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WHEREAS, GLEN MIYASATO was recently named the National Association of Elementary School Principals' (NAESP) 2023 National Distinguished Principal for Hawaiʻi; and
WHEREAS, GLEN MIYASATO holds a Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education and Master of Education in Educational Administration from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; and
WHEREAS, with more than four decades of outstanding service to the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, GLEN MIYASATO has led Mayor Joseph J. Fern Elementary School as its Principal since 2018; he oversees a diverse student body of approximately 400, including half of those students with limited English proficiency and 95 percent of them eligible for free or reduced-price meals; and
WHEREAS, affectionately known as Poʻo Kumu, GLEN MIYASATO has been pivotal in fostering a learning environment based on trust, cultural competency, and community; this approach has been crucial in addressing the unique needs and strengthening the assets of a linguistically and culturally diverse student population situated within an urban community adversely impacted by poverty; and
WHEREAS, GLEN MIYASATO has proactively implemented renowned social and emotional learning programs, cultivated mental health partnerships, and extended his leadership beyond the school by participating in a coalition that provides access to broader community social, health, and education resources; and
WHEREAS, with an unwavering dedication to building a safe and inclusive school environment, GLEN MIYASATO personally leads the Walking School Bus program, ensuring the safe passage of nearly 40 students to Mayor Joseph J. Fern Elementary School on high-traffic streets; and
WHEREAS, SHARON BECK was recently named the
Association of Secondary School Principals' (NASSP) 2023 State Principal of the
Year for Hawaiʻi and selected as the 2023 Masayuki
Tokioka Excellence in School Leadership awardee; and
WHEREAS, with a career spanning over three decades, SHARON BECK's ability to inspire and improve academic outcomes has made her a driving force in education since embarking on her teaching career in 1992 at Kaʻū High and Pāhala Elementary School; and
WHEREAS, in 1999, SHARON BECK started to support schools across Hawaiʻi Island as a District Resource Teacher; in 2003, she served as the Vice Principal at Nāʻālehu Elementary School, and just three years later, she returned to Kaʻū High and Pāhala Elementary School as its Principal; and
WHEREAS, serving the Kaʻū area, the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education's largest geographic district in the State, SHARON BECK has built a strong educational institution in spite of many challenges, including long commutes for students and limited access to resources and opportunities; and
WHEREAS, captivated by the spirit of Kaʻū, SHARON BECK fosters a sense of unity and collaboration among students and their families, faculty and staff, and the broader community; and
DAVIS was recently named the NAESP 2023
National Outstanding Assistant Principal and the NASSP 2023 State Assistant
Principal of the Year for Hawaiʻi; and
WHEREAS, DR. BEBI DAVIS' journey from a celebrated teacher to an inspiring administrator at Prince David Kawānanakoa Middle School is marked by her continuous advocacy for innovative teaching and efforts in cultivating an empowering culture for educators and students alike; and
WHEREAS, motivated by the belief that teachers are the soul of society, DR. BEBI DAVIS received the 2005 Milken Educator Award and was honored as the 2009 Hawaiʻi State Teacher of the Year while teaching at Governor Wallace Rider Farrington High School; and
WHEREAS, fostering 21st century, student centered instruction, DR. BEBI DAVIS promotes the practice of integrative teaching, which encourages problem solving, creativity, collaboration, equity, and social and emotional learning; her efforts at Prince David Kawānanakoa Middle School have helped improve academic performance and increase student engagement; and
WHEREAS, GRANT TOYOOKA recently received the Hawaiʻi Association of School Librarians' 2023 Outstanding Library Service Award; and
WHEREAS, GRANT TOYOOKA has showcased his versatility and talents as an educator with over two decades of service to the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education; he demonstrates dedication and passion as a district resource teacher, and during his tenure at Wahiawā Elementary School, he took on various roles, including temporary vice principal, math coach, curriculum coordinator, A+ head coordinator, and counselor; and
WHEREAS, a forward thinker and innovator, GRANT TOYOOKA plays a crucial role in workforce readiness; he developed valuable partnerships with Cultivate Hawaiʻi, an organization that focuses on workforce development in central Oʻahu, and Leilehua Alumni and Community Association, an organization that serves the Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua Complex Area; and
WHEREAS, GRANT TOYOOKA presented to industry leaders and community members on the importance of having certified librarians on staff at schools; he also transformed innovative ideas into practical solutions by spearheading the formation of professional learning communities for librarians that enhanced student learning and strengthened librarian positions; and
WHEREAS, GRANT TOYOOKA also collaborated with librarians from area schools to initiate a series of workshops for parents and students; these workshops, which focused on Sora, a digital reading app, parent-child reading practices, and digital safety, underscore his dedication to educational excellence and library service advocacy; and
WHEREAS, NICOLE GOFF recently received the Hawaiʻi Association of School Librarians' 2023 Golden Key Award; and
WHEREAS, NICOLE GOFF is a librarian at Mid-Pacific Institute and the Chair of the Nēnē Award Committee, which manages Hawaiʻi's Children's Choice Book Award; she was instrumental in maintaining continuity of the Nēnē Award during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, a respected speaker and innovator, NICOLE GOFF has delivered numerous presentations at state and national conferences on how school librarians can effectively teach students to interpret information presented on various media platforms; and
WHEREAS, even though Mid-Pacific Institute does not have an elementary library, NICOLE GOFF has advocated for access to comprehensive library services by offering classes to its elementary students and helping pull books for them, demonstrating her adaptability and dedication to information accessibility for students and their growth; and
