(Budget Bill) |
Nanakuli Library: $17,000 additional funding for utilities and other costs (Budget Bill) |
SB1499 |
6th Grade Academy at Waianae Intermediate School ($4m CIP) |
Pre-K funding for 18 charter school classrooms, including Kamaile Academy ($4m) |
SB1294 | HB1437 |
Air Conditioning for DOE Nanakuli-Waianae complex |
Searider Productions Pre-College Program ($450,000 GIA**) |
SB736 | HB310 |
Child Care: Establishes a tax credit for employers who establish on-site early childhood care facilities |
After School All Stars: Nanakuli High & Inter, King Inter & Central Inter ($200,000 GIA) |
SB1499 |
Boys & Girls Club of HI: Repairs, maintenance and renovations for Nanakuli, Waianae, Kauai, and other clubhouses (GIA) |
SB1499 |
Pu‘uhonua o Wai‘anae (GIA) |
SB732 |
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU): eliminate parking stall requirement if unit is within a half mile of any bus stop or public transit system |
SB722 | HB432 |
On or before June 30, 2021, requires planned community associations to register with the real estate commission. Requires the real estate commission to administer and enforce planned community association laws. Establishes the planned community association trust fund for specific purposes related to planned community associations, including the use of mediation and arbitration of association related disputes. |
SB724 | HB347 |
Condominium Associations: Amends the requirements for a condominium association's standard proxy form by deleting the option for a condominium owner to give the proxy to the board as a whole; |
SB725 |
Condominium Associations: specifies that proxies and ballots may be destroyed 90 days, rather than 30 days, after a meeting. |
SB212 | HB1389 |
DHHL: Monetize DHHL residential leased lands to assist beneficiaries with down payments, building equity, and creating wealth |
SB1502 |
DHHL Representative on water commission |
SB1501 |
DHHL CIP Project Funding |
SCR17 | SR12 |
DHHL Blood quantum |
SCR18 | SR13 |
DHHL alternative housing options |
SB727 |
Office of Hawaiian Affairs |
SB728 | HB1114 |
public funding of OHA candidates' campaigns |
SB729 | HB1116 |
randomize order of OHA candidates' names on ballots |
SB730 | HB831 |
terms limits for OHA trustees |
SB1295 |
create head-to-head races for OHA candidates |
SB731 | HB1113 |
allow OHA employees to opt-in to collective bargaining |
Alu Like funding (GIA) |
SB1296 | HB455 |
Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission (KIRC) funding, including two additional staff members |
Vocational Training: Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement Hawaiian Trade Academy (GIA) |
SB723 |
Paternity Cases: Requires Courts to post filed documents and court minutes online; for cases involving multiple children with the same parents, allows movants to include multiple case numbers on single motions; permits courts and CSEA to combine cases into one; and allows courts and CSEA to add new children from the same parents into existing cases. |
SB1035 | HB482 |
Extension of the Statute of Limitations for child sex abuse civil suits until age 40 |
SB210 | HB1238 |
Sex Assault: Prohibits granting custodial rights to child who is a result of sex abuse to perpetrator if Court finds it is in the child's best interest |
SB1503 | HB1506 |
Allows certain felons to participate in voting |
SB734 |
Allows courts and CSEA to order responsible parent to work at a payrolled, garnishable job after 3 months of non-payment of child support |
SB1092 |
allows courts and CSEA to immediately suspend a driver's license or passport for non-payment |
SB733 | HB1060 |
makes non-payment of $30,000 or more a felony |