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Monday, October 4, 2021
Legislative Wrap-Up
(Courtesy of "Westside Stories")
Click here to read the Legislative Wrap-Up.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
2021 Bill List: Senator Maile Shimabukuro
Aloha! I am pleased to report on the following bills and resolutions that I introduced or support during the 2021 legislative session:
Traffic improvements: 5th lane extension on Farrington Highway; opening locked portion of Paakea Road to create a parallel route; other traffic and safety improvements ($25m CIP)
SB57 / HB332 |
Modified cars: Eliminate the reconstructed car inspection; codify safety check system procedures. |
SB896 / HB631 |
Provides judges with greater discretion to adjust the amount owed or financial circumstances by a person who violates certain traffic offenses based on the person's inability to pay. Decreases the imprisonment term to contumacious nonpayment ratio. Increases the amount of credit given to a person committed for contumacious nonpayment. |
Nanakuli High and Intermediate School: Performing Arts Center ($40m CIP)
Waianae High School: funding to complete track and field improvements ($4.8m CIP)
SB1409 / HB800 |
Prohibits council, board, and commission members from serving if the member has not completed, within the requisite time, the required training course related to native Hawaiian and Hawaiian traditional and customary rights, native Hawaiian and Hawaiian natural resource protection and access rights, and the public trust, including the State's trust responsibility. |
SB1413 / HB1357 |
Requires the governor, lieutenant governor, state legislators, and heads of principal departments to prominently display a Hawaiian translation of the name of their office or department at least once on the main page of their official website and in the letterhead of their stationery. |
SCHHA Package: Three bills aimed at improving DHHL's
(1) SB891 / HB1123 |
HHC governance and membership; |
(2) SB884 / HB1124 |
Appraisals; 2nd Position Loans; Loan Servicing Manual; and |
(3) SB892 / HB1122 |
beneficiary consultation; general leases; water negotiations. |
OHA Elections: 3 bills aimed at improving OHA elections by
(1) SB981 |
increasing parity in public funding; |
(2) SB238 |
randomizing names of candidates on ballots; and |
(3) SB890 |
creating head-to-head and island-specific races for at-large and area-specific seats, respectively. |
SB982 |
Hawaiian Burials: Codifies Hawaiian burial practices. |
SB877 / HB1391 |
DHHL Independent Counsel: Allow DHHL to retain private attorneys. |
SB1411 |
Defines "pre-contact historic property". Clarifies that the historic preservation program includes providing consultation to counties and public and private agencies involved in historic preservation and the development, publication, and distribution of materials about protections for burials, historic sites, and archaeological resources. Amends the composition and duties of the Hawaii historic places review board. Increases civil and administrative fines for certain violations of historic and preservation requirements and makes violators liable for costs associated with mitigation or restoration measures.
SCR185 / SR150 |
SB1258 / HB1120 |
Telehealth: Improve regulations regarding telehealth to allow for billing and access to services by phone only. |
SB894 / HB630 |
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Emergency Room (ER): Preserve the community health center ER special fund, and add taxes from vaping devices to the special fund. |
SB887 / HB276 |
Establishes the stabilization fund. Caps employer contributions to the other post-employment benefits trust fund. Transfers excess funds over the established cap from other post-employment benefits trust fund to the stabilization fund to cover cost increases of providing health and other benefits plans for active employees and retirees and their dependents. |
SB893 |
Amends various provisions related to the licensure of midwives. Allows direct-entry midwives to practice midwifery under certain conditions. |
SB899 / HB628 |
Requires that at least 3 members of the state council on mental health have demonstrated knowledge of or work experience involving Native Hawaiian concepts of well-being, culturally-grounded mental health methodologies, or traditional healing or health practices. |
SB1412 |
Directs the department of budget and finance to issue special purpose revenue bonds for the planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, renovating, acquiring, equipping, and improvement of the Honokea Surf Village at Kalaeloa. |
SB86 |
Requires DOH to issue 8 additional medical marijuana dispensary licenses to DHHL to generate revenue to support beneficiaries; requires DHHL to study alternative revenue generating options and report back to the Legislature |
SB895 |
Fireworks: Legalize consumer use of fireworks only on New Year's Eve and 4th of July, from sunset to midnight. Includes a 1% surcharge to support HFD, DOFAW, and EMS. |
SB898 / HB623 |
Appropriates federal funds to support the work of the State of Hawaii Museum of Natural and Cultural History, aka Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. |
SCR184 / SR149 |
SB897 / HB626 |
Requires the department of health to establish a two-year pilot project to test Tier 1 beaches, include Poka‘i Bay, for Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus not less than monthly. Requires a report to the legislature before the regular sessions of 2022, 2023, and 2024. |
SB888 |
Reforestation: Amends and clarifies "renewable feedstocks" to conform with federal statutes and the Environmental Protection Agency's directive. |
SB889 / HB696 |
Environmental Impact Statements: Adds definitions of "biomass" and "fossil fuels", and amends the definition of "power generational facility". |
SB872 |
Water Rights: Add the DHHL Chair or his/her designee as a member of the Water Commission. |
SB878 |
Requires each board of water supply to send an annual accounting of water credits to the department of Hawaiian home lands. Requires the boards to annually reserve the water credits requested by the department of Hawaiian home lands. Prohibits counties from withholding any water developed by the department of Hawaiian home lands for the board of water supply's own use and allocation in the negotiation of any water development, water credit, or similar agreement. Requires the counties to credit the department of Hawaiian home lands the full amount of credits justified by the water development. Requires each board of water supply to develop water shortage policies that first require reductions in non-public trust uses of water, including the uses on Hawaiian home lands under section 221 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act rather than equal percentage reductions in use. Requires each county board of water supply to apply for water licenses of any waters they develop or have in their system emanating from state lands under section 171-58 before July 30, 2022. Adds representation of the interests set forth on section 221 of the Hawaiian homes commission Act onto the county boards of water supply.
