Did you know State of Hawaii holds unclaimed property as a custodian for the rightful owner? Have you checked to see if you have Unclaimed Property?
Many of us do and don’t even realize it. Some have a few cents to a few hundred or even a few thousand Dollars $$$. It is very easy to check and you can do it yourself from home.
Please use the information on this card (Attached) to check to see if you, your family members or even your business/organization (past or present) have any Unclaimed property. The list is updated every year. If you do have unclaimed property is it very easy to fill out the forms and get them turned to the Unclaimed Property office. No fees and no lawyers needed.
Feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or if I can be of service to you.
~ Rep. Lynn DeCoite
Aloha District 13,
With the Hurricanes happening on the Mainland many of you have asked about the Hurricane evacuation areas for our district.
My office called and spoke with the Maui Emergency Management Office. They confirmed that the list of emergency shelters listed on
www.MauiReady.org is the most updated list.
The office also mentioned that for each “event” these shelters may change. They also mentioned that there is always at least one shelter that is Pet Friendly (the most common question they are asked) and that the location(s) of those shelters would be announced in the days leading up to the “event”.
They also suggested checking the
www.MauiReady.org website. This website is maintained by the Maui DOH office and the Maui Emergency Management Office and is updated regularly.
Here is the Maui Ready shelter list:
Here is the Maui Ready Hurricane info page:
District 13 Shelters
H= Hurricane Shelter T= Tsunami Shelter
Upcountry Maui
•Eddie Tam Memorial Center (T)
•Ha’iku Community Center (T)
•Ha’iku Elementary School (T)
•Kalama Intermediate School (H,T)
•King Kekaulike High School (H,T)
•Kula Community Center (T)
•Kula Elementary School (T)
•Makawao Elementary School (H,T)
•Mayor Hannibal Tavares Community Center (T)
•Pa’ia School (T)
•Pukalani Elementary School (H,T)
•Hana High & Elementary School (H,T)
•Kualapu’u Elementary School (H,T)
•Maunaloa Elementary School (T)
•Moloka’i High & Intermediate School (H,T)
•Lana’i High & Elementary School (H,T)
•Lana’i Community Center (T)
The Maui Emergency Management Office also has a Facebook page:
Here is the link to the Hurricane Prep card that was mailed out earlier this summer
Hurricane Season Mailer July 2017.
Thank you all for being so vigilant. Please share this information with your family and community members that may not be able to get on the website(s). My office is working on putting together some more Emergency Preparedness information for the residents of District 13.
- Rep. Lynn DeCoite.