Rep. Della Au Belatti, Chair |
Rep. Jenna Takenouchi, Vice Chair |
Rep. Terez Amato |
Rep. John M. Mizuno |
Rep. Greggor Ilagan |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Diamond Garcia |
Friday, March 17, 2023 |
9:00 AM |
VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
Click here to submit testimony and to testify remotely or in person.
A live stream link of all House Standing Committee meetings will be available online
shortly before the scheduled start time.
Click here for the live stream of this meeting via YouTube.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Requires the Executive Office on Aging to submit to the Legislature annual progress reports on the Hawaii State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Appropriates funds for the establishment of 3 program specialist positions within the Executive Office on Aging for the Hawaii state health insurance assistance program. Effective 12/31/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO UNLICENSED CARE HOMES. Clarifies that any person, corporation, or entity is prohibited from knowingly referring or transferring patients to an uncertified or unlicensed care facility. Repeals the landlord exclusion. (SD1)
RELATING TO DENTISTRY LICENSES. Allows the Board of Dentistry to issue without examination, a community service license to practice dental hygiene in the employment of a community health center and allows eligible candidates to submit as documentation and credentials, diplomas and certificates of graduation from a dental hygiene college or dental college that has a reciprocal agreement with the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, recognized and approved by the Board. Allows an applicant for a license as a dentist to submit a certificate or other evidence satisfactory to the Board of Dentistry that the applicant has passed the Integrated National Board Dental Examination. Allows the Board to issue without examination, a community service license to practice dentistry in the employment of a community health center and allows eligible candidates to submit as documentation and credentials, diplomas and certificates of graduation from a dental hygiene college or dental college that has a reciprocal agreement with the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, recognized and approved by the Board, and certificates or other evidence satisfactory to the Board of having passed the Integrated National Board Dental Examination. Allows the Board to issue without examination, a temporary license to practice dentistry exclusively under the auspices of a dental residency program, to graduates from a dental college that has a reciprocal agreement with the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, recognized and approved by the Board. Effective 12/31/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY. Exempts drug manufacturers, wholesale prescription drug distributors, and third-party logistics providers of home dialysis drugs, supplies, and devices from the license, registration, and permit requirements for pharmacies; provided that certain conditions are met. Effective 12/31/2050. (SD1)
RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health to oversee and support community efforts to collaboratively address the health and wellness needs of the State's most underserved rural residents to develop plans that align with appropriate providers' goals and objectives. Requires the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health to include a one-time summary of community plans with the report that is to be submitted to the legislature prior to the regular session of 2024, pursuant to section 321‑1.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Appropriates funds for the establishment of one permanent full-time equivalent program specialist IV position within the Department of Health's Family Health Services Division. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO HEALTHCARE PRECEPTORS. Amends the preceptor tax credit law to expand access to the program and to make it easier for preceptors to access tax credits under the program. Adds the Director of Health to the preceptor credit assurance committee. Effective 12/31/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO DISABILITY HEALTH DISPARITY. Requires the State Council on Developmental Disabilities to submit a report focused on the health disparities experienced by persons in the State having developmental or intellectual disabilities to the Legislature prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2025. Appropriates funds. Effective 12/31/2050. (SD2)
RELATING TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES. Makes it discretionary for authorized emergency vehicles to use sirens when responding to an emergency or in other specified situations if the siren is not reasonably necessary under the circumstances. (SD1)
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Repeals the sunset date of section 2 of Act 119, Session Laws of Hawaii 2021, making permanent the requirement that the Hawaii Medical Board issue licenses in four levels of emergency response practice in counties with a population of five hundred thousand or greater and the creation of an additional licensure category for emergency medical technicians 1 who are certified at a higher practice level than emergency medical technicians but do not provide ambulance services. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD1)
RELATING TO LICENSES TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGES. Establishes a standard license to solemnize marriages, valid for one year from the date of issuance. Establishes a short-term license to solemnize marriages, valid for sixty days from the date of issuance. Establishes a fee of $100 per year for the issuance of a standard license. Establishes a fee of $25 per sixty-day period for a short-term license. Specifies in what amount and to which fund license fees shall be deposited. (SD1)
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT. Establishes a task force to recommend amendments to update existing parentage laws that reflect outdated, cisheteronormative concepts of families, parenthood, and parental rights. Requires a report to the Legislature within forty days from the 2025 Regular Session. Takes effect 03/22/2075. (SD1)
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Authorizes the Department of Health to require the Department of Education to report coronavirus disease 2019 potential outbreaks and other related information in a manner most appropriate to public health and safety, as determined by the Department of Health. Repeals the requirement to publish the report on the Department of Education's website. (SD2)
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony received after this time will be stamped late and left to the discretion of the chair to consider. While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may not be processed.
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
The chair may institute a per-testifier time limit.
Committees meeting in the morning must adjourn prior to the day's Floor Session. Therefore, due to time constraints, not all testifiers may be provided an opportunity to offer verbal comments. However, written submissions will be considered by the committee.
Please refrain from profanity or uncivil behavior. Violations may result in ejection from the hearing without the ability to rejoin.
For remote testifiers, the House will not be responsible for bad connections on the testifier's end.
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The cable TV broadcast and/or live stream of this meeting will include closed captioning. If you require other auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. interpretive services (oral or written) or ASL interpreter) or are unable to submit testimony via the website due to a disability, please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
Click here for a complete list of House Guidelines for remote testimony.
FOR AMENDED NOTICES: Measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are bolded.
For more information, please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-9425
________________________________________ Rep. Della Au Belatti Chair |