SB882 |
Adds the Chairperson of the Hawaiian Homes Commission to the Board of Agriculture. |
SB1410 / HB1356 |
Clarifies that "customary and traditional subsistence farming", which is customary and traditional subsistence farming conducted by a native Hawaiian cultural practitioner in certain situations, is included as a protected activity under the Hawaii Right to Farm Act. Clarifies that the cultivation of crops and activities related to game, fish, and livestock on agricultural lands may be for economic use or customary and traditional subsistence farming. Provides that one of the State's policies under the Hawaii State Planning Act's agricultural objectives is to assure the right of native Hawaiian cultural practitioners to engage in customary and traditional subsistence farming for direct personal or family consumption. |
SB346 |
Cage-Free Hens: Requires large-scale egg farmers to provide at least 1x1' cage space for hens. |
SB828 / HB565 |
Domestic violence (DV): Eliminate durational residency requirements to file for and complete a divorce, which helps DV victims who are fleeing from their abusers. |
SB873 |
Permits virtual participation in administrative contested cases |
SB886 |
Sex abuse victims: Creates a statutory right to a speedy trial for adult and child sex assault victims. |
SB885 / HB480 |
Parental rights: Requires courts to promptly inform low-income parents of their right to free legal representation in child protective services proceedings. |
SB903 / HB632 |
Limits monthly rent increases for certain dwelling units to an unspecified per cent for the term of the rental agreement or every 12 months, whichever period is longer. Prohibits rent increases due to the landlord's negative cash flow resulting from refinancing or purchasing the rental dwelling unit. Establishes a rent stabilization advisory working group to advise on matters relating to the stabilization of certain dwelling unit rental amounts. Requires the legislative reference bureau to conduct a study on actions that other states have taken to incentivize landlords to stabilize rents. |
SB871 / HB624 |
Lowers conveyance tax rates for properties with a value under $2,000,000. Increases conveyance tax rates for investment properties. Requires a percentage of conveyance taxes collected to be deposited into the housing finance revolving fund |
SCR28 / SR17 |
Urges DCCA to convene a task force to develop and recommend legislation or rules to increase condominium unit owner access to and representation in real estate commission hearings and meetings. |
SB826 / HB563 |
Child sex abuse: Require child sex abuse offenders to reside at least 2,000 feet away from the victim. |
SB902 / HB547 |
Establishes within the department of land and natural resources a Makua Valley task force to prepare for the transition of the management of the Makua military reservation from the United States Army upon the expiration of the Army's lease for the land. Requires a report to the legislature. |
SB883 / HB537 |
Football Helmets: Requires football helmets to be periodically reconditioned to protect players from head injuries. |
SCR25 / SR14 |
Pu‘uhonua Faith Pods: Resolution urging the Public Safety Department to establish faith pods based on Kapu Aloha at correctional centers. |
SB901 / HB634 |
Requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to open at least one office in each county for claimants wishing to file for unemployment insurance in person. Requires state library employees to minimally assist claimants wishing to file for unemployment insurance using public access computers at the library. Requires the department of labor and industrial relations to hire or reassign staff to increase capacity of processing unemployment insurance claims. Requires the department to complete its computer upgrade and modification project within six months of this Acts passage. |
SB900 / HB698 |
Requires the department of human services to collect and report data on severe maternal morbidity incidents, disaggregated by county, race, and ethnicity. Establishes a maternal disparity and health equity task force to make recommendations on reducing maternal morbidity and improving maternal health outcomes for women, particularly women of color. Requires the task force to submit an initial report to the legislature no later than 6/30/2022 and an annual report prior to each regular session. Requires the department of human services to develop and the Hawaii state commission on the status of women to administer implicit bias training for health care professionals in perinatal facilities. |
SB983 / HB1285 |
Establishes the Hawaii self-insured health care system, to be developed by the Hawaii health authority, EUTF, and medicaid. |
SCR26 / SR15 |
Women's Rights: Resolution urging the state to commemorate the International Day of the Girl in Hawaii on October 11 of every year. |
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Westside Legislators Secure Long-Awaited Construction Projects for the Leeward Coast!
