for the office of county council member for the County of Maui. Provides for an unspecified appropriation to pay for the increase in the partial public financing program. Provides for an appropriation in the amount of $200,000 for the Commission to hire two additional staff members. Declares that general fund expenditure ceiling will be exceeded.
RELATING TO CANDIDATE COMMITTEE EXPENDITURES. Amends section 11-381, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to eliminate the use of campaign funds to purchase up to 2 tickets for an event or fundraiser held by another candidate or committee.
RELATING TO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Amends section 11-357, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), to prohibit state and county elected officials as defined in section 11-342(d), HRS, from soliciting and accepting campaign contributions during any regular session or special session of the state legislature, including any extension of any regular session or special session or any legislative recess day, holiday, or weekend.
RELATING TO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Amends section 11-364, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to provide that an excess contribution of more than $100 in cash, in the aggregate, from a single person during an election period to a candidate, candidate committee, or noncandidate committee shall escheat to the Hawaii election campaign fund if not returned to the contributor within 30 days.
RELATING TO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Prohibits state or county grantees, officers and immediate family members of state or county contractors, and officers and immediate family members of state or county grantees, from contributing to candidate committees or noncandidate committees for the duration of the contract. Requires candidates, candidate committees, or noncandidate committees to return any unlawful contribution to the contributor within 30 calendar days of receipt. Provides that if any unlawful contribution is not returned to the contributor within 30 calendar days, the unlawful contribution shall escheat to the Hawaii Election Campaign Fund.
RELATING TO VESTING IN THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Amends the vesting period to 5 years for tier 2 government employees of the Employees' Retirement System who are in service on the effective date of the Act or return to service after the effective date of the Act, and for employees who become a member on or after the effective date of the Act.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND MANAGEMENT AND THE DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU. Appropriates moneys to the City and County of Honolulu Department of Land Management and Department of Design and Construction for compliance with Act 210, Session Laws of Hawaii 2018. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU. Appropriates moneys as a grant-in-aid to the Emergency Services Department of the City and County of Honolulu. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PERMITS. Prohibits the Director of Health from assessing any fees for the issuance of municipal separate storm sewer system permits to county governments.
RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Repeals existing law that provides that all local ordinances or regulations that regulate the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices are preempted and that existing local laws and regulations conflicting with the state law on smoking are void. Clarifies that counties retain the authority to adopt ordinances that regulate the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices, as long as the ordinances do not conflict with and are more stringent than the state law on smoking.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Establishes a paid family leave program for state and county employees. Authorizes a qualifying employee to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave for the birth or placement of a child or to care for a family member who has a serious health condition. Establishes procedures for a health care provider to provide a certification to an employee requesting paid family leave. Requires the State and counties to establish the paid family leave program by 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC REGULATION. Authorizes each county to adopt ordinances to regulate or restrict access to certain streets, highways, thoroughfares, or roads.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Authorizes the Governor to suspend the mortgage foreclosure provisions of chapter 667, HRS, for properties having substantial damage resulting from a Governor-declared state of emergency.
RELATING TO PUBLIC AGENCY MEETINGS. Provides that supplemental information received within 48 hours of a meeting of a board subject to state opening meetings law may be added to the board packet; provided that the public is promptly provided access to the supplemental information.
RELATING TO PUBLIC AGENCY MEETINGS. Authorizes any board that is subject to state open meetings law to hold a closed meeting for the purpose of providing training to new and current board members.
RELATING TO ADMINISTRATE PROCEDURE. Provides that a maximum time period to grant or deny a business or development-related permit, license, or approval shall only apply if a request for a contested case has not been filed.
RELATING TO NUMBER PLATES. Requires license plates to include okinas. Authorizes the use of all uppercase letters, all lowercase letters, or initial capital letters in motor vehicle license plates.
RELATING TO SMALL PURCHASES. Increases the minimum amount for purchases constituting small purchase procurements from $25,000 to $50,000.
RELATING TO LAND USE COMMISSION. Applies permissible uses within agricultural districts to counties having specific population levels.
