<br> <em>September 13, 2012</em> <h3>Capital Improvement Projects Appropriations Released</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/Kalani High Mural with Marumoto.JPG" title=Rep. Marumoto takes fellow Representatives on a tour of Kalani High School." alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>Representative Barbara Marumoto is happy to hear that the state administration has released her $550,000 appropriation to design a new women's locker and shower room at Kalani High School. The Kaimuki-Kahala community has not seen a new building on the Kalani campus for decades. This gender equity project will be a welcome addition.<BR><BR> Marumoto also welcomes $50,500 for replacement of an electrical transformer at Leahi Hospital. <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>August 13, 2012</em> <h3>MARUMOTO BRIEFS MAINLAND LAWMAKERS ON HAWAII'S RENEWABLE ENERGY </h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/Rep Marumoto with Republican Caucus members at Kakuku Wind Farm.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>Des Moines, Iowa - Rep. Barbara Marumoto gave a presentation on the state of renewable energy in Hawaii at the Women in Government Fourth Annual Energy Summit in Des Moines, Iowa. She, along with other women legislators from across the U.S., are discussing current and emerging energy policies, as well as energy efficiency, innovations, and new technology. The summit is hosted by the Women in Government Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, D.C. <BR><BR><BR> Marumoto informed her fellow legislators that Hawaii's dependence on fossil fuels is driving the development of renewable energy and desire for greater self-sufficiency, and that Hawaii's Clean Energy Initiative (70% clean energy by 2030, with 40% coming from locally generated renewable sources and 30% from efficiency measures) is the most aggressive state policy in the country. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/marumoto-briefs-mainland-lawmakers-on-hawaiis-renewable-energy-achievements /" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>April 26, 2012</em> <h3>Hawaii Prisoners Should Not Be Released Early as Proposed Under Justice Reinvestment Act</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/Hawaii reporter Logo.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>April 20, 2012<BR> BY REP. BARBARA MARUMOTO, R-KAIMUKI, KAHALA <BR><BR> This state's proposed Justice Reinvestment Act, now in the form of (SB 2776, SD2 /HD2, Relating to Public Safety), is an "early prisoner release bill" that amends current state law in a manner that can affect neighborhood security. <BR><BR> With 1,100 prison inmates released in the first three years of the program, there will be some recidivism, some crimes and many victims. Why the need for this early release? Is it cost-cutting? If so, is public safety jeopardized? <BR><BR> Section 13 requires that the Authority parole an inmate no later than eighteen months prior to the expiration of his/her court-imposed maximum sentence if the offense is a Class A felony. The applicable time for Class B and Class C felons is no later than six months and twelve months, respectively. <BR><BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/04/21/hawaii-prisoners-should-not-be-released-early-as-proposed-under-justice-reinvestment-act/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 2, 2012</em> <h3>Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - Marumoto's ideas live on!</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/Marumoto arth..JPG" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, than Representative Marumoto must be humbled by the amount of flattery she is receiving. Other legislators have imitated her brown tree snake prevention bill, All-TerrainVehicle safety bill and Kahala bills. Rep. Marumoto's proposal to re-start the dog detection program was heard and scooped into the Agriculture Chair's bill. The ATV measure picks up her ideas to prohibit passengers, ban those under 16 from using ATVs and require helmet use. Her bills to deter irresponsible landowners from keeping messy and neglected properties were copied in the House as well as the Senate. All bills are still alive.<a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/imitation-is-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery-marumotos-ideas-live-on" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>January 24, 2012</em> <h3>Rep. Marumoto: Protecting Hawaii from Snake Invasion</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/Brown tree snake.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>Jan. 22, 2012 Hawaii Reporter <BR><BR> In the 2012 legislative session Rep. Barbara Marumoto will be introducing two snake bills, two bills to reduce auto costs and a measure to require that the list of names of people nominated for judgeships be released to the public as part of her legislative package. Her traffic safety bills calling for helmets, ATV legislation, etc., from 2011 remain alive. <BR><BR> In order to revive the brown tree snake prevention program, Rep. Marumoto is requesting the restoration of three positions for dog handlers in the Department of Agriculture. Another measure would instead provide the department with funds to contract with a private entity who already has trained dogs. The latter may be less expensive and could get started faster. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/rep-marumoto-protecting-hawaii-from-snake-invasion/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>January 9, 2012</em> <h3>Brown Tree Snake May Wiggle Into Hawaii</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Marumoto/newsletters/BM WIG Secretary of Women in Govt Rep. M addresses members in CA.JPG" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>HONOLULU, HAWAII - Due to budget cuts, the state Department of Agriculture has allowed the brown tree snake program lapse. The dogs used for cargo inspections were actually given away. <BR><BR> Representative Barbara Marumoto, R-Kaimuki/Kahala, will introduce legislation to get the inspections up and running again. Guam has 15,000 snakes per square mile that have eaten many birds, frogs as well as small pets. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/category/representative-barbara-marumoto/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>May 4, 2011</em> <h3>CRUEL PENSION TAX IS DEAD</h3> "Ding Dong the pension tax is dead," said Rep. Barbara Marumoto when SB 570 passed minus the provision that taxed pensions. "True it would have only affected high-income earners (above $100,000 for individual filers), but we were all afraid that the income level would slide downward when the State needed more money. If the AGI went down to $37,500 it would indeed have been a cruel tax." <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/cruel-pension-tax-is-dead/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>April 6, 2011</em> <h3>Pension Tax Bill Alive and Well</h3> April 6, 2011- Despite the efforts of the American Association of Retired Persons, Rep. Barbara Marumoto and dozens of individuals, bills to tax pension income continue to progress through the Legislature.<BR> The House Finance Committee packed SB 570 SD2 with 1) the pension tax increase, 2) disallowed the deduction of state taxes, 3) placed caps on itemized deductions and 4) also delayed state adoption of the increase in standard deduction and personal exemption adopted by federal law. The pension tax increase would affect individuals who make an adjusted gross income (AGI ) of $100,000 (or couples who make $200,000). <a href="http://barbaramarumoto.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/pension-tax-bill-alive-and-well/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 17, 2011</em> <h3>Pension tax bill unfairly burdens seniors By Rep. Barbara Marumoto </h3> Abercrombie's budget proposal calls for a variety of new and increased tax hikes that will cost taxpayers approximately $279 million per year. For now, let's put aside Abercrombie's campaign promise that he would not raise taxes. Let's instead focus our attention on how these taxes will affect seniors. Seniors, like the rest of the population, will be affected by the repeal of the state income tax deduction. But, more important for retirees, Abercrombie's plan also paints a target specifically on senior citizens by eliminating the income tax exemption on their pensions. <a href="http://www.staradvertiser.com/editorials/20110316_Pension_tax_bill_unfairly_burdens_seniors.html/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 15, 2011</em> <h3>Rep. Marumoto Addresses Covenants</h3> HB 1431 HD 1, Relating to Covenants passed the House on March 8. It would allow counties to enforce covenants that run with the land. The counties could insure that standards are maintained relating to land use, property maintenance, landscaping and setbacks . Counties can also establish penalties for violations. <br> <br> To see full story see: <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/rep-marumoto-addresses-covenants//" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <em>November 19, 2010</em> <h3>CAN WE TALK? COMMUNITY DISCUSSION ABOUT KAWAMOTO PROPERTIES</h3> News articles report that Japanese billionaire Gensiro Kawamoto wants to establish an art museum on his Kahala Avenue properties. Representative Barbara Marumoto (R-19th Dist. Kaimuki/Waialae/Kahala) is calling for a discussion of this issue at a Neighborhood Board No. 3 meeting.<br> <br> "I question whether one can start a museum in a residentially-zoned area without a variance. I am not certain Kahala residents want such a facility in their neighborhood. We need to hold a community discussion of Mr. Kawamoto's proposal at the Waialae-Kahala Neighborhood Board No. 3 or at a Kahala Community Association meeting," said Representative Marumoto.<br> <br> "Past history has shown that Mr. Kawamoto frequently acts without proper permits or obtains them after-the-fact," said Marumoto. "I wouldn't be surprised if he intends to move ahead with his museum idea without the benefit of lawful permits," continued Rep. Marumoto.<br><br> "If Mr. Kawamoto or his staff attends a neighborhood meeting, we will be able to discuss the pros and cons of an art museum and collect input from area residents," concluded Rep. Marumoto. Because Kawamoto has racked up over 50 citations for various City infractions, Rep. Marumoto has introduced bills to make several infractions incurred over a short period of time in a small neighborhood a petty misdemeanor. She has also proposed that neighbors who suffer damages from neglected or rundown properties be able to sue the owner of such properties.<br><br> Rep. Marumoto will be out of town for the November 19th meeting; however, she has asked Neighborhood Board #3 Chair, Scotty Anderson, to put this issue on the agenda for the following meeting. <br>