April 5, 2021
Rep. Sayama Introduces Bill To Alleviate Catalytic Converter Thefts
Freshman Hawai'i State Rep. Jackson Sayama and several state lawmakers introduced
House Bill 446 that would help alleviate the increasing thefts of catalytic
converters from vehicles. The bill passed first reading in the House and has been
assigned to committees.
Catalytic converters contain precious metals that thieves steal and then sell as
the price of metal skyrockets, according to police.
The bill calls for new requirements on the buyer and seller of catalytic converters
and increases fines for violators. Businesses that buy used parts and metals would
be required to refuse the purchase of used motor vehicle parts or accessories and
report the attempted sale to police if a seller does not provide appropriate
information at the time of the attempted sale.
The bill would help protect families dependent on their vehicles to go to work and
take their children to school, said Sayama (D-20, St. Louis Heights, Palolo,
Maunalani Heights, Wilhelmina Rise, Kaimuki).
"Many families are already struggling with the pandemic and don't have an extra
$1,000 to $2,000 to replace their stolen catalytic converter," Sayama said. "Just as
the legislature cracked down on the theft of copper in 2013, we must place safeguards
to prevent the illegal trade and theft of catalytic converters now."