Documents and Links
Master Infrastructure Map
State Owned TMKs
The Whitmore Project (UPDATED 10-17-2019)
Wahiawa Welcomes You
H-2 Freeway Mililani Interchange Traffic Study
2014 Legislative Highlights
2014 Capital Improvement Project Funds
2015 District 22 Capital Improvement Project Funding List
Live, Learn, Work, Play (UPDATED 10-10-2016)
Play Rugby USA Hawaii
Wastewater Reclaim & Pumped-Storage Hydro
Mililani Middle School Calendar Transition
First Responders Technology Campus and Cybersecurity Data Center (UPDATED 12-11-2017)
A Strategic Direction for Agriculture in Hawaii   (UPDATED 10‑24‑2018)
CARES Act Relief Funds Presentation
SB126 SD1 HD1 CD1 State Budget Presentation