RELATING TO THE LAND USE COMMISSION. Authorizes a county to initiate a land use boundary amendment to implement the county's general plan.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE CAREER CRIMINAL PROSECUTION PROGRAM. Appropriates moneys to the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu for the career criminal prosecution unit. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE VICTIM WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Appropriates moneys to the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu for the victim witness assistance program. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO BRIBERY. Increases penalties for bribery, under certain circumstances.
RELATING TO COMPUTER CRIME. Amends the offense of use of a computer in the commission of a separate crime to include violation of privacy in the first and second degrees.
RELATING TO UNMANNED AIRCRAFT. Establishes the felony offenses of misuse of unmanned aircraft in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees.
RELATING TO CRIMES AGAINST ELDERS. Establishes strict liability for crimes against elders with respect to the attendant circumstance that the victim was 60 years of age or older.
RELATING TO FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY. Removes the possibility of probation or suspension of sentence for the offenses of fraud, false claims, and false statements.
RELATING TO GAMBLING OFFENSES. Amends the definition of "advance gambling activity".
RELATING TO INDECENT EXPOSURE. Increases the criminal penalty for the offense of indecent exposure from a petty misdemeanor to a misdemeanor if the victim is less than 16 years of age. Provides that the state of mind requirement is not applicable to the fact that the victim is less than 16 years of age and that the actor is strictly liable with respect to the attendant circumstance that the victim was less than 16 years of age.
RELATING TO COMMERCIAL USE PERMITS. Amends state boating law policy to include a provision to promote and attain every person's right to a clean and healthful environment. Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from renewing a commercial use permit if renewal would cause nearshore water overcrowding or harm, or potential threats to, the environment.
RELATING TO THE COUNTY TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS TAX. Repeals the maximum tax rate of the county transient accommodations tax.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Establishes a paid family leave program for state and county employees. Authorizes a qualifying employee to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave for the birth or placement of a child or to care for a family member who has a serious health condition. Establishes procedures for a health care provider to provide a certification to an employee requesting paid family leave. Requires the State and counties to establish the paid family leave program by 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO PROCUREMENT. Amend the procurement code to require County Council approval for contracts awarded by a county under its statutory authorization for sole source procurement if the contract amount exceeds $30,000.
RELATING TO THRILL CRAFT. Amends the definition of "thrill craft" in the state boating law.
RELATING TO THE DIGITAL VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE. Provides that certain information to be included in any digital voter information guide shall not be released to any requestor in whole or in part before the public release of the entire guide.
RELATING TO THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Reschedules the post-election assembly of presidential electors to the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December next following their election.
RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE FINES. Updates the maximum administrative fines allowed for violations of chapters 84 and 97, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
RELATING TO THE STATE ETHICS COMMISSION. Clarifies and modernizes the way the State Ethics Commission provides advice and conducts investigations pursuant to sections 84-31 and 97-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
RELATING TO REPORTING PERIODS. Adjusts the reporting period for gift disclosures filed with the state Ethics Commission to conform with the fiscal year. Provides for electronic filing of documents required by the Ethics Commission.
RELATING TO STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. Clarifies disclosures required from members of the Legislature.
RELATING TO LOBBYING. Amends the definition of "lobbying" to include certain communications regarding procurement decisions, staffing or appointment decisions, the development of an administrative agency’s written report or statement of policy, and ex parte communications regarding contested case hearings. Includes among lobbyists certain persons who submit testimony 10 or more times in any calendar year. Establishes certain presumptions regarding testimony when given by a paid person. Makes certain contracts voidable when entered into in violation of lobbying law. Effective 1/1/2027.
RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION. Authorizes the use of the reduced ignition propensity cigarette program special fund to support the State Fire Council and its programs and activities, including for the hiring of administrative personnel.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Repeals section 46-19.8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to allow the counties to determine the proper requirements for fire sprinkler systems in residences.
RELATING TO FIREWORKS. Imposes a statewide limitation on consumer fireworks, except by permit for use at cultural events.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION MEDICAL BENEFITS. Expands workers' compensation medical benefits for firefighters to include coverage for breast cancer and cancer of the female reproductive organs.
