April 14, 2021
Representative Tina Wildberger 2021 Legislative Package
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March 19, 2020
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July 5, 2019
Representative Tina Wildberger 2020 Legislative Package
July 5, 2019
Student Spotlight: Lokelani Intermediate School's Kolohe Kids robotics team
Representative Wildberger honors robotics coach Iokepa Meno and the Kolohe Kids for winning the
2019 Hawai‘i State Middle School VEX IQ Championship. These inspiring students then went on to
earn the Sportsmanship award in the US Championships, as well as the Teamwork Champions award
at the World Championships.
July 2, 2019
What Hawaii can learn from Singapore and Hong Kong
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March 6, 2019
Controversial water bill moves on to Senate: Maui lawmakers divided in support of House Bill 1326
"My message to the Legislature is: the era of puritanical plantation patriarchy is over, or at least, it should be." Rep Tina Wildberger
The Maui News
By Colleen Uechi
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February 20, 2019
Stand Aside and Let the Big Dog Slurp: 'Corporate Water Theft' bill sailing through the Hawai'i Legislature
At committee member Wildberger’s request, Shan Tsutsui appeared at the hearing, where she asked him about her compromise
bill, HB848. “I asked if he would be amenable to a modicum of stream restoration, 'Wildberger told me last week. “I asked
him directly twice and he evaded the question and kept saying that he hadn’t looked at the bill.' ”
By Deborah Caulfield Rybak
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February 19, 2019
Failure To Enact A Living Wage Will Hurt Businesses
Two Hawai'i lawmakers who are also employers say paying a decent minimum wage motivates people to perform well.
Honolulu CIVIL BEAT Community Voice
By Russell Ruderman and Tina Wildberger
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January 31, 2019
Lawmakers Must Put Living Wage Over Corporate Profits
Two legislative newcomers urge senior colleagues to prioritize working families over business interests.
Honolulu CIVIL BEAT Community Voice
By Amy Perruso and Tina Wildberger
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February 5, 2019
Bills Introduced by Representative Wildberger
HB1197 RELATING TO THE MINIMUM WAGE. Increases the minimum wage to fifteen dollars per hour by 2022.
HB850 RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Prohibits the sale of polystyrene foam food service containers.
HB851 RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Prohibits the commercial capture of aquatic life for aquarium purposes.
HB849 RELATING TO PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE SHORELINE IN SOUTH MAUI. To develop a master plan to expand public access to the shoreline in south Maui
HB847 RELATING TO THE STATE CAPITOL. Establishes the Ocean-friendly Capitol Program .
HB848 RELATING TO PROTECTION OF STREAMS. Prohibits dispositions authorizing the diversion of water from streams unless certain conditions are met.
HB637 RELATING TO GARDENS. To establish gardens on school campuses and within housing projects and communities.
HB1576 RELATING TO SOLID WASTE. Requires a retailer of certain batteries to implement a program for reuse, recycling, or other means of disposal.
HB1579 RELATING TO STATEWIDE SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES. Imposes a tax of $15 for every ton of carbon dioxide emitted from the use of fossil fuel.
HB1580 RELATING TO RANKED CHOICE VOTING. Establishes the ranked choice voting methodfor all elections.
HB1577 RELATING TO DETECTOR-DOGS. Appropriates funds for detector-dogs to detect fireworks in inbound cargo.
HB633 RELATING TO ANIMAL CRUELTY. Limits the use of tethers and certain other types of restraints that endanger dogs.
HB1581 RELATING TO CANNABIS. Legalizes the personal use of cannabis for persons twenty-one years of age or older. Decriminalizes possession of cannabis.
HB634 RELATING TO RESTORATIVE JUSTICE. To establish a 5-year pilot program for restorative justice.
HB635 RELATING TO LEGISLATIVE ACCESS THROUGH REMOTE TESTIMONY. Enable the legislature to use remote testimony at legislative committee hearings
HB486 RELATING TO PROSTITUTION. Permits persons convicted of certain prostitution offenses to file a motion to vacate.
HB636 RELATING TO RENTALS OF MOPEDS AND MOTOR SCOOTERS. Prohibits operating a moped or motor scooter from any rental company unless the person wears a safety helmet.
HB1198 RELATING TO STATEWIDE LIQUOR LAWS. Requires uniform standard operating procedures for all county liquor agencies.
HB1196 RELATING TO CIVIL SERVICE. Exempts non-elected chief executive officers or heads of the executive branch of county government from the civil service laws.
HB1195 RELATING TO FEDERAL WORKERS. Establishes a loan program to provide loans to eligible federal workers affected by the federal shutdown furlough.
HB1194 RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE 11th DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 11th Representative District.
February 5, 2019
Maui’s Two New House Members Introduce First Slate of Bills
Click here
February 1, 2019
Rep Wildberger speaks up for minimum wage and water rights
Maui Time Article from 31 Jan 19
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Rep Wildberger speaks for minimum wage
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