Honolulu, Hawaii

                , 2021


RE:   H.B. No. 958

      H.D. 1





Honorable Scott K. Saiki

Speaker, House of Representatives

Thirty-First State Legislature

Regular Session of 2021

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Corrections, Military, & Veterans, to which was referred H.B. No. 958 entitled:




begs leave to report as follows:


     The purpose of this measure is to amend the minimum eligibility requirements for appointment to the position of Adjutant General to a person who:


     (1)  Holds or has held a commission of the rank of Colonel in the military with a grade of 06 or above or its equivalent;


     (2)  Has served as a commissioned officer in one or more certain Army or Air Force components for at least ten years; and


     (3)  Has no administrative actions preventing promotion to the rank of a General Officer in the military with a grade of 07 or 08.


     Your Committee received testimony in support of this measure from the Department of Defense.


     Your Committee finds that the position of Adjutant General serves as the Director of Hawaii Emergency Management and oversees the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.  These responsibilities require strategic thinking and quick and decisive coordination of various agencies, including mobilization of forces in advance of and during actual emergencies.


     Your Committee further finds that the position of Adjutant General requires a person with sufficient military education and experience to make operational decisions, maintain credibility with national and international counterparts, and provide leadership in times of natural or manmade disaster.  The rank of Major, which would currently qualify a person for the position of Adjutant General, can be attained by someone with approximately ten years less of education and experience than a person holding the rank of Colonel.  Increasing the minimum eligibility requirements for the position through this measure provides greater assurance that the role will be filled by a qualified candidate.


     Your Committee has amended this measure by:


     (1)  Changing the effective date to July 1, 3050, to encourage further discussion; and


     (2)  Making technical, nonsubstantive amendments for the purposes of clarity, consistency, and style.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Corrections, Military, & Veterans that is attached to this report, your Committee is in accord with the intent and purpose of H.B. No. 958, as amended herein, and recommends that it pass Second Reading in the form attached hereto as H.B. No. 958, H.D. 1, and be referred to your Committee on Finance.



Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Corrections, Military, & Veterans,