RELATING TO NOISE POLLUTION. Prohibits retailers from selling or offering for sale certain combustion engine-powered mopeds beginning 1/1/2026.
RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Requires the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission to develop strategies for vehicle miles traveled reduction in the State. Requires a report to the Legislature.
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Part II: Requires certain priority level 1 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2035, and priority level 2 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2045, rather than before 1/1/2050. Part III: Appropriates funds to implement the cesspool compliance pilot grant project established pursuant to Act 153, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022. Part IV: Establishes an income tax credit for the cost of upgrading or converting a qualified cesspool to a director of health-approved wastewater system or connecting to a sewerage system.
RELATING TO CESSPOOL CONVERSIONS. Amends Act 153, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, to increase the cesspool compliance pilot grant project grant amount and update a reference. Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2024-2025 and to establish positions to implement the pilot grant project.
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Authorizes and appropriates funds to the Department of Health to retain qualified consultants as necessary to identify necessary public outreach and education resources and tools and develop a comprehensive public outreach strategy and website to educate homeowners and wastewater industry professionals about information and resources regarding the State's cesspool upgrade, conversion, and connection requirements and deadlines. Requires that mandatory seller disclosures in real estate transactions include whether the property has a cesspool, including the date by which state law mandates that the cesspool be upgraded, converted, or connected, and the priority level of the cesspool according to the Hawaii cesspool hazard assessment and prioritization tool.
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Prohibits the installation of septic systems for any development or structure constructed on a subdivision of land in the agricultural district on or after January 1, 2025.
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer for sale, distribution for sale, and distribution for use of any food packaging, food service ware, cosmetic, or personal care product that contains intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, with certain exceptions.
RELATING TO SINGLE-USE PLASTICS. Prohibits lodging establishments from providing personal care products in small plastic containers within sleeping room accommodations, any space within sleeping room accommodations, or bathrooms used by the public or guests. Establishes civil penalties.
RELATING TO CESSPOOL CONVERSIONS. Establishes and appropriates funds for two full-time positions to implement the Cesspool Compliance Pilot Grant Project established by Act 153, SLH 2022, and makes an appropriation for the project for FY 2024-2025. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded.
RELATING TO STATE SNAILS. Designates certain snail species as official state snails.
RELATING TO HYDROLOGIC DATA COLLECTION. Appropriates funds to improve the State's water resource management and hydrologic data collection.
RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Expands the definition of "historic property" for purposes of the historic preservation program. Exempts state projects on state-owned buildings from state historic preservation division review unless the affected property is more than one hundred years old or on or being added to the Hawaii register of historic places or the national register of historic places.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Clarifies that the Governor's and mayors' emergency management powers shall be consistent with the state constitution. Clarifies the scope of the comprehensive emergency management plan. Clarifies the powers of the Governor and mayors to extend or terminate a state of emergency. Shortens the duration of price control periods from ninety-six hours to seventy-two hours.
RELATING TO EARLY LEARNING. Expands access of early learning programs to other state properties and public lands besides public school campuses.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Provides a process for school placement for a child whose parent or guardian has transferred or is pending transfer from another state to a military installation in Hawaii while on active military duty pursuant to an official military order.
RELATING TO PUBLIC HOUSING. Requires the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to allow any resident of a public housing project or state low-income housing project to keep 1 or more pet animals in the resident's unit, subject to applicable state laws, county ordinances, and any reasonable conditions. Provides that the Authority may charge a refundable deposit for each pet animal but shall not impose a monthly pet fee or pet rent. Allows the Authority to remove a vicious animal to protect persons or property.
