NO. 1
Committee Abbreviations:
AGR - Agriculture |
CAI - Culture, Arts, & International Affairs |
CMV - Corrections, Military, & Veterans |
CPC - Consumer Protection & Commerce |
ECD - Economic Development |
EDN - Education |
EEP - Energy & Environmental Protection |
FIN - Finance |
GVR - Government Reform |
HET - Higher Education & Technology |
HHH - Health, Human Services, & Homelessness |
HSG - Housing |
JHA - Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs |
LAT - Labor & Tourism |
LMG - Legislative Management |
PDP - Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness |
TRN - Transportation |
WAL - Water & Land |
Committee |
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT. Short form bill relating to government.
RELATING TO PANDEMIC RESPONSE. Short form bill relating to pandemic response.
RELATING TO DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. Short form bill relating to disaster preparedness.
RELATING TO DISASTER RECOVERY. Short form bill relating to disaster recovery.
RELATING TO PANDEMIC RESPONSE. Short form bill relating to pandemic response.
RELATING TO AN ALTERNATE ROUTE SITE SELECTION SURVEY IN PUNA. Requires the department of transportation, in collaboration with the county of Hawaii, to conduct site surveys on the island of Hawaii to identify the most suitable location for an alternate route in Puna below Highway 130. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Requires the Department of Human Services to compile information regarding employers having employees who receive public assistance and to submit a report to the Legislature on the 50 employers with the highest number of employees receiving public assistance. Requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to share employment data with the Department of Human Services.
RELATING TO RIGHT TO REPAIR. Requires manufacturers of digital electronic equipment to make available to owners and independent repair providers, on fair and reasonable terms, the documentation, parts, and tools used to diagnose, maintain, and repair the equipment.
RELATING TO IMPROVING ACCESS TO PSYCHIATRIC CARE FOR MEDICAID PATIENTS. Specifies that coverage for telehealth under the State's medicaid managed care and fee-for-service programs includes psychiatric services delivered via telehealth through a behavioral health care manager who is present in a primary health care provider's office.
RELATING TO THE GENERAL EXCISE TAX. Clarifies that, under the general excise tax law, sales to a licensed retail merchant, jobber, or other licensed seller for resale are only eligible for the wholesale tax rate if the resale is subject to the highest general excise tax rate. Adds a similar requirement for sales of tangible personal property to a service provider or for the purpose of providing transient accommodations.
RELATING TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. Implements a schedule and standards for the inspection and repair of underground storage tanks.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES REVOLVING FUND. Establishes the Department of Education Commercial Enterprises Revolving Fund for funds to be expended in the operation of commercial enterprises by the Department of Education. Makes an appropriation into the revolving fund.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Includes pet animals under the prohibition relating to the negligent operation of any vehicle that causes a collision with, or injury or damage to, a person, vehicle, or other property. Defines "pet animal".
RELATING TO REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES. Requires that both the transferee's and transferor's address be provided on the certificate of ownership when the title to a motor vehicle is transferred. Clarifies that the signature of the transferee and the signature of the transferor each serve as an attestation by that respective party as to the validity of the information on the certificate of ownership. Specifies that providing false or fraudulent information subjects a party to penalties. Effective 7/1/2023.
RELATING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES. Requires the counties to provide a minimum distance a vehicle must be moved within a specified timeframe after a vehicle is initially inspected for abandonment to avoid an official classification of abandonment. Requires that, before a vehicle can be classified as being abandoned, notice be provided that the vehicle must be moved the specified distance within the specified timeframe or be subject to removal.
RELATING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES. Allows the director of finance of a county to require payment of outstanding charges and fines owed to the county relating to the disposition of an abandoned vehicle within the county by the registered owner of the abandoned vehicle before issuing a certificate of registration or completing a transfer of ownership, except under certain circumstances. Requires the county directors of finance to notify the appropriate county examiner of drivers of individuals who have outstanding charges and fines owed to the county relating to the disposition of an abandoned vehicle, who shall have their licenses revoked, suspended, or prohibited from being renewed.
RELATING TO ABANDONED VEHICLES. Makes a person who is the registered owner of a vehicle that was deemed abandoned or derelict subject to a tiered fine system.
RELATING TO THREAT ASSESSMENT. Establishes a program within the Hawaii State Fusion Center to train, establish, and operate threat assessment teams, including for educational institutions. Appropriates moneys.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY POWERS. Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the state constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Specifies parameters for when a state of emergency is terminated. Allows the authorization of the issuance of a proclamation arising from the same emergency or disaster as a previous proclamation that was terminated by the legislature, upon request of the Governor and adoption of a concurrent resolution by the Legislature.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V, SECTION 2, OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION TO REQUIRE THE GUBERNATORIAL NOMINEE OF EACH POLITICAL PARTY TO SELECT THE PARTY'S LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR NOMINEE. Proposes an amendment to article V, section 2, of the Hawaii State Constitution to require that each gubernatorial nominee appoint a person from the same political party as a running mate for lieutenant governor in the general election.
RELATING TO BROADBAND SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE. Defines broadband equity. Clarifies the Hawaii Broadband and Digital Equity Office's duties to promote and support digital equity and broadband deployment.
RELATING TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCESSIBILITY. Requires the office of enterprise technology services to develop, publish, and periodically update electronic information technology disability access standards to be implemented by state entities.
PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTIONS OF ARTICLE V OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION. Proposes an amendment to article V, section 2, of the Hawaii State Constitution to require that each gubernatorial nominee appoint a person from the same political party to be a running mate for Lieutenant Governor in the general election. Proposes an amendment to article V, section 4, of the Constitution to provide when the office of the governor is vacant, the Lieutenant Governor shall temporarily have the powers and duties of the office; provided that if a certain number of days remain in the gubernatorial term, a special election shall elect a Governor and Lieutenant Governor, who shall serve from the date of the certification of the special election results to the end of the vacated term.
