Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:    GOV. MSG. NO. 591




Honorable Ronald D. Kouchi

President of the Senate

Thirty-Second State Legislature

Regular Session of 2024

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred Governor's Message No. 591, submitting for study and consideration the nomination of: 


Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee


G.M. No. 591


for a term to expire 06-30-2027,


begs leave to report as follows:


     Your Committee reviewed the personal history, resume, and statement submitted by James Gashel for service on the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee.


     Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment of James Gashel from the Department of Human Services and Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee.


     Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds that Mr. Gashel's background and extensive experience qualify him to be nominated for appointment to the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee as a member.  Your Committee notes that from 2022 to 2023, Mr. Gashel previously served as a member of the Statewide Voters with Special Needs Advisory Committee, which was renamed the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee by Act 14, Session Laws of Hawaii 2023, where he took the lead on advising the Hawaii State Office of Elections on electronic ballot processes by providing substantial and targeted advice on the need to simplify the voter identification and verification procedure.  Prior to his service on the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee, Mr. Gashel served at the National Federation of the Blind, where he became one of the best known advocates for the blind in the United States, with his work leading to significant changes in nearly every law directly affecting blind Americans, including the Social Security Act, Rehabilitation Act, Randolph-Sheppard Act for Blind Entrepreneurs, Americans with Disabilities Act, Copyright Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Help America Vote Act.  Your Committee further notes that due to his years of work with the National Federation of the Blind, Mr. Gashel has access to a national network of colleagues who can advise on issues of interest to the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee.  Your Committee therefore recommends that James Gashel be appointed to the Statewide Elections Accessibility Needs Advisory Committee based on his experience, leadership skills, and dedication to public service.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Judiciary that is attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominee, has found the nominee to be qualified for the position to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nomination.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Judiciary,