L-R: Rep. Gates, Rep. Eli, and Sen. Shimabukuro
Exciting news - thanks to the efforts of Rep. Cedric Gates, Rep. Stacelynn Eli, me, and others, the following capitol improvement projects (CIPs) have been approved by the Legislature and transmitted to Governor David Ige via HB2725:
*Waianae Coast 5th Lane Extension, Condemnation of Paakea Road, and Other Traffic Improvements $32m
*Farrington Highway Improvements and Alternative Congestion Relief Between Honokai Hale and Hakimo Road $1m
*Makaha Bridges $1m
*Kalaeloa Airport Facility Improvements $13.4m
*Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor Improvements $104m (revenue-funded)
*DOE R&M and Project Completion, statewide $291m
*HI 3R's Statewide School Improvement $10m
*Kamaile Academy PCS playground, parking, irrigation, and fencing $1.2m
*Makaha Elementary 21st Century Learning Center with concrete stage area and shade sails $3m
*Nanakuli Elementary Solar Panels, Restroom Renovations, and Other Improvements $1.1m
*Nanakuli High & Intermediate Performing Arts Center Auditorium $2m
*Nanakuli Library: permanent shade structure over grassy area fronting stage $420,000
*Waianae Coast Swimming Pool Project plan and design for feasibility study $250,000
*Waianae Elementary A/C Design $100,000
*Waianae High: Girls Athletic Locker Room $3.9m; Marine Science Learning Center $650,000; Rubberized All-Weather Track and Field $2.5m
*Waianae Intermediate: Replace Building A Sewer $300,000; Architectural Barrier Removal $3.3m; Covered Playcourt $1m
>>Hawaiian Affairs<<
*DHHL lot development, infrastructure, and land acquisition (statewide) $51m
*Bishop Museum fire suppression $900,000
>>Housing and Homelessness<<
*Public Housing development, improvements, renovations (statewide) $25m
*Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund (DURF) for affordable housing projects $117m
>>Water, Land, and Agriculture<<
*Kaena Point Predator Proof Fence Retrofits $42,000
*Kalaeloa Harvesting Facility $5m
*Watershed Protection and Initiatives (statewide) $12.5m
*Unemployment Insurance Division technology system modernization $10m
>>Public Safety and Military Affairs<<
*Disaster Warning and Communications Devices $5m
*VA Long-Term Care Facility, Oahu $26.2m
More exciting CIP projects and information contained in HB2725 can be found at this link:
I will continue to report on more projects and initiatives that benefit the Leeward Coast as the 2020 Legislative Session progresses. The Legislature is temporarily in recess due to COVID19, and will reconvene from June 22 to July 10, 2020.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Aloha! Please find below the measures I have introduced or supported in the 2020 Legislative Session:
HB2725 |
5th Lane and Parallel Route: Extend the 5th lane on Farrington Highway; open the locked portion of Paakea Road; other traffic and safety improvements (2019 $32m CIP; DOT conducting study in 2020) |
HB1651 | SB213 |
Reconstructed Cars: Eliminates the additional inspection required for reconstructed cars, which already must pass safety checks. |
SB2580 | HB2396 |
Automobile Carbon Emissions: Phase out of gas-powered cars |
HB2725 |
Wai‘anae Coast Swimming Pool ($250,000) |
Waianae District Comprehensive Health and Hospital Board, Inc. Grant in Aid (GIA): Nānākuli Village Clinic ($1.5m) |
Maili Land GIA (Catholic Charities Housing Development): R&M and transition project to low-income rentals ($500,000) |
Kealahou West Oahu GIA |
SB3093 |
District 21 CIP Bill: DOE and other priority construction projects |
SB3034 | HB2496 |
Air Conditioning: funding for cooling systems for Wai‘anae Coast schools |
SB2265 | HB1402 |
Micro Enterprise: Establishes the micro enterprise assistance program on Hawaiian home lands revolving fund to provide grants and loans through the implementation of the micro enterprise assistance program to qualified native Hawaiians, native Hawaiian-controlled homestead associations, and homestead association community development corporations |
SB2388 | SB728 | HB1114 |
OHA Elections-Public Funding: Increases parity in public funding for OHA candidates |
SB2414 | HB1116 |
OHA Elections-Randomized Ballots: Amends ballot requirements to display candidates for the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs by a feasible method that provides the greatest degree of randomization. |
SB1295 |
OHA Elections-Head-to-Head Races: Requires that of the four seats on the OHA board of trustees without an island residency requirement, two shall represent an urban district, and two shall represent a rural district. Requires one urban district candidate and one rural district candidate to be elected in any election cycle. Limits voting for board of trustees seats with an urban or rural representation requirement to voters who have residency on the same island or in the same district. |
