Rep. Troy N. Hashimoto, Chair |
Rep. Micah P.K. Aiu, Vice Chair |
Rep. Darius K. Kila |
Rep. Richard H.K. Onishi |
Rep. Lisa Kitagawa |
Rep. Chris Todd |
Rep. Lisa Marten |
Rep. Lauren Matsumoto |
Friday, February 10, 2023 |
9:30AM |
VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE Conference Room 312 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
Click here to submit testimony and to testify remotely or in person.
A live stream link of all House Standing Committee meetings will be available online
shortly before the scheduled start time.
Click here for the live stream of this meeting via YouTube.
RELATING TO THE AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP REVOLVING FUND. Clarifies section 6.4 of Act 248, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, as it pertains to the appropriation for the Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Requires the HHFDC to open at minimum two application periods each year for the receipt of applications for financing for the development of affordable housing in the State from the low-income housing tax credit program, Hula Mae multi-family revenue bond program, rental housing revolving fund program, and dwelling unit revolving fund program. Effective 7/1/2024.
RELATING TO THE DWELLING UNIT REVOLVING FUND. Requires HHFDC to establish a five-year dwelling unit revolving fund equity pilot program. Creates one full-time equivalent housing development specialist III position. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO STATE FUNDS. Amends the general fund appropriation for the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation in Act 236, SLH 2022, to help the State meet its American Rescue Plan Act maintenance of effort obligations.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Clarifies a county's obligations with respect to housing developed through the housing development programs overseen by the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation. Sunsets 7/1/2031.
RELATING TO BONDS. Requires counties with a private activity bond issuance program to exhaust their allotment before applying to the State for the state allocation. Requires a project to first apply to the county in which the project is located, if the county has a private activity bond issuance program, before applying to the State. Requires the State, if it receives a county allocation, to award that same amount to benefit that county. Requires the department of budget and finance to indicate to the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation any county amount of unused or unassigned allocation. Effective 7/2/2023.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Requires that funds from the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund be used to provide zero interest loans or grants to certain buyers and aid certain existing-for sale projects that have received funds from the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund. Appropriates funds to the Rental Housing Revolving Fund and the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund. Allocates funds out of the Rental Housing Revolving Fund and the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund for certain purposes.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Deposits funds into the rental housing revolving fund to be used to provide grants or loans to mixed-income rental projects or units qualifying individuals and families.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds with the funds to be deposited into the dwelling unit revolving fund and the rental housing revolving fund. Appropriates funds into and out of the dwelling unit revolving fund. Appropriates funds into and out of the rental housing revolving fund to be used to provide grants or loans to mixed-income rental projects or units qualifying individuals and families.
RELATING TO THE RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD-TENANT CODE. Allows a landlord or landlord's agent to charge an application screening fee at the time a rental application is processed for residential property. Caps the amount of an application screening fee at $25 and prohibits fees to be charged for each member of a household. Requires the landlord or landlord's agent to provide a receipt for payment of the application screening fee and copy of any report obtained, if requested by the applicant, and within ten days of the applicant's request. Requires the landlord or landlord's agent to return any unauthorized fee amounts to the applicant.
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony received after this time will be stamped late and left to the discretion of the chair to consider. While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may not be processed.
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
The chair may institute a per-testifier time limit.
Committees meeting in the morning must adjourn prior to the day's Floor Session. Therefore, due to time constraints, not all testifiers may be provided an opportunity to offer verbal comments. However, written submissions will be considered by the committee.
Please refrain from profanity or uncivil behavior. Violations may result in ejection from the hearing without the ability to rejoin.
For remote testifiers, the House will not be responsible for bad connections on the testifier's end.
For general help navigating the committee hearing process, please contact the Public Access Room at (808) 587-0478 or
The cable TV broadcast and/or live stream of this meeting will include closed captioning. If you require other auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. interpretive services (oral or written) or ASL interpreter) or are unable to submit testimony via the website due to a disability, please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
Click here for a complete list of House Guidelines for remote testimony.
FOR AMENDED NOTICES: Measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are bolded.
For more information, please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-9444
________________________________________ Rep. Troy N. Hashimoto Chair |