<i>Thursday, July 26, 2012</i>
<h3>Whitmore Village Site a Boon for Agribusiness</h3>
Over the years we have heard time and again about the diversification of the agricultural industry, food substantiability and security, and the importance of preserving agricultural land.
Unfortunately, a lack of vision, planning, coordination and not making the proper investments have left the industry limping along. We have not restructured government to appropriately respond to the globally competitive situation that places Hawaii farmers at a severe disadvantage. Because of evolving federal regulations and an increasing number of low-priced imports, some local farmers have abandoned their efforts, and younger generations feel the situation is too overwhelming and difficult to pursue.
Now is the time for us to show and execute leadership to create a successful revenue-generating model for agriculture that we can later template all across our state. <a href="http://www.midweek.com/whitmore-village-site-a-boon-for-agri-business/" target="blank">Continue reading on Midweek.com</a>.
<i>Wednesday, June 27, 2012</i>
<h3>Democrats Consider Expelling Senator Dela Cruz over TOD Bill </h3>
<i>(Hawaii Free Press News Read)</i> - SA: State Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz has asked Oahu Democrats to dismiss a complaint that alleges he violated the party's environmental platform by sponsoring a bill that would have encouraged development around Honolulu rail stations. 
The complaint, filed by Lynn Sager, chairwoman of the party's environmental caucus, alleges that the bill was in direct opposition to the party's platform goal of sustaining the environment. Sager and the other activists who signed the complaint want the party to determine whether Dela Cruz should be reprimanded, censured or expelled. 
Dela Cruz said his bill was intended to help guide residential, commercial and mixed-use development around Honolulu rail stations and promote transit ridership. The bill died on the last day of the legislative session in May after critics, including many in the environmental community, claimed it could shut the public out of the planning process. 
Dela Cruz said the complaint does not reflect "the 'D' that I cherish." <a href="http://www.hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesDailyNews/tabid/65/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/7041/June-23-2012-News-Read.aspx">Read more on HawaiiFreePress.com.</a>
<i>Tuesday, June 26, 2012</i>
<h3>Dela Cruz denies allegation that bill shuns Dems' goals</h3>
<i>(Honolulu Star-Advertiser)</i> - State Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz has asked Oahu Democrats to dismiss a complaint that alleges he violated the party's environmental platform by sponsoring a bill that would have encouraged development around Honolulu rail stations.
The complaint, filed by Lynn Sager, chairwoman of the party's environmental caucus, alleges that the bill was in direct opposition to the party's platform goal of sustaining the environment. Sager and the other activists who signed the complaint want the party to determine whether Dela Cruz should be reprimanded, censured or expelled.  <a href="http://www.staradvertiser.com/s?action=login&f=y&id=160107215">Read more on StarAdvertiser.com.</a>
<i>Tuesday, June 26, 2012</i>
<h3>Dela Cruz allowed to raise debatable ideas, isn't he?</h3>
<i>(Honolulu Star-Advertiser)</i> - In our nation's quest to form a more perfect union, was there ever thought given to just making people be quiet?
What if the problem we face is not that the issues are too complex, the solutions too costly or the options too limited? <a href="http://www.staradvertiser.com/s?action=login&f=y&id=160335535&c=n">Read more on StarAdvertiser.com.</a>

<i>Thursday, June 21, 2012</i>
<h3>Hawaii Senators to Ask Gov to Halt Lanai Sale</h3>
<i>(Honolulu Civil Beat)</i> - This Lanai business is heating up. 
Word is that some of Hawaii's state senators don't want the pending sale of the island to go through.
Senate President Shan Tsutsui is said to be sending a letter to Gov. Neil Abercrombie asking him to halt the sale.
They're sick of Lanai being in a constant state of upheaval - and they want to state to condemn the land, or buy it. 
"I would hate see Lanai sold and in a constant state of upheaval and transition," said Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz. 
Civil Beat reported back in December that Castle & Cooke had put Lanai up for sale. What's new is that Maui's mayor and the governor have been notified that a potential buyer identified. <a href="http://hawaii.news.blogs.civilbeat.com/post/25532177763/hawaii-senators-to-ask-gov-to-halt-lanai-sale">Read more in the Honolulu Civil Beat.</a>
<i>Monday, June 18, 2012</i>
<h3>Senator Dela Cruz's Bill Becomes Law</h3>
<b>Bill allowing agriculturally based businesses on farmland is signed</b> 
<i>(Honolulu Star-Advertiser)</i> - Agriculturally based businesses would be allowed in agriculture districts under a measure signed into law today by Gov. Neil Abercrombie.