RELATING TO A MEMORIAL. Authorizes the issuance of bonds and appropriates funds for plans and design of a veterans' memorial, and replicas of the memorial on each neighbor island, as recommended by the Gulf War memorial task force pursuant to Act 139, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013.
RELATING TO ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES. Authorizes the department of land and natural resources to issue temporary permits to allow otherwise prohibited acts when the species affected is designated as threatened and authorizes the department to also suspend or revoke those temporary permits for due cause for two years.
RELATING TO VIOLATIONS OF CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW. Increases from $1,000 to $5,000 the fine that may be assessed for campaign spending law violations against a noncandidate committee making only independent expenditures and that has received at least one contribution of more than $10,000, or spent more than $10,000 in an election period. Allows the Campaign Spending Commission to order that the fine be up to three times the amount of the unlawful contribution or expenditure, and that the payment of the fine assessed against a noncandidate committee, or any portion thereof, be paid from the personal funds of an officer of the noncandidate committee.
RELATING TO CANDIDATE COMMITTEE AND NONCANDIDATE COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS. Housekeeping measure that repeals references in sections 11‑322(b) and 11‑323(b), HRS, to paragraphs in subsection (a) of those statutes that have been repealed.
RELATING TO ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATIONS. Increases the threshold amount of aggregated expenditures for electioneering communications in a calendar year from more than $1,000 to more than $2,000 before statements of information would be required. Amends the definition of "disclosure date" to the date the electioneering communication is publicly distributed and the date of any subsequent public distributions of electioneering communications during the calendar year. Repeals "actual expenditures" from the list of items that are not electioneering communication.
RELATING TO ORDERS OF THE CAMPAIGN SPENDING COMMISSION. Amends section 11-410, HRS, by: amending subsection (b) to provide that a person waives the right to a contested case hearing if the person fails to request a contested case hearing within twenty days of receipt of the Campaign Spending Commission’s preliminary determination; and amending subsection (d) to provide that a final order of the Commission may be filed in the First Circuit Court for confirmation as a civil judgment, enforceable and collectible as any other judgment issued in the circuit courts.
RELATING TO REPORTS FILED WITH THE CAMPAIGN SPENDING COMMISSION. Housekeeping measure that provides that candidates are not required to file preliminary general reports if they are either unsuccessful or are elected to office in the primary election. Amends subsections (b) and (c) of section 11-339, HRS, to make them consistent with subsection (a) by aggregating contributions and expenditures in determining whether a committee need only file the final election period report.
RELATING TO OUT OF STATE DRIVER'S LICENSES. Establishes procedures for transferring out of state driver's licenses.
RELATING TO RENEWAL OF DRIVER'S LICENSES. Allows for the renewal of driver's licenses online or by electronic or digital means.
RELATING TO CONCESSIONS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Allows advertising of concessions on public property to be done via newspaper publication or online advertising.
RELATING TO SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREAS. Exempts public facilities from review and permitting requirements applicable to special management areas by amending the definition of "development".
RELATING TO CONCESSIONS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Increases the term of a concession from 15 to 25 years and removes the requirement that certain concessions can only be awarded to nonprofit organizations. Provides that the director of the parks and recreation of the respective county in their sole discretion to avoid vagueness in the present law should make certain decisions and designation. Exempts from the bidding requirements of Chapter 102, HRS, concessions on public property whose operations provide historical and cultural information, goods, and services within the State.
RELATING TO EXPIRATION OF LICENSES. Changes from 2 to 4 years the period for renewal of driver's licenses for individuals over 72 years of age.
RELATING TO THE COUNTIES. Authorizes counties, after adoption of an ordinance, to sell private property after all notices, orders, and appeal proceedings are exhausted and to use those revenues to pay unpaid civil fines related to that property.
RELATING TO PUBLIC NOTICES. Allows government agencies to publish public notices on an official website as an alternative to a newspaper.
RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. Expands the authority of the counties to transfer development rights to address areas at risk of sea level rise, coastal erosion, storm surge, or flooding.
RELATING TO THE USE OF INTOXICANTS WHILE OPERATING A VEHICLE. Lowers the threshold blood alcohol content for the offense of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant.
RELATING TO UNLAWFUL CHOP SHOP ACTIVITY. Establishes the criminal offenses of unlawful chop shop activity in the first and second degrees. Provides for the forfeiture of property connected with chop shop activity. Defines "chop shop."
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Establishes a green fee surcharge on transient accommodations for the purposes of funding workforce and services that promote certain environmental goals. Repeals on June 30, 2032.
RELATING TO THE MINIMUM WAGE. Requires that beginning on 1/1/2026, and each year thereafter, the adjusted minimum wage rate to be recalculated using the most recent self-sufficiency income standard for one adult in the State of Hawaii. Requires that the adjusted minimum wage go into effect starting 7/1/2026 and each year thereafter. Repeals the tip credit.
RELATING TO HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS IN THE COUNTY OF MAUI. Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds and appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the county of Maui.
RELATING TO THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT. Amends the definition of "development" in the Coastal Zone Management Act to exclude construction or reconstruction of a single-family residence that is less than five thousand square feet of floor area and meets other criteria. Defines "floor area" for purposes of the Act.
RELATING TO CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION. Assesses a climate change mitigation impact fee on every customer who rents, leases, or utilizes a rental motor vehicle. Establishes a climate change mitigation special fund. Specifies that the impact fees collected shall be deposited to the credit of the general fund; provided that, beginning 7/1/2024, the impact fees shall be deposited to the credit of the climate change mitigation special fund.