RELATING TO MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO PROMOTE STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH. Appropriates moneys for the Department of Education to enhance the Panorama platform and Trust Circle mobile app. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO STREAM MAINTENANCE. Requires the department of land and natural resources to establish and implement a two-year Manoa stream maintenance reimbursement pilot program to reimburse homeowners adjacent to Manoa stream for clearing debris in Manoa stream. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO PUBLIC EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. Repeals payroll day for public officers and employees by requiring them to be paid pursuant to a predicted payroll schedule, rather than an after-the-fact payroll schedule. Provides that the predicted payroll schedule shall not be subject to negotiation under Chapter 89, HRS. Makes appropriations to establish 6 full-time equivalent positions and to cover the costs of converting to a predicted payroll schedule. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO SMALL BUSINESS. Establishes the Maui small business rent subsidization grant program to assist small businesses displaced by the 2023 Maui wildfires to pay rent at new locations on Maui. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO INCOME TAX CREDITS. Establishes a telework tax credit for small business employers who allow telework for at least 30% of their employees.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Appropriates funds for the Judiciary Supplemental budget for the 2023-2025 biennium. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO JUDGES FOR THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT. Establishes one additional district court judgeship in the First Circuit.
RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR COURT-APPOINTED REPRESENTATION. Increases the rate of compensation and maximum allowable amounts per case for court-appointed counsel and guardian ad litem in family court proceedings. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR COURT-APPOINTED COUNSEL. Increases the rate of compensation and maximum allowable amounts per case for court-appointed counsel in criminal proceedings. Appropriates funds. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM PROBATE CODE. Updates the Uniform Probate Code by reducing the number of required publications of a notice to creditors by a trustee to once a week for two successive weeks, consistent with amendments made by Act 158, SLH 2023, to publication requirements applicable to probate matters generally.
RELATING TO THE DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN PUBLIC SERVANTS. Prohibits government agencies, persons, and organizations from publicly disclosing the personal information of certain public servants and their families upon receiving a written request. Establishes a misdemeanor offense for individuals who post personal information on the Internet in reckless disregard of the risk of harm to certain public servants and their families. Authorizes the display of personal information that is relevant to and displayed as part of a news story, commentary, editorial, or other speech on a matter of public concern. Effective 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Appropriates moneys for collective bargaining cost items for judiciary employees and their excluded counterparts. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Extends the sunset date for the historic preservation tax credit to December 31, 2030, and incrementally increases the cap on the total tax credits from $1,000,000 in the 2025 taxable year to $4,000,000 in the 2030 taxable year.
RELATING TO STATE BOATING FACILITIES. Establishes a state boating facility lease pilot program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources to lease one state small boat harbor for private development, management, maintenance, and operation in a county with a population of less than 900,000. Repeals provisions related to the leasing of fast lands and submerged lands of the Ala Wai boat harbor. Repeals on 6/30/2044.
RELATING TO OWNERS OF LAND. Corrects erroneous references in chapters 520 and 520A, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
RELATING TO MOBILE VACCINATIONS. Appropriates funds to the department of health for mobile vaccination services for homebound individuals.
RELATING TO WILDLIFE. Expands the department of land and natural resources' rulemaking authority to include any rule deemed necessary to protect certain wildlife. Expands the board of land and natural resources' authority to temporarily adopt, amend, or repeal certain natural resource rules by formal action at a publicly noticed meeting if the board finds that such adoption, amendment, or repeal is necessary to implement effective and adaptive management measures in response to impacted natural resources or in light of newly available technology or data.
RELATING TO CAMPS. Repeals the prohibition on overnight camps in agricultural districts.
RELATING TO A WILDFIRE FORECAST SYSTEM FOR HAWAII. Establishes a 2-year program at the University of Hawaii to develop a wildfire forecast system for the State using artificial intelligence. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE PLANNING ACT. Establishes the Hawaii State Planning Act Phase II Update Task Force within the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO WILDFIRE SAFETY AND PREVENTION. Establishes the Wildfire Safety Advisory Board within the Department of Land and Natural Resources to advise and make recommendations to state agencies concerning the State's wildfire safety and prevention efforts.
RELATING TO INDECENT EXPOSURE. Raises the criminal penalty for the offense of indecent exposure from a petty misdemeanor to a misdemeanor if the victim is less than sixteen years of age. Provides that the state of mind requirement is not applicable to the fact that the victim is less than sixteen years of age and that the actor is strictly liable with respect to the attendant circumstance that the victim was less than sixteen years of age.
RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Requires the state historic preservation division to approve or make a determination within forty-five days on a properly completed and submitted application for public and private work. Deems the application to be approved if state historic preservation division does not make a determination within forty-five days. If the application is rejected, requires state historic preservation division to explain in writing.
RELATING TO WATER. Defines "isolated wetlands" and "wetlands". Clarifies the definition of "state waters" to include wetlands and isolated wetlands. Requires the Director of Health to determine all wetlands in the State, including whether a wetland is an isolated wetland or is included in the waters of the United States. Prohibit persons from discharging any water pollutant into or at any location that enters state waters.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds and appropriates funds for planning, design, and construction for a warehouse to expand the Hawaii emergency management agency's ability to store and deploy supplies and equipment to all counties within the State.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Appropriates funds for salaries and fringe benefits of positions for the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy's Space Sciences Workforce Development Program, Maunakea Scholars Program, and Akamai Internship Program. Appropriates funds for office equipment and supplies for the Maunakea Scholars Program and Akamai Internship Program.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Authorizes the Department of Transportation to acquire any real, personal, or mixed property for immediate or future use; own, hold, improve, rehabilitate, sell, assign, exchange, transfer, convey, lease, or dispose of any real, personal, or mixed property acquired; and acquire by condemnation real property for immediate or future use. Amends the definition of "public lands" to exclude lands to which the Department of Transportation holds title. Authorizes the Department of Transportation to directly acquire any real property for its purposes.
RELATING TO SOBRIETY CHECKS. Establishes a sobriety checkpoints special fund to provide funding to county law enforcement agencies for staffing for sobriety checks. Increases the state vehicle registration fee to be deposited into the sobriety checkpoints special fund. Appropriates funds into the sobriety checkpoints special fund and out of the special fund as grants-in-aid for the counties.
RELATING TO DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED. Establishes an intoxicated driving reduction working group to make recommendations for amendments to existing laws to reduce incidents of intoxicated driving.
RELATING TO THE USE OF INTOXICANTS WHILE OPERATING A VEHICLE. Lowers the threshold blood alcohol concentration for the offenses of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant and habitually operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant.
RELATING TO HARBOR SAFETY. Requires that the securing of mooring lines from vessels requiring tug assistance to commercial docks, wharves, piers, quays, and landings be performed by a stevedoring company. Defines "stevedoring company." Exempts, under certain circumstances, vessels operating on behalf of an authorized intrastate or transpacific water property carrier holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under section 271G-10, HRS. Sunsets on 7/1/2028.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the preparation of an environmental impact statement to drill non-potable water wells on individual parcels at Panaewa and Pahoa agricultural parks.
RELATING TO THE STATE FOUNDATION ON CULTURE AND THE ARTS. Permits the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to sell artwork purchased with moneys from the works of art special funds as long as the artist or artists who created the work has died and the work is sold at a fair market value as determined by a third-party appraiser. Requires the proceeds of any sale of artwork purchased using moneys from the works of art special fund to be deposited into the works of art special fund.
RELATING TO THE ARTS. Appropriates funds to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to provide greater access to the arts for children and communities in need, with a focus on those affected by the Maui wildfires.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE STATE FOUNDATION ON CULTURE AND THE ARTS. Appropriates funds out of the works of art special fund to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts for the integration of works of art projects into several major capital improvement projects.
MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO IMPLEMENT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE HAWAII STATE HOSPITAL. Makes an emergency appropriation to provide funds for the Department of Health to implement quality improvement recommendations at the Hawaii State Hospital. Declares that the general fund expenditure is exceeded.
RELATING TO CORPORATIONS. Permits real property assets of a dissolved corporation to escheat to the State if a creditor, claimant, or shareholder of the corporation cannot be found; real property taxes and any state tax liens have remained unpaid for five years; and the State makes a showing that attempts to locate creditors, claimants, and shareholders of the dissolved corporation have been unsuccessful.
