Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita, Chair |
Rep. Lisa Kitagawa, Vice Chair |
Rep. Micah P.K. Aiu |
Rep. Rachele F. Lamosao |
Rep. Cory M. Chun |
Rep. Dee Morikawa |
Rep. Elle Cochran |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto |
Rep. Andrew Takuya Garrett |
Rep. Mahina Poepoe |
Rep. Kirstin Kahaloa |
Rep. Jenna Takenouchi |
Rep. Darius K. Kila |
Rep. David Alcos III |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Gene Ward |
Friday, March 31, 2023 |
2:00 p.m. |
VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE Conference Room 308 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
Click here to submit testimony and to testify remotely or in person.
A live stream link of all House Standing Committee meetings will be available online
shortly before the scheduled start time.
Click here for the live stream of this meeting via YouTube.
A G E N D A #1
RELATING TO FOOD SAFETY. Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture to establish and implement a GroupGAP food safety training and certification program. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
RELATING TO EXCESSIVE NOISE. Requires and appropriates funds for the department of transportation, in conjunction with counties having a population greater than 500,000, to develop and implement a pilot program to use noise detection traffic cameras to address excessive traffic noise in urban areas in each participating county. Requires the department of transportation to submit a report to the legislature. Effective 6/30/3000. Sunsets 12/31/2025. (HD1)
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL. Makes a housekeeping amendment to section 341-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to delete a reference to a repealed section. (SD1)
RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY. Requires government entities in the State that issue building permits to implement SolarAPP+ or a functionally equivalent online automated permitting platform that verifies code compliance and issues permits to licensed contractors for solar distributed energy resource systems in real time by 1/1/2024. Requires government entities in the State that issue building permits in territories served by an investor-owned electric utility to adopt self-certification for residential and commercial on-site solar distributed energy resource systems that are not SolarAPP+ compatible. Makes the professional engineers, architects, surveyors, and landscape architects licensure law inapplicable to work with respect to residential distributed energy resource systems. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD2)
RELATING TO POLLUTION ABATEMENT. Increases civil penalties for the violation of various pollution provisions. Establishes and appropriates funds for one full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE) environmental health specialist position. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
RELATING TO STATE WATER CODE PENALTIES. Creates a minimum penalty and raises the maximum penalty for every violation of the State Water Code. Clarifies that each day a violation exists or continues is a separate offense. Requires the Commission on Water Resource Management to determine the amount of the penalty based on the circumstances of the violation. Appropriates funds for positions in the Commission on Water Resource Management. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD2)
RELATING TO SEA LEVEL RISE ADAPTATION. Requires the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, in cooperation with each state agency having operational responsibilities over state facilities to develop a standardized process to conduct vulnerability assessments for facilities at risk from sea level rise and guidance to agencies on how to conduct the vulnerability assessments for their facilities. Makes an appropriation. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
RELATING TO BEACHES. Includes in the State's policies for the physical environment under the Hawaii State Planning Act, the promotion of statewide beach assessments and beach and shoreline adaptation, restoration, and conservation and the pursuit of compatible relationships among activities, facilities, Native Hawaiian traditional practices mauka to makai, and natural resources. Appropriates funds to the Office of Planning and Sustainable Development for the development of a statewide beach assessment study and shoreline adaptation, restoration, and conservation plan. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES ON PUBLIC LANDS. Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to place a lien on property for noncompliance with certain administrative enforcement actions related to land use violations and certain unauthorized structures encroaching on public lands. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD2)
RELATING TO DAM AND APPURTENANCE SAFETY. Establishes the dam and appurtenance improvement or removal grant program for plans, design, construction, and equipment that is used to improve or remove deficient dams and appurtenances as determined by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Specifies eligibility requirements for dam and appurtenance improvement or removal grants. Appropriates funds. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
RELATING TO SEARCH AND RESCUE. Requires government entities to seek reimbursement for all or a portion of search or rescue expenses for persons who require rescue after leaving a hiking trail to enter an area closed to the public or hiking on a trail closed to the public, and there is a sign giving notice of the closure. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD2)
RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Appropriates funds to the Department of Land and Natural Resources to inventory historic properties and burial sites in the State, collect data on burial site locations, and conduct an archaeological surface survey. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony received after this time will be stamped late and left to the discretion of the chair to consider. While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may not be processed.
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
The chair may institute a per-testifier time limit.
Committees meeting in the morning must adjourn prior to the day's Floor Session. Therefore, due to time constraints, not all testifiers may be provided an opportunity to offer verbal comments. However, written submissions will be considered by the committee.
Please refrain from profanity or uncivil behavior. Violations may result in ejection from the hearing without the ability to rejoin.
For remote testifiers, the House will not be responsible for bad connections on the testifier's end.
For general help navigating the committee hearing process, please contact the Public Access Room at (808) 587-0478 or
The cable TV broadcast and/or live stream of this meeting will include closed captioning. If you require other auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. interpretive services (oral or written) or ASL interpreter) or are unable to submit testimony via the website due to a disability, please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
Click here for a complete list of House Guidelines for remote testimony.
FOR AMENDED NOTICES: Measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are bolded.
For more information, please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6200.
________________________________________ Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita Chair |