RELATING TO COUNTY GOVERNANCE. Abolishes Kalawao County and incorporates the area into Maui County.
RELATING TO UNLAWFUL CHOP SHOP ACTIVITY. Establishes the criminal offenses of unlawful chop shop activity in the first and second degrees. Provides for the forfeiture of property connected with chop shop activity. Defines "chop shop."
RELATING TO THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT. Amends the definition of "development" in the Coastal Zone Management Act to exclude construction or reconstruction of a single-family residence that is less than 5,000 square feet of floor area and meets other criteria. Defines "floor area" for purposes of the Act.
RELATING TO LIFEGUARDS. Provides that any person qualified as a county lifeguard who renders rescue, resuscitative, or other lifeguard services, without remuneration or expectation of remuneration, on a beach or in the ocean in the scope of the person's employment as a county lifeguard, shall not be liable, and the employing county shall not be liable, for any civil damages resulting from the person's act or omissions while providing rescue, resuscitative, or other lifeguard services, except as may result from the person's gross negligence or wanton acts or omissions.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC FINES. Authorizes the respective counties to impose and collect fines for violations of the Statewide Traffic Code, in addition to the fines imposed by the State under Chapter 291C, HRS.
RELATING TO JUNETEENTH DAY. Makes Juneteenth Day a state holiday.
RELATING TO THE COUNTY TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS TAX. Requires county transient accommodations taxes to be levied, assessed, collected, and otherwise administered by the Department of Taxation. Repeals the rate limit on the county transient accommodations tax. Requires transient accommodations tax revenues to be used to address pressures of the visitor industry on the demand for county services.
RELATING TO CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION. Assesses a climate change mitigation impact fee on every customer who rents, leases, or utilizes a rental motor vehicle. Establishes a climate change mitigation special fund. Specifies that the impact fees collected shall be deposited to the credit of the general fund; provided that, beginning 7/1/2024, the impact fees shall be deposited to the credit of the climate change mitigation special fund.
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION. Repeals the limitation on the amount that a county increase the fee for certificates of registration for motor vehicles other than U-drive motor vehicles.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Specifies that refusing to provide identifying information to a police officer when being detained for a traffic offense is a petty misdemeanor.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Requires the driver of a moped to be in immediate possession of a valid driver's license or instruction permit at all times.
RELATING TO ROBBERY IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Amends the offense of robbery in the first degree to include being armed with an electric gun.
RELATING TO THEFT IN THE SECOND DEGREE. Amends the offense of theft in the second degree to include theft of an electric gun.
RELATING TO ABUSE OF FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS. Adds abuse of family or household members to those felonies that qualify for repeat offender sentencing.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS. Clarifies acceptable procedure for initiating criminal complaints.
RELATING TO JUVENILE RESTITUTION. Amends section 571-48, HRS, to, upon request, mandate victim restitution in juvenile cases.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE VICTIM WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Appropriates funds to the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu as a grant-in-aid for the victim witness assistance program.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE CAREER CRIMINAL PROSECUTION UNIT. Appropriates funds to the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu as a grant-in-aid for the career criminal prosecution unit.
RELATING TO WITNESS FEES IN CRIMINAL CASES. Clarifies applicable reimbursement to the State or a defendant for expert witness fees, as it pertains to testimony, preparation, and in-court attendance in state court criminal proceedings.
RELATING TO EXECUTIVE PARDONS. Establishes a comprehensive application process for executive pardons.
RELATING TO CHILD TORTURE. Adds a new section to Chapter 709, HRS, to establish the class A felony offense of child torture.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 25, OF THE HAWAII CONSTITUTION REGARDING CRIMES AGAINST MINORS. Proposes an amendment to Article I, section 25, of the Hawaii Constitution to provide that the Legislature may define: what behavior constitutes a continuing course of conduct in continuous sexual assault crimes against minors younger than 16 years of age; what behavior constitutes a continuing course of conduct in continuous abuse of a minor younger than 16 years of age; and what constitutes the jury unanimity that is required for a conviction under these 2 charges.
RELATING TO SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A MINOR. Establishes the class B felony offense of continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of 16 years in the second degree. Amends the offense of continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of 14 years to apply to minors under the age of 16 years, and to specify that the offense is in the first degree. Effective upon ratification of constitutional amendment.
RELATING TO CHILD ABUSE. Adds a new section to Chapter 709, HRS, to criminalize continuous abuse of a minor under the age of 16 years. Effective upon ratification of constitutional amendment.
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Amends prohibition against certain individuals possessing or owning firearms to clarify that all individuals charged with a felony offense or convicted of certain offenses are prohibited from possessing a firearm.
RELATING TO UNAUTHORIZED CONTROL OF A PROPELLED VEHICLE. Creates an affirmative defense for anyone charged with unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle, where the defendant purchased the vehicle in good faith and believed themselves to be the actual owner of the vehicle.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Repeals deadlines relating to the tabulation of ballots. Amends the circumstances under which mandatory recounts of votes shall occur.
RELATING TO POLITICAL PARTIES. Amends provisions relating to dates and deadlines in statutory provisions governing political parties.
RELATING TO THE WITHDRAWAL OF PETITION SIGNATURES. Amends statutory provisions relating to the information necessary for a signer of a petition to withdraw the signer's name from the petition.
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. Requires environmental impact statements to consider whether the proposed action will exacerbate socioeconomic disparities.
RELATING TO INCREASING THE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS' PRO RATA SHARE OF THE PUBLIC LAND TRUST. Establishes the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' pro rata share of the moneys derived from the public land trust. Transfers moneys to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for income and proceeds due from the use of the public land trust lands between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2022, that was misallocated, underreported, or underpaid to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
RELATING TO MANDATORY ETHICS TRAINING. Requires all new state employees to complete ethics training either live or online within 90 days of the start of employment and every 4 years thereafter. Requires existing employees who have not received ethics training within the immediately preceding 3 years to complete live or online ethics training within 12 months of the Act's effective date and at least once every 4 years thereafter. Specifies that certain state officers shall complete live ethics training.
RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION. Establishes a tax credit of 30% of the actual cost, including installation, water and permitting fees, and related charges, of an automatic fire sprinkler system in any 1- or 2-family dwelling in a structure used only for residential purposes. Sunsets 12/31/2030.
RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION. Requires builders to provide written cost estimates for residential fire sprinklers to potential buyers of all new one- and two-family dwellings. The state fire council shall provide written information on the benefits of a sprinkler system.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Requires sellers of residential buildings or structures to equip approved smoke alarms in accordance with current state or county building or residential codes.
RELATING TO THE REDUCED IGNITION PROPENSITY CIGARETTE PROGRAM. Provides the State Fire Council additional flexibility in employing personnel to administer the reduced ignition propensity cigarette program.
RELATING TO THE REDUCED IGNITION PROPENSITY CIGARETTE PROGRAM. Authorizes additional uses of moneys in the reduced ignition propensity cigarette program special fund to support the State Fire Council and its programs and activities.
RELATING TO THE REDUCED IGNITION PROPENSITY CIGARETTE PROGRAM. Authorizes additional uses for moneys in the reduced ignition propensity cigarette program special fund to support the State Fire Council and its programs and activities. Appropriates moneys.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Shortens the prohibition on county requirements for automatic sprinklers or sprinkler systems in 1- and 2-family detached dwelling units and non-residential agricultural and aquacultural structures located outside urban areas.
RELATING TO FIREWORKS. Imposes a statewide limitation on the sale and use of consumer fireworks, except by permit for cultural events.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Repeals section 453-34(d), HRS, which limits licensure as an emergency medical technician 1 to individuals whose practice is performed in a county with a population of 500,000 or greater.
RELATING TO LITTER CONTROL. Requires the department of transportation to amend the adopt-a-highway program to reduce the minimum number of years a program participant must agree to clean up litter on a highway from two years to one year. Appropriates funds for the department of transportation to establish an anti-litter campaign.
RELATING TO THEFT. Amends the offense of theft in the first degree to specifically include theft of a motor vehicle as defined in section 291C-1, HRS.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TOURISM AUTHORITY. Requires the HTA to create educational videos, educational audio recordings, and supplementary informative paper material to be provided and distributed on incoming commercial flights.
RELATING TO RESIDENCE FOR TUITION PURPOSES. Requires the tuition residency rules for the University of Hawaii to grant the resident tuition fee for enrollment at any University of Hawaii campus, including any community college, to individuals who have obtained a Hawaii high school diploma or equivalent credential, register to vote in the State, and are working toward an undergraduate degree, under certain conditions.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FOURTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the fourth representative district.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a civil penalty for failure to respond to an inquiry or request for information during a state tax examination or investigation.
RELATING TO THE CIGARETTE TAX AND TOBACCO TAX LAW. Repeals the deferred payment purchase option for cigarette tax stamps. Requires licensees to pay for stamps at the time of purchase using cash, certified check, or bank transfer.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a civil penalty for failure to respond to the Department of Taxation in relation to an inspection or examination of records.
RELATING TO THE TAX ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL FUND. Increases the amount of moneys maintained in the tax administration special fund. Amends the purpose of the fund.
RELATING TO SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT SECTION. Amends the purpose and duties of the Special Enforcement Section of the Department of Taxation.
RELATING TO MOTION PICTURE, DIGITAL MEDIA, AND FILM PRODUCTION. Prohibits a production from qualifying for the motion picture, digital media, and film production tax credit if the production hires or compensates an employee of the State or county whose official capacity is related to motion picture, digital media, or film production for certain services. Requires a taxpayer claiming the tax credit to identify any such employee in the statement submitted to DBEDT.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY POWERS. Authorizes a restriction on public congregation, imposed as part of a declared state of emergency or local state of emergency, to include a requirement for restaurants, bars, and other retail food establishments to limit service to vaccinated patrons or patrons with proof of negative test for a specific contagious disease; provided that this restriction lasts no more than thirty days in a calendar year. Requires legislative approval in either regular or special session for any extension of the restriction.
RELATING TO INVASIVE SPECIES. Requires the division of forestry and wildlife of the department of land and natural resources to establish a two-year pilot program to remove invasive species in and around Waiahole stream on Oahu.
RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING. Requires the board of dentistry to issue a license by credentials to a practicing dentist who is licensed in another state and meets other specific professional qualification requirements. Expands the required qualifications for dental licensure to include passage of any other nationally recognized clinical dental examination recommended by the American Dental Association and dental licensure in another state; provided certain requirements are met.
RELATING TO FOOD SAFETY. Requires the department of agriculture to partner with a Hawaii entity to establish a pilot USDA Harmonized GAP food safety training and certification program to help small- and medium-sized farms obtain the United States Department of Agriculture's Harmonized Good Agricultural Practices certification. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO PEER-TO-PEER CAR SHARING. Prohibits any person from operating, using, or controlling a peer-to-peer car-sharing program in the State.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII NATURAL ENERGY INSTITUTE. Establishes the research partnership program within the Hawaii natural energy institute that allows businesses or private entities to partner with or utilize research conducted by the institute for the purposes of expansion, under certain conditions.
RELATING TO SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS. Allows a defendant who has been convicted of four misdemeanors in any business district or resort zoned area to be sentenced to a probationary term of geographic restriction not exceeding an unspecified number of years during which the defendant shall be prohibited from entering the district or area in which the acts occurred. Mandates imprisonment of thirty days for violation.
