| A Message from Gil |
| Funding Released for Maui Schools |
| Maui Judges Appointed and Confirmed |
| Maui Mana‘o and Inside the Senate |
| The Caregiver Foundation Online Support Group |
| Notable Bills Crossed to House |
| A Message from Gil |
| The Legislature During COVID-19 |
| Friends of the Library Mahalo Award |
| Maui County Receives Rent Relief |
| Timeshare Industry Donates to Maui Nonprofits |
| Notable Bills Introduced by Senator Keith-Agaran |
| A Message from Gil |
| Senate Confirms Judges in Virtual Special Session |
| DOE Grab and Go Meal Program |
| Symptoms of COVID-19 |
| How Does it Spread? |
| Personal Healthy Habits to Help Prevent the Spread |
| How to Prepare for Lockdown |
A Message from Gil
Photos of Senate Events
Coronavirus Update
The ALICE Model
Notable Bills Crossed from the Senate to the House
Click here to read the March 2020 Legislative Newsletter.