S.R. NO.













urging the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts to convene a task force to research and develop a plan to implement chess as a competitive sport in the state.



     WHEREAS, chess is a game of strategy, intellect, critical thinking, and problem-solving, and is played regularly by over six hundred million people worldwide; and


     WHEREAS, the global chess industry is estimated to be valued at more than $2.11 billion, and is estimated to expand to $2.6 billion by 2027; and


     WHEREAS, beyond entertainment, chess has been a symbol of diplomacy, fostering connections between nations, and is recognized as a sport by the Olympics; and


     WHEREAS, many of the strategies that are involved in chess are complex mathematical algorithms that children understand and decipher naturally; and


     WHEREAS, chess brings out latent abilities not always reached by traditional educational means by promoting logical thinking, instilling a sense of self-confidence, and improving communication and pattern recognition skills; and


     WHEREAS, children who play chess are introduced to basic algebraic notations that increase their concentration and familiarity with the subject, making them more efficient learners of mathematics; and


     WHEREAS, in states where chess is offered widely in schools, students exhibit excellence in the ability to recognize complex patterns and consequently excel in math and science; and


     WHEREAS, considering chess as a competitive sport enables schools to organize formal competitions and provide resources similar to those available for traditional sports, which ensures that chess teams receive the support and facilities needed to compete at a high level; and


     WHEREAS, the recent success of Esports demonstrates the value of strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, qualities essential in sports and in life; and


     WHEREAS, people of all ages who play chess regularly have been found to have increased mental health benefits arising from the activity; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Thirty-second Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2024, that the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is urged to convene a task force to research and develop a plan to implement chess as a competitive sport; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following individuals are requested to serve as members of the task force:


     (1)  The Executive Director of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, or the Executive Director's designee, who shall serve as chairperson of the task force;


     (2)  The Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, or the Director's designee;


     (3)  The Superintendent of Education, or the Superintendent's designee;


     (4)  The Executive Director of the Hawaii High School Athletic Association, or the Executive Director's designee; and


     (5)  An individual from a nonprofit currently working to facilitate the sport of chess in the State, to be chosen by the chairperson; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force is requested to submit a reports of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2025; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Executive Director of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts; Superintendent of Education; Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; Executive Director of the Hawaii High School Athletic Association; and President of the Hawaii State Teachers Association.
































Report Title: 

Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts; Chess; Task Force; Report