RELATING TO THE MINIMUM WAGE. Raises the minimum wage and establishes an adjusted minimum wage rate for 2027 and after. Repeals the tip credit.
RELATING TO PAID SICK LEAVE. Requires employers to provide a minimum amount of paid sick leave to employees to be used to care for themselves or a family member who is ill or needs medical care and supplemental paid sick leave to employees under certain public health emergency conditions.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Increases personal income tax revenues for high earning taxpayers by establishing new income tax brackets and rates that are applied against a broader level of taxable income for taxable years beginning after 12/31/2021. Increases the tax on capital gains. Increases the corporate income tax and establishes a single corporate income tax rate. Exempts unemployment payments from the State's personal income tax from 1/1/2022.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Requires the department of labor and industrial relations to establish and administer a family leave insurance program. Provides family leave insurance benefits and extends the period of family leave to 16 weeks for businesses that employ one or more employees who meet the hourly qualifications. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO TAX FAIRNESS. Increases the tax rate on capital gains. Makes the state earned income tax credit refundable and permanent. Applies to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
RELATING TO REGENERATIVE TOURISM. Establishes a regenerative tourism framework under the Hawaii state planning act for the State's visitor industry that advances environmental sustainability, ecological sensitivity, Hawaiian cultural preservation, and the economic security of Hawaii's people.
RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. Prohibits the issuance of warrants, including no-knock warrants, that permit entry by an officer to a house, store, or other building without first audibly declaring the officer's office and business. Requires law enforcement officers serving an arrest warrant at a house or a search warrant at a house, store, or other building to audibly declare the officer's office and business and wait at least thirty seconds for compliance before entry. Requires officers serving a warrant to do so while wearing an authorized uniform and activated body-worn video camera.
RELATING TO TEACHERS. Increases the number of classifications on the salary schedule for teachers of the department of education. Specifies that additional classifications may be included in the teachers' salary schedule pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement negotiated for bargaining unit (5).
RELATING TO TEACHER COMPENSATION. Appropriates funds for an experimental modernization project to address compensation equity issues and make necessary salary adjustments for senior teachers whose current base salary does not reflect their years of professional service.
RELATING TO GREEN FEES. Establishes an environmental surcharge on visitor accommodations. Establishes the green tourism special fund, to be funded largely by the environmental surcharge, to invest in the State's transition to a clean energy economy, conservation of natural resources, and sustainability and resiliency.
RELATING TO THE LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLD RENTERS TAX CREDIT. Increases the credit amount and the income eligibility cap thresholds for the income tax credit for low-income household renters by using tax brackets. Provides for inflation increases every three years based on the urban Hawaii consumer price index beginning with taxable years beginning after 12/31/2023.
RELATING TO BIRDS. Requires the department of health to enforce a prohibition on the feeding of excessive numbers of feral birds without the need to first determine that odors and filth from bird waste are a nuisance. Provides exceptions. Establishes penalties.
RELATING TO AIRCRAFT. Requires the Director of Transportation to adopt rules that require tour aircraft operators to have aircraft liability insurance coverage of not less than $1,000,000 per person per incident.
RELATING TO REGULATION. Prohibits as an unfair and deceptive practice the advertisement of a good or service in the absence of licenses or permits for the good or service, to the extent the licenses or permits are required by applicable state and county laws.
RELATING TO COFFEE. Requires coffee blend labels to disclose geographic and regional origins and per cent by weight of the blended coffees. Prohibits using geographic origins of coffee in labeling or advertising for roasted or instant coffee that contains less than a certain percentage of coffee by weight from that geographic origin, phased in to a minimum of 51% after 7/1/2024. Prohibits use of the term "All Hawaiian" in labeling or advertising for roasted or instant coffee not produced entirely from green coffee beans grown and processed in Hawaii. Appropriates moneys for the pesticide subsidy program.
RELATING TO ANTS. Appropriates $600,000 to the Department of Land and Natural Resources (LNR402) for research, extension, and control of the little fire ant and other harmful ants.
RELATING TO SUNSCREEN. Beginning January 1, 2023, prohibits the sale, offer for sale, or distribution in the State of any sunscreen that contains active ingredients that are not generally recognized as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration, without a prescription issued by a licensed health care provider.
RELATING TO MOPEDS. Prohibits a retailer from selling or offering for sale combustion engine-powered mopeds beginning 1/1/2024.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Requires the public utilities commission to open one or more proceedings to consider low- and moderate-income rates, bill credits, or direct payments and whether these would be appropriate for the State; the advantages and disadvantages of rate design, program offerings, and the requirements of community benefits agreements; and other customer-centric solutions to lessen the energy burden on low- and moderate-income customers.
RELATING TO CLIMATE MITIGATION. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to develop an estimated social cost of carbon; each regulated electric and gas utility to use the estimated social cost of carbon in the utility's respective integrated resource planning process; and the State to consider the estimated social cost of carbon in planning new infrastructure and capital improvement projects.
RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY. Excludes the installation of roof-mounted photovoltaic or solar water heater systems from mandatory review under chapter 6E, HRS, by the state historic preservation division.
RELATING TO ENERGY RESOURCES. Amends the definition of "petroleum product" to mean any product derived from the distillation of crude oil.
RELATING TO PROCUREMENT. Provides additional guidance and updates the reporting obligations for state departments, including the department of education, pursuant to Acts 175 and 176 (SLH 2021), which established programmatic goals for the purchase and procurement of locally sourced products. Effective 1/1/2023.
RELATING TO ORGANIC WASTE. Requires each county to incorporate into its next integrated solid waste management plan revision a plan to divert by 1/1/2025 all organic waste produced within the county by facilities generating more than a minimum amount of organic waste per year. Appropriates funds to reimburse the counties for incorporation of the new requirement into their plan revisions.