Permissible commercial activity includes the preparation and sale of certain food grown by the owner or operator of a retail food establishment and the sale of logo items related to a producer's agricultural operation.
"The ability to be able to take what you grow and turn it into products and to be able to sell it is really what this is all about - to get people used to not just the brand names but the fact that they're able to support agriculture as a result," Abercrombie said. <a href="http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/159271635.html">Read more on StarAdvertiser.com</a>.
<i>Monday, June 18, 2012</i>
<h3>Bill expands permitted farm activities</h3>
<i>(Honolulu Star-Advertiser)</i> - Agriculturally related businesses would be allowed on farm land under a measure signed into law Friday by Gov. Neil Abercrombie.
Permissible commercial activity includes the preparation and sale of certain food grown by the owner or operator of a retail food establishment and the sale of logo items related to a producer's agricultural operation.
"The ability to be able to take what you grow and turn it into products and to be able to sell it is really what this is all about - to get people used to not just the brand names but the fact that they're able to support agriculture as a result," Abercrombie said.
The proposal, Senate Bill 2375, was introduced by Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz (D, Kaena-Wahiawa-Pupukea).
"Farmers are being forced to diversify their products in order to make ends meet while continuing to provide local food for the community," he said. "This bill allows for additional opportunities for them to create revenue." <a href="http://www.staradvertiser.com/s?action=login&f=y&id=159288425">Read more on StarAdvertiser.com</a>.
<i>Monday, June 18, 2012</i>
<h3>New laws support local farmers</h3>
<i>(Hawaii 24/7)</i> - Gov. Neil Abercrombie has signed a number of measures into law including two bills that are aimed to benefit local farmers who want to sell their products and/or establish agricultural-based commercial operations. 
Senate Bill 2375 authorizes agricultural-based commercial operations in agricultural districts that will increase farmers' ability to sell their products and promote food sustainability for the islands. 
Senate Bill 2646 is intended to promote and support diversified agriculture by exempting certain nonresidential agricultural buildings that are on commercial farms from county building permit requirements. 
"To truly support our local farmers we must empower them," Abercrombie said. "These measures not only provide for that to take place but it also promotes diversified agriculture. I want to thank the Legislature for recognizing the importance of helping our farmers." 
Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz, who introduced SB 2375 stated, "Farmers are being forced to diversify their products in order to make ends meet while continuing to provide local food for the community. This bill allows for additional opportunities for them to create revenue." 
SB 2375 immediately goes into effect; SB 2646 is effective July 1, 2012. <a href="http://www.hawaii247.com/2012/06/16/new-laws-support-local-farmers/">Read more on Hawaii247.com</a>.
<i>Thursday, June 14, 2012</i>
<h3>Investment In Agriculture Big For Central Oahu</h3>
My long-term goal is to transform the area into a modern agriculture processing and distribution hub to reduce the dependence on imported produce.
Farmers are forced to make a substantial investment to meet food safety standards, thus escalating the cost for Hawaii's local producers. Those who eventually will farm on the Galbraith lands must invest in constructing food safety-certified facilities and/or transport their produce elsewhere, which would add to their overhead costs.
The state made a solid commitment to secure portions of Galbraith Estate to promote farm ownership and diversified agriculture. I believe that the acquisition of this land with the facilities in Whitmore will provide opportunities for farming and related agricultural industries. <a href="http://www.midweek.com/investment-in-agriculture-big-for-central-oahu/">Read more on Midweek.com</a>.
<i>Tuesday, June 12, 2012</i>
<h3>TOD developers say legislative help is needed </h3>
<i>(Pacific Business News)</i> - The state Legislature's failure to pass laws designed to spur transit-oriented development along the 20-mile rail-transit line being built between Kapolei and Ala Moana Center   could derail such projects before they even get started, developers said.
Senate Bill 2927, which was introduced by Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz, D-Kunia Village-Mililani Mauka-Wahiawa, would have waived development fees and eased some requirements for transit oriented development, or TOD, near the rail's 21 stations.
"What transit serves as is not only as a way to move passengers, it is also an economic engine," said Michael Dieden, president of Los Angeles-based Creative Housing Associates.
"It's definitely a short-sighted economic blow to the Honolulu economy," he said about S.B. 2927's failure.
Private-public partnerships for TOD that have incentives from the government are essential for encouraging development around transit, and it's done all over the world, he added. Dieden's company has done work extensively in Southern California and in the Bay Area.  <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/print-edition/2012/05/11/tod-developers-say-legislative-help-is.html">Read more in <i>Pacific Business News</i>.</a>