SCR189 | SR159 |
Hawaiian Nationals working group |
SCR70 | SR37 |
Missing and murdered indigenous women and girls |
SB2094 | HB1880 |
Kaho‘olawe: Funding to support the Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission |
SB2111 |
Water Rights: Add the DHHL Chair or his/her designee as a member of the Water Commission |
Makaha Learning Center GIA: Request for funds to support the STRIVE program, which teaches solar PV installation skills to individuals who are homeless, live in transitional housing, or live at or below 150% FPL ($220,000) |
SB2578 | HB2203 |
School suspensions: Eliminates 92-day suspensions, and limits suspensions to 3 days at a time, in order to improve educational outcomes for students. Makes exceptions for violent and other behaviors affecting health and safety of the school community. |
SCR6 | SR7 | HCR15 | HR13 |
Women's Sports: Urging the convening of a task force to implement changes to Hawaii's Title IX regulations in light of anticipated changes from the federal government. |
Searider Productions GIA ($300,000) |
Read to Me International GIA: $300,000 to support Maili and other centers |
SCR69 | SR36 |
Sexual violence treatment at public schools |
SB2266 |
Child Sex Abuse: Requires child sex abuse offenders to reside at least 2,000 feet away from the victim |
SCR19 | SR5 |
Mass Crimes: Encourage the media to exclude the name and photo of convicts and suspects in mass shootings, bombings, terroristic crimes, etc. |
SCR36 | SR20 |
Faith Pods: Urges Public Safety Department to establish faith pods based on Kapu Aloha at correctional centers |
SCR20 | SR6 |
Halloween: Resolution urging to change the date of trick-or-treating to the last Saturday of October to increase safety for children and avoid conflicting with school and work obligations. This would still preserve the official date of Halloween as October 31, but is consistent with "National Trick or Treat Day," which other counties have been recognizing as the last Saturday of October |
SCR191 | SR161 |
Nuclear weapons prohibition |
SCR190 | SR160 |
United Nations' 75th Anniversary |
SB2269 | HB2206 |
Yo-Yo Financing: Prohibit the practice of conditional financing (aka "Yo-Yo" financing) by car dealerships. This practice has caused people to unexpectedly lose both their new and trade-in cars, or be coerced into high-interest loans that they cannot afford. The bill adds a new provision to § 437-28 that would make it a licensing violation for a new or used car dealer or salesperson to deliver a car to a consumer who applied for a car loan at any time before the consumer's loan has been approved and funded. |
SB2271 | HB2204 |
Football: Football helmet re-conditioning requirements |
Waianae District Comprehensive Health and Hospital Board, Inc. GIA: emergency room funding ($1.5m) |
SB2310 | HB2061 |
Child Support: Allow a portion of child support to pass through to welfare recipients (Women's Caucus) |
SB2270 | HB2459 |
Vaccinations: Allow conscientious exemptions to vaccinations |
SB3095 | HB2712 |
Pharmacy Benefit Managers: Fairness for community health centers |
SB2268 | HB2379 |
Eliminate durational residency requirements to initiate and complete a divorce in Hawaii to help DV victims, military service members, and others who have been unable to achieve justice under our current laws. |
SB2110 |
Parental Rights: Requires courts to promptly inform indigent parents of their right to free legal representation |
SB2109 | HB2638 |
Child Abuse: Requires the court and the prosecution to take appropriate action to ensure a prompt trial in order to minimize the length of time a child abuse victim or minor witness must endure the stress of the child's involvement in the proceedings |
Protectors of Paradise GIA ($68,125) |
Puma Punku Ocean Clean Up GIA |
SB2579 | HB2205 |
Reforestation: Clarifies "renewable feedstocks" to conform with the federal statutes and EPA directives |
SB2577 | HB2392 |
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS): Adds the definition of "biomass" and "fossil fuels" and amends the definition of "power generating facility" in legislation dealing with global climate change |
SB2267 |
Harrassment Of Fishermen: Unlawful to prevent or attempt to prevent the lawful taking of fish by saltwater anglers, including by means of affecting behavior of fish, affecting personal property for fishing, filming/photography, or obstructing access to fishing areas. |
SB2581 | HB2392 |
Public Lands: Prohibits DLNR from renewing expired military leases in order to restore and preserve land |
Alternative Structures International GIA: Organic farming youth training programs ($350,000) |
Hawaii Good Food Alliance GIA ($50,000) |
Waianae Economic Development Council GIA ($129,724) |