RELATING TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE. Establishes a three-year cover crop reimbursement pilot program to provide reimbursement to farming operations in the State for costs related to cover cropping. Establishes a cover crop reimbursement pilot program manager position within the department of agriculture to administer the program. Requires an annual report to the legislature. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO COMPOSTING. Establishes and appropriates funds for a compost reimbursement program within the department of agriculture and one full-time permanent compost reimbursement program manager position to oversee the program. Requires an annual progress report of the program to the legislature prior to each regular session.
RELATING TO FARMER EQUITY. Enhances farmer equity by ensuring inclusion of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in the development, implementation, and enforcement of food and agriculture laws, rule, policies, and programs. Requires an annual report to the legislature.
RELATING TO PESTICIDES. Requires the department of agriculture to use consistent units of measurement in its summary to the public on the amounts of restricted use pesticides used. Effective 1/1/2023, establishes a one-half mile buffer zone for pesticides around schools and state and county public parks.
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Establishes a collective bargaining unit for graduate assistants employed by the University of Hawaii.
RELATING TO THE STADIUM AUTHORITY. Grants the Stadium Authority the ability to sell naming rights to Aloha Stadium and its facilities.
RELATING TO STATE PURCHASES. Requiring State purchases to prioritize goods "made in America", "made in America from domestic and foreign parts", and "assembled in America", prior to those of foreign origin, in cases where Hawaii products are unavailable.
RELATING TO COFFEE LEAF RUST. Amends the subsidy program originally created by Act 105, Session Laws of Hawaii 2014, to allow coffee growers to use subsidies from the program to offset the costs of purchasing fertilizer to strengthen tree immunity against coffee leaf rust.
RELATING TO COFFEE LABELING. Requires coffee blend labels to disclose geographic and regional origins and per cent by weight of the blended coffees. Prohibits using geographic origins of coffee in labeling or advertising for roasted or instant coffee that contains less than a designated percentage of coffee by weight from that geographic origin, phased in to a minimum of fifty-one per cent by 1/1/2025. Prohibits use of the term "All Hawaiian" in labeling or advertising for roasted or instant coffee not produced entirely from green coffee beans grown and processed in Hawaii.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Appropriates supplemental funds for the Judiciary for the fiscal biennium beginning 7/1/2021 and ending 6/30/2023.
RELATING TO THE CHILDREN'S JUSTICE PROGRAM. Updates the purpose of the children's justice program to include investigation and management of cases involving suspected or confirmed child sex trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children, other child maltreatment, and child witnesses to crime or violence. Makes conforming amendments.
RELATING TO THE ROOM CONFINEMENT OF MINORS. Establishes conditions and time limits for placing a minor in room confinement at a detention or shelter facility. Effective upon approval.
RELATING TO THE SAFETY OF JUDICIARY PERSONNEL. Prohibits the posting of judges' and other court staff's personal information on the internet with the intent to intimidate or threaten. Establishes a judicial security task force to review and recommend additional measures for ensuring the safety of federal and state judges and specified judicial staff while taking into consideration the operational needs of government offices, agencies and the public.
RELATING TO STATE BONDS. Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds. Makes findings required by Article VII, Section 13, of the Hawaii State Constitution to declare that the issuance of authorized bonds will not cause the debt limit to be exceeded.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS. Clarifies acceptable procedure for initiating criminal complaints.
RELATING TO LEGISLATIVE ACCESS THROUGH REMOTE TESTIMONY. Requires each house of the legislature to establish by its rule, procedures that enables the legislature to use remote testimony at legislative committee hearings, enable the public to present oral testimony at legislative committee hearings through remote testimony, and accommodate persons with disabilities though remote testimony. Defines "remote testimony".
RELATING TO SOCIAL WORK. Requires the department of public safety, in collaboration with the department of human services, to develop and establish a program to train incarcerated nonviolent individuals in the area of social work. Requires progress reports on the program to the legislature. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY. Requires state departments and agencies to submit a report to the legislature on certain information of funded state programs enacted into law within a year of that law's passage.
RELATING TO NOISE POLLUTION. Directs Department of Health to adopt rules for the control, prevention, and abatement of noise pollution emitted by vehicles in the State. Prohibits the use, ownership, and sale of excessively loud vehicles.
RELATING TO AIR POLLUTION. Requires DOH to, consistent with federal law, adopt cost-effective and technologically feasible regulations to prohibit engine exhaust and evaporative emissions from new small off-road engines. Requires DOH to report to the legislature by December 31, 2023, with recommendations for funding for commercial rebates or similar incentive funding to support the transition to zero-emission small off-road equipment operations.
RELATING TO GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION. Appropriates funds to expand graduate medical education programs on the neighbor islands.
RELATING TO GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION. Appropriates funds to expand medical school and residency training through the Department of Veterans Affairs graduate medical education programs.
RELATING TO LOAN REPAYMENT FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. Appropriates funds for the Hawaii state loan repayment program administered through the John A. Burns school of medicine, subject to a matching funds requirement.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII MEDICAL EDUCATION SPECIAL FUND. Establishes the Hawaii medical education special fund to be administered by the John A. Burns school of medicine for graduate medical education and training programs.
RELATING TO THE COMMISSION TO PROMOTE UNIFORM LEGISLATION. Provides a limited exemption for the Hawaii Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation from certain requirements of part I of chapter 92, HRS, for the purpose of allowing commissioners of the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation to attend and participate in a full capacity in meetings hosted by the Uniform Law Commission, without any limitation on the number of participating commissioners, in furtherance of its goal of representing and promoting uniformity of legislation for the State.
RELATING TO THE STADIUM DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Clarifies the composition of the stadium authority as added by Act 146, Session Laws of Hawaii 2021.
RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF HEALTH CARE ASSURANCE SPECIAL FUND. Removes the ceiling and lapsing provision for the office of health care assurance special fund. Authorizes the moneys in the special fund to be used in any fiscal year for certain purposes.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Short form bill relating to homelessness.
RELATING TO MEDICAID. Short form bill relating to Medicaid.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Creates a blood donation income tax credit to promote frequent blood donations.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a tax credit for verified employee blood donations made at an employer sponsored blood drive. Applies to taxable years 2022-2027.
RELATING TO TRAFFIC. Permits a bicyclist to proceed through an intersection from a right turn only lane if they cannot safely merge into the thru traffic lane, provided they signal intention to merge left. Permits a bicyclist to proceed in a right turn only lane when approaching an intersection, even if they do not intend to turn right, provided that they do not pass a stopped vehicle and that they exercise reasonable safety when passing a moving vehicle.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes a career development success program to provide financial incentives for participating public high schools to encourage students enrolled in grades nine through twelve to enroll in and successfully complete qualified industry-credential programs. Establishes a similar program for public charter schools. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Amends the minimum qualifications for board of education members.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Establishes within the department of education a workforce readiness program to provide opportunities for students to earn associate degrees, workforce development diplomas, pre-apprenticeship certificates, and other industry-recognized certificates. Requires the department to designate schools, including adult community schools, to participate in the program. Appropriates funds for the workforce readiness program and two full-time equivalent (2.0 FTE) adult workforce readiness program coordinator positions.
RELATING TO THE EARLY LEARNING BOARD. Adds the director of Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education as an ex officio, nonvoting member to the Early Learning Board.
RELATING TO EARLY LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. Short form bill relating to early learning opportunities.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to education.
RELATING TO CHARTER SCHOOLS. Provides funding for rental or lease of facilities under legislative appropriations and bond authorizations to the state public charter school commission for the design, planning, construction, repair, and maintenance of public charter school improvements. Appropriates general funds for infrastructure costs, rental or lease assistance, and the repair and maintenance of network infrastructure for charter schools.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII FARM TO FOOD BANK PROGRAM. Establishes the Hawaii Farm to Food Bank Program and Hawaii Food Assistance Special Fund to alleviate food shortages in the State. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL PRETRIAL REFORM. Eliminates the use of monetary bail and requires defendants to be released on their own recognizance for traffic offenses; violations; and nonviolent petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor, and class C felony offenses, with certain exceptions. Requires PSD to take steps to provide videoconferencing to a defendant who chooses to participate in a bail report interview via videoconference.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Changes the law requiring all state departments to ensure that a certain percentage of food purchased consists of fresh, local agricultural products or local value-added, processed, agricultural, or food products to apply only to the DOE, DOH, PSD, and UH System. Requires each of those departments and the UH System to report to the legislature on its progress toward meeting these benchmarks and clarifies the information to be reported.
RELATING TO THE REFUNDABLE FOOD/EXCISE TAX CREDIT. Increases the income threshold eligible to claim the refundable food/excise tax credit.
RELATING TO THE YOUTH VAPING EPIDEMIC. Beginning 1/1/2023, bans the sale of flavored tobacco and synthetic nicotine products; prohibits mislabeling of e-liquid products containing nicotine; and prohibits the marketing, advertising, or promoting of electronic smoking devices to appeal to individuals under twenty-one. Establishes fines and penalties for violations. Includes heated smoking products among the electronic smoking devices that are subject to restrictions under law.
RELATING TO COVID-19 VACCINATION STATUS. Makes it a civil violation for a person to: (1) misrepresent to a business, church, nonprofit organization, or governmental entity the person's COVID-19 vaccination status, including the person's medical condition or religious beliefs as the basis for a COVID‑19 vaccine exemption; (2) falsify or alter a COVID-19 vaccination card, or purchase a falsified or altered COVID-19 vaccination card, for personal use; (3) use a falsified or altered COVID-19 vaccination card; or (4) sell, distribute, or manufacture, regardless of whether the person is compensated, a falsified or altered COVID-19 vaccination card for use by others. Establishes fines.
RELATING TO SEARCH AND RESCUE. Establishes the hike safe card program and search and rescue special fund to be administered by the department of land and natural resources. Requires government entities to seek reimbursement for all or a portion of search and rescue expenses for persons who require rescue after leaving a hiking trail to enter a prohibited area or hiking on a trail closed to the public and persons who acted recklessly. Exempts persons who possess a hike safe card from search and rescue cost reimbursement, unless a search and rescue response is required due to a reckless act or omission. Repeals on 6/30/2025.
RELATING TO POLICING. Requires officers serving a warrant issued by a district court to do so while wearing an authorized uniform and using a body‑worn video camera.
RELATING TO CONTRACTORS. Requires DCCA to maintain and make public a list of persons that performed work without the required contractor license. Requires that certain documents be submitted to DCCA for projects being conducted pursuant to the owner-builder exemption of the contractor licensing law. Establishes fees based on the estimated value of the work to be performed by the owner-builder, to be used to pay for county building inspections. Requires owner-builders to provide written permission for a county to enter the property for inspection prior to a county issuing a building permit.
RELATING TO PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS. Expands the scope of practice for physician assistants. Requires a sampling of medical records, rather than all medical records, to be reviewed when physician assistants prescribe controlled substances.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII STATE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, QUEER, PLUS COMMISSION. Establishes the Hawaii state lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus commission. Permits each county mayor to appoint a county committee on the status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus affairs. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO THE KAHO‘OLAWE ISLAND RESERVE COMMISSION. Appropriates funds for the Kaho‘olawe island reserve commission and to fund two full-time equivalent permanent positions for the Kaho‘olawe island reserve commission.