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Requires the health benefits plan or plans established by the Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund board to meet or exceed the requirements of the Prepaid Health Care Act.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Authorizes certain types of radiographical coverage and specialist consultations without a treatment plan within the context of workers' compensation coverage for employees with cervical and lumbar spinal injuries, or suspected cervical and lumbar spinal injuries.
RELATING TO A LEAVE CASH-OUT PROGRAM. Establishes and appropriates funds for leave cash-out pilot programs for eligible department of corrections and rehabilitation and department of health employees.
RELATING TO PROCESS IMPROVEMENT. Establishes a three-year pilot program in the office of the lieutenant governor for an office of process improvement.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Reduces the minimum number of years of credited service from ten years to five years qualified Tier 2 employee's retirement system members must have to be eligible for vested benefit status for service retirement allowance purposes. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO AQUATIC RESOURCES. Prohibits any law, ordinance, or rule from establishing restrictions on the type of gear used for subsistence fishing.
RELATING TO THE GENERATION OF WILDFIRE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPS FOR HAWAII. Requires the University of Hawaii to establish and implement a 2-year program to develop web-GIS wildfire susceptibility and vulnerability maps for the State of Hawaii to determine which communities, landscapes, buildings, and infrastructure are most vulnerable to future wildfires. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO KIMCHI DAY. Designates November 22 of each year as "Kimchi Day" in the State.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE EIGHTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the eighth representative district.
RELATING TO MEDICAL CANNABIS. Amends the circumstances under which medical cannabis may be transported by and between dispensaries. Requires the Department of Health to adopt rules.
RELATING TO THE PENAL CODE. Requires the Judicial Council to conduct a comprehensive review of the Hawaii Penal Code and to recommend proposed changes. Requires the Judicial Council to appoint an advisory committee to assist in the review, and allows the Council to also appoint a reporter and other staff as necessary. Requires the advisory committee to report to the Legislature. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH COURT. Permanently establishes and appropriates moneys for the Community Outreach Court as a division of the District Court of the First Circuit. Declares that the appropriations exceed the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO THE SPECIAL LAND AND DEVELOPMENT FUND. Authorizes the use of special land and development fund moneys to eradicate or mitigate invasive species and install and maintain safety improvements on improved lands that provide lease revenue to the Department of Land and Natural Resources and that have significant cultural or historic value. Appropriates moneys out of the special land and development fund.
RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Establishes a business revitalization task force to identify methods to improve Hawaii's general economic competitiveness and business climate, including by mitigating regulatory and tax burdens. Requires a report to the legislature.
RELATING TO RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. Narrows the qualifying criteria for research activities tax credits to applicants who are small businesses registered in the State. Increases the maximum amount of tax credits that can be certified per year. Extends the sunset date of the research activities tax credit by five years.
RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to establish a three-year child care pilot grant program to provide grants to employers to assist in offering child care or caregiving support for their employees.
RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Establishes the Aerospace and Aeronautics Development Program within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PLANNING ORGANIZATION. Establishes 4 full-time equivalent (4.0 FTE) positions. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the Hawaii State Constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Authorizes the Governor to require the counties to obtain approval prior to issuing any emergency order, rule, or proclamation. Clarifies that a state of emergency may be extended or terminated by a separate or supplementary proclamation. Authorizes the legislature to terminate a state of emergency, in whole or in part, by an affirmative two-thirds vote of each legislative house. Defines "severe warning". Specifies that prohibitions on price increases of essential commodities during a severe warning expire seventy-two hours after the effective date and time of the initial declaration or any supplemental proclamation.
RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Repeals provisions relating to the unlawful shipping of tobacco products.
RELATING TO HEALTH CARE. Expands the facilities or services that are exempt from certificate of need requirements.
RELATING TO EARLY CHILD CARE. Requires the Department of Human Services to establish and implement a child care provider subsidy and bonus program to provide subsidies to retain the existing child care workforce in licensed infant and toddler child care centers and group child care centers and bonuses to registered family child care homes. Requires annual reports to the legislature. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO ABUSIVE LITIGATION. Establishes a court's authority to issue an order restricting abusive litigation.
