Rep. John M. Mizuno, Chair |
Rep. Terez Amato, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Jenna Takenouchi |
Rep. Greggor Ilagan |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Diamond Garcia |
Rep. Della Au Belatti, Chair |
Rep. Jenna Takenouchi, Vice Chair |
Rep. Terez Amato |
Rep. John M. Mizuno |
Rep. Greggor Ilagan |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Diamond Garcia |
Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura, Chair |
Senator Henry J.C. Aquino, Vice Chair |
Sen. Sharon Y. Moriwaki |
Sen. Brenton Awa |
Sen. Maile S.L. Shimabukuro |
A live stream link of this meeting will be available online shortly before the scheduled start time.
Click here for the live stream of this meeting via YouTube.
The purpose of this briefing is to review safe alternatives in addressing the opioid addiction crisis. This briefing will provide a snapshot of provider perspectives for alternative treatment modalities that prevent or reduce the abuse of prescribed opioids that alleviate pain from injury or chronic health conditions. The collaboration of alternatives to opioids is based on a model of multi-disciplinary care that is used in other settings and for today’s briefing it’s referred to as the “quad” model.
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency:
● 200 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.
● 2,000 Americans suffer an overdose every day.
● From 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 people have died from a drug overdose.
In an effort to combat the opioid epidemic the focus will be on supporting healthcare providers in the following categories: Medical Management (15 minutes), Body and Pain Management (15 minutes), Transforming to a Quad Model – Department of Health's Hawaii Opioid Initiative on Education, Prevention and Pain Management (15 minutes) and Safe Alternatives to Opioids (15 minutes).
Invited to provide presentations are:
Dr. Jerald Garcia, Anesthesiology, Top Pain Management Specialist in Hawaii
Department of Health – Behavioral Health Administration
State Department of Human Services, Office of Wellness and Resilience
Review of State Pain Management Policies by the National Conference of State Legislatures (15 minutes)
Heather Lush, Executive Director, Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center
Timothy McCormick, Branch Chief, Harm Reduction Services Branch, Department of Health
State Department of Human Services Medicaid Administrator (DHS Med-QUEST Branch)
Caroline Cadirao, Director, Executive Office on Aging
Mac Haddow, Senior Fellow American Kratom Association
Utah Senator Curtis Scott Bramble, 16th District in Provo, Utah "Saving Lives" a Legislator's perspective
Jaclyn Moore, Pharm. D., Chief Executive Officer, Big Island Grown
No public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the informational briefing (i.e., sign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6050 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6050.