RELATING TO CANNABIS. Authorizes the Department of Health to approve in-vehicle receipt of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products on or near the premises of dispensaries under certain conditions.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Extends the deadline by which the transfer of the Oahu regional health care system from the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation to the Department of Health shall take place. Sets the manner by which the Oahu Regional Health Care System should request operational funding during the transitional period. Exempts the working group from Chapter 92, HRS. Appropriates moneys.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Specifies under the Hawaii Rules of Evidence that a court may order that the testimony of witnesses be taken through a live two-way video connection in certain circumstances.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Requires the governor's coordinator on homelessness to collect and maintain a database of private property owners who give prior consent for homeless service providers to enter an owner's private property, for purposes of administering homeless services to a homeless individual located on that private property. Requires a report to the legislature. Exempts homeless service providers from civil and criminal liability that may result from the administration of homeless services. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO CHILD CARE. Requires that child care persons provide certain information to the Department of Human Services each year.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Requires condominium associations to allow members or their proxies to vote by mail and attend and cast votes in association meetings through the internet, teleconference, or other electronic transmission technology. Ensures the provision of copies of printed audit trails.
RELATING TO THE POWER OF ARREST. Updates the list of federal agencies whose law enforcement officers may make arrests for certain offenses under state law by adding United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations and deleting United States Citizenship and Immigration Services from the list. Updates references to the titles of the heads of the district offices for the listed federal agencies and the names of these agencies, including United States Customs and Border Protection.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Clarifies that the powers granted for emergency purposes shall not be inconsistent with the state constitution. Provides parameters for the duration of suspension of laws and requires justification for the suspension. Authorizes the governor to require counties to obtain approval prior to issuing any emergency order, rule, or proclamation. Clarifies that a state of emergency may be extended or terminated by a separate or supplementary proclamation. Authorizes the legislature to terminate a state of emergency, in part or in whole, by an affirmative two-thirds vote. Specifies that prohibitions on price increases of essential commodities during a severe weather warning expire seventy-two hours after the effective date and time of the initial declaration or any supplemental proclamation.
RELATING TO DISASTER RESPONSE. Repeals language authorizing the department of education to retain federal reimbursements for disaster relief and delaying the lapsing of those funds to the general fund. Shortens the time for reporting to the legislature the purpose of major disaster fund money allotments or expenditures. Requires federal disaster relief reimbursement moneys to be deposited into a trust account of the Hawaii emergency management agency and reimbursed to the originating fund of the expending agency, with funds to be returned to the general fund upon lapse of the original appropriation. Requires annual reports to the legislature on federal reimbursement moneys, and disaster response spending by each state agency.
RELATING TO AN INTRASTATE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM. Establishes the intrastate mutual aid system to allow counties to share resources in times of emergency or in preparation for emergencies.
RELATING TO HAZARD MITIGATION. Establishes the resilient Hawaii revolving loan fund under the Hawaii emergency management agency to make low- or no-interest loans to local governments and nonprofit organizations to conduct hazard mitigation and resiliency projects, using funds anticipated to be available under the federal Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Act. Establishes positions. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. Provides that intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury to any owner, employee, or agent of a retail mercantile establishment who is engaged in enforcing a governmental health or safety requirement relating to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is a class C felony.
RELATING TO GENERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPTIONS. Establishes a general excise tax exemption for the gross proceeds or income from the sale of groceries that are eligible under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), regardless of the means of purchase and the SNAP or WIC eligibility of the purchaser. Establishes a general excise tax exemption for the gross proceeds or income from the sale of nonprescription drugs. Effective 1/1/2023.
RELATING TO RECORDING LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES. Establishes the right of persons to record law enforcement activities. Establishes a private right of action for violations of the right.
RELATING TO AN INTERSTATE COMPACT TO PHASE OUT CORPORATE WELFARE. Adopts the Interstate Compact to Phase Out Corporate Welfare.
RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT. Requires the department of human resources development to establish a personnel exchange program by 7/1/2023 for the exchange or movement of civil service employees between the State, counties, and certain organizations.
RELATING TO THE CENTER FOR NURSING. Requires all nursing license applicants to respond to the center for nursing workforce supply survey in conjunction with license renewal, provided that the license renewal shall not be contingent upon responding to the workforce supply survey and failure to respond to the workforce supply survey shall not result in encumbrance of the nurse's license. Increases the center for nursing fee from $40 to $60 per license biennium.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Authorizes independent generators of renewable energy to wheel the renewable electricity they produce to users of renewable energy under administrative rules established by the Public Utilities Commission.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES. Makes permanent the motor vehicle insurance requirements for transportation network companies and transportation network company drivers in Act 236, Session Laws of Hawaii 2016.
RELATING TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. Extends until 2033 the sunset date of Act 65, SLH 2013, which provides a limited exemption to the licensing requirements for certain individuals in situations when an electric utility must retain qualified individuals to work with high voltage (600 volts or higher) who are not licensed in the State but are otherwise deemed qualified by the electric utility. Extends until 2033 the reporting requirements under Act 60, SLH 2018, regarding high voltage electrical contractors.
RELATING TO VETERINARY MEDICINE. Authorizes the board to grant temporary courtesy and relief permits for out-of-state veterinarians. Permits licensed veterinarians to practice veterinarian telemedicine. Allows for international veterinary school graduates to qualify for the licensure examination.
RELATING TO SUICIDE COUNSELING SERVICES. Requires all facilities that provide mental health treatment to provide one-on-one suicide counseling services to patients who have attempted or threatened suicide. Specifies the health care providers who may provide suicide counseling services.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET Adjusts and requests appropriations for fiscal biennium 2021-2023 funding requirements for operations and capital improvement projects of Executive Branch agencies and programs.