RELATING TO HEALTH CARE. Requires health insurers, mutual benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations to provide health insurance coverage for various sexual and reproductive health care services. Applies this coverage to health benefits plans under the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund. Effective 1/1/2025.
RELATING TO THE HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIM SERVICES FUND. Changes the administration of the human trafficking victim services fund from the department of labor and industrial relations to the department of the attorney general.
RELATING TO SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS. Expands the time period by which a civil action for childhood sexual abuse may be initiated. Authorizes a court to require personnel of legal entities to undergo training on trauma-informed response.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Establishes the shade and fruit tree program in the department of education to support educational activities and encourage propagation of native shade trees or fruit trees for planting in department schools. Appropriates funds for the program and to establish an arborist position.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Requires solar conduit and electrical panel readiness for new residential construction offered for sale at fair market value and electric vehicle readiness when an electrical panel and parking area are installed.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Requires the Board of Agriculture to submit a report on the percentage of agricultural lands that are suitable for farming and actively farmed and certain dollar amounts relating to lease transfers between lessees.
RELATING TO ELECTRIC VEHICLE BATTERIES. Establishes an electric vehicle battery recycling and disposal program. Prohibits disposal of propulsion batteries as solid waste. Prohibits producers of propulsion batteries from refusing propulsion batteries for reuse, remanufacturing, repurposing, or recycling. Establishes producer responsibility for propulsion batteries embedded into vehicles or sold separately in the State or through remote sale. Authorizes the Department of Health to inspect any place, building, or premise and issue warnings and citations for failure to comply. Establishes requirements for a battery management plan. Establishes fines.
RELATING TO ROOFTOP SOLAR INSTALLATION. Beginning 1/1/2025, prohibits the issuance of building permits for new single-family dwellings that are part of a development of ten or more dwellings and do not include a rooftop photovoltaic energy generating system, under certain circumstances. Authorizes the Hawaii state energy office to use moneys from the energy security special fund to administer variances.
RELATING TO SOCIAL SERVICES. Increases the monthly needs allowance from $50 to $75. Clarifies that the needs allowance is not intended to replace or affect funds received from the federal Supplemental Security Income program. Requires certain long-term care facility operators to pay for generic toiletries, linens, and meals and snacks. Clarifies the individuals who are eligible to receive the needs allowance. Requires the Department of Human Services to perform an annual review of the needs allowance and report to the Legislature.
RELATING TO THE SUNSHINE LAW. Establishes accessibility standards for the distribution of public documents and media presentations by boards as defined in section 92-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF ELECTIONS. Appropriates funds to the Office of Elections Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee to provide voter education and outreach services for individuals with accessibility needs.
RELATING TO BRAILLE LITERACY. Establishes state policy to promote braille literacy for blind students. Requires the individualized education programs of blind students to include the instruction of Braille and provision of Braille instructional materials under certain circumstances. Requires the Department of Education to establish a Braille Literacy Resource Center. Declares that the general fund expenditure ceiling is exceeded. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO VACANCIES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Establishes that House of Representative members of the same political party as the prior incumbent, not the Governor, shall make appointments for vacancies in the House of Representatives.
RELATING TO PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Establishes the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program to be implemented and administered by the Department of Health. Requires the Department of Health to obtain federal approval, make reports, and adopt rules. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO ANIMAL CRUELTY. Creates penalties relating to the fighting of birds.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Specifies that a portion of the revenues collected from traffic violations shall be disbursed to the county that enforced the violation.
RELATING TO ALCOHOL. Defines "low alcohol by volume spirits beverage". Establishes a tax on low alcohol by volume spirits beverages at a rate of $1.98 per wine gallon.
RELATING TO THE LANDLORD-TENANT CODE. Amends the landlord-tenant code to provide for a process to dispense of property and return the premises to a landlord when there is a death of a tenant.
RELATING TO THE RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD-TENANT CODE. Amends the deadlines related to the repair of conditions that constitute health or safety violations and the payment of past due rent. Increases the amount deducted from a tenant's rent for the tenant's actual expenditures to correct health or safety violations and defective conditions.