WHEREAS, NICOLE GOFF's work is a testament to the care and aloha she feels for her students at Mid-Pacific Institute; and
WHEREAS, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE recently received the 2023 State of Hawaiʻi Teacher of Promise Award from the Milken Educators of Hawaiʻi; and
WHEREAS, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE attended the University of Panama, where she earned her diploma in education and went on to obtain a certification in special education from Leeward Community College; and
WHEREAS, over the course of her career at Red Hill Elementary School, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE showcased her versatility and dedication in various roles that positively impacted students and staff; she served as a part-time teacher and fulfilled duties as a substitute teacher in inclusion and fully self-contained special education classrooms; and
WHEREAS, during the COVID-19 pandemic, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE went above and beyond to ensure her students would not regress; she not only took numerous professional development courses to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and distance learning trends, but also utilized that training to creatively establish bitmoji classrooms for each student to help ease navigation into virtual learning; and
WHEREAS, devoted to the development of her students personally and professionally, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE expresses profound gratitude to her colleagues, mentors, and family for their unwavering support throughout her journey as an educator; with a steadfast commitment to ongoing growth and development, within and beyond the classroom, she eagerly anticipates continuing to serve her community through education; and
WHEREAS, KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL was recently recognized as a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School; and
WHEREAS, previously honored as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2015, KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL stands out for exceptional student performance that excels beyond statewide averages and surpassed English language arts by 28 percentage points, math by 31 percentage points, and science by an impressive 42 percentage points; and
WHEREAS, as a top performing school, KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has made major strides in narrowing the achievement gap between high-needs and non-high needs students, particularly in English language arts by a remarkable 19 points over the last four years; and
WHEREAS, under the leadership of Principal Cherilyn Inouye, KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has flourished by supporting the growth and success of students and fostering lifelong learners who are proactive members of society; and
WHEREAS, the holistic approach to education that has been adopted by KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL includes social-emotional learning programs, such as the "Choose Love" initiative, which incorporates life concepts of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion into academic lessons; these programs and co-curricular classes, such as sewing, pickleball, running, art, and nature journaling, help ensure the enrichment of students; and
WHEREAS, KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL has established a strong ʻohana with dedicated teachers, staff, and families who all work together in supporting the comprehensive development of students; and
WHEREAS, MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL was recently recognized as a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School; and
WHEREAS, MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL stands out for its exceptional performance, surpassing statewide averages in English language arts by 26 percentage points, math by 30 percentage points, and science by 31 percentage points; and
WHEREAS, as a top performing school, MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is being honored for the second time by meeting the performance award criteria for Exemplary High Performing schools and ranking in the top 15 percent of Hawaiʻi schools in achievement; and
WHEREAS, under the leadership of Principal Kauʻi Tanaka, MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL creates an engaging learning environment that emphasizes rigorous and forward-thinking teaching methods that are relevant to all students; and
WHEREAS, MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will soon introduce Career & Technical Education pathways for grades 4-6 with curriculum that will align with secondary schools and offer early insights into potential career paths; and
WHEREAS, a holistic approach to education is encouraged by MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in the many opportunities offered to students for community service and civic engagement activities, such as student council, broadcasting, music, wellness, and gardening; the school's dedicated staff ensure a well-rounded education tailored to students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional strengths and needs; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirty-second Legislature of the State of Hawaiʻi, Regular Session of 2024, that this body hereby congratulates GLEN MIYASATO for being named the NAESP 2023 National Distinguished Principal for Hawaiʻi, SHARON BECK for being named the NASSP 2023 State Principal of the Year for Hawaiʻi and receiving the 2023 Masayuki Tokioka Excellence in School Leadership Award, DR. BEBI DAVIS for being named the NAESP 2023 National Outstanding Assistant Principal and the NASSP 2023 State Assistant Principal of the Year for Hawaiʻi, GRANT TOYOOKA for receiving the Hawaiʻi Association of School Librarians' 2023 Outstanding Library Service Award, NICOLE GOFF for receiving the Hawaiʻi Association of School Librarians' 2023 Golden Key Award, RITELA "SHEILA" SPROULE for receiving the 2023 State of Hawaiʻi Teacher of Promise Award from the Milken Educators of Hawaiʻi, and KAʻELEPULU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and MAUNAWILI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for being recognized as 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools, commends their outstanding accomplishments and community involvement, and extends to them its warmest aloha and best wishes for continued success in all future endeavors.
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2023 Principal and Library Related Awardees; 2023 Milken Teacher of Promise Awardee; 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools