House Transportation Committee Safe Driving Public Service Announcement
As a member of the House Committee on Transportation, Rep Kitagawa participated in a PSA
(Public Service Announcement) project to highlight National Driving Awareness Month by
reminding drivers of safe driving practices. To watch the full PSA,
click here.
April 9, 2021
Representative Kitagawa speaks at Trauma-Informed Education Talk-Story
Increasing the availability of trauma-informed education in schools has become a passion of
Representative Kitagawa's. She recently had the opportunity to participate in a panel
discussion with members of the community who are also passionate about trauma-informed
care and education.
Click here to view the panel
discussion and learn more about
trauma-informed education and initiatives that are happening across our state.
March 16, 2021
Live at the Legislature Interview with Rep Kitagawa
Click here
to watch the full interview of Representative Kitagawa discussing Education Week at
the legislature and other important issues concerning our public schools.
March 5, 2021
He'eia to Waiahole Town Hall
Please join Representative Kitagawa, Senator Riviere, and Councilmember Tsuneyoshi for the annual
He'eia to Waiahole Town Hall on Mar 30, 2021 at 6:30 PM. You may register for this event by
clicking on the link below:
Senator Riviere and I are happy to to partnering with Wastewater Alternatives
and Innovations to host a Town Hall meeting for constituents to learn about our
community's cesspool issue, as well as initiatives that may help with cesspool
conversion. Please attend our Virtual Town Hall meeting via Zoom on Thursday,
February 4th at 6:30pm by pre-registering at: We hope to see you there!
January 21, 2021
Kane'ohe Legislative Town Hall with Governor Ige
July 1, 2020
KHON2 Interview with Rep Kitagawa on Funding for Future Childcare Services
Clinic for the homeless in Kane'ohe reopens after two month closure
A clinic for the homeless in Windward Oahu re-opened Monday, after closing more than two months
ago because of COVID-19. "It's been a real challenge, I think the staff is excited. The community
is excited and we're happy to be back on the Windward side, serving these people out here," Lilian
DeCosta, RN, H4 Homeless Healthcare Facility clinical director, said ...
State House Representative Lisa Kitagawa co-founded the clinic, she reports since the center opened
last August, there's been about 1,000 visits. Most of the visits were for social services. "We've
seen really good numbers of people serviced throughout the windward side. It's really showing a
positive result right now," Kitagawa said.
To read the full article,
click here.
June 1, 2020
Talk Story with House Majority - Interview with Rep. Richard Onishi and Rep. Lisa Kitagawa
Representative Kitagawa and Representative Onishi are interviewed by Majority Leader,
Rep Belatti, to give updates on how they are assisting the community during COVID-19.
To watch the full video, click
June 1, 2020
State Workers Put to Work to Help Process Unemployment Claims
Representative Kitagawa is interviewed about volunteering with the
Unemployment Office to help process backlogged claims due to COVID-19.
To read the full article, click
April 14, 2020
Live at the Legislature with Representative Kitagawa and Representative Matayoshi
Representative Kitagawa, along with Representative Matayoshi, speak about what they have
been doing in the community to help constituents during COVID-19. To watch this eposide,
please click
April 1, 2020
Windward Menu Website created by Rep. Kitagawa and Rep. Matayoshi
Representative Matayoshi and I have created a website (
) called Windward Menu
in an attempt to consolidate all Windward restaurant information to make it easier for residents
to continue to eat at and support our local restaurants. Our initial goal was to help the
restaurants in our community survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, so have the needs of our community. Because of that, we
have expanded our website to include resources for Windward Oahu residents, as well as Windward
farm produce options. Our website will continue to evolve to provide the most helpful information
to our community, so I encourage you to check the website regularly.
We have also created numerous informational flyers to provide our community with up-to-date
information on a variety of topics related to COVID-19. These flyers are available under the
"Windward Resources" tab on our website.
January 29, 2020
Town Hall Meeting 2/6/20
Join Representative Kitagawa, Senator Riviere, and Councilmember Tsuneyoshi on February
6th, 2020 for a Town Hall Meeting. The Town Hall will be held at Kahalu'u Elementary School
at 6:30pm.
January 8, 2020
Kaneohe Dog Park Town Hall 1/22/20
Representative Kitagawa, along with Representative Matayoshi, Senator Keohokalole,
and Councilmember Anderson, will be holding a Dog Park Town Hall meeting on Wednesday,
January 22nd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at Ben Parker Elementary School Cafeteria. If you
would like to see a dog park created in Kāneʻohe, please attend. We would like to
get the community's input on a location and support for this project. Please join
us at this town hall and share your thoughts on creating a dog park in Kane'ohe.
January 6, 2020
MidWeek: Community, State Programs Abound for Kupuna
Recently, I had the opportunity to have breakfast and engage in conversation
with many seniors at the KEY Project Kūpuna Breakfast in Kahalu'u. This
breakfast, which is part of its Kūpuna Program, is one of the many wonderful
activities that the KEY Project sponsors to bring together and support our
Windward communities. I enjoyed sharing stories with the kūpuna that were there,
and seeing how active and engaged they are. The free Kūpuna Breakfast, which
happens every Wednesday and Friday morning, provides seniors with a freshly
prepared meal and an opportunity for fellowship. This Program also offers seniors
with classes, such as ukulele, arts and crafts, and exercise, as well as field
trips. The Kūpuna Program is free and open to seniors ages 50 and over.
(to read the full article,
click here
January 6, 2020
MidWeek: Kane'ohe Joint Outreach Center Starts Out Strong
As I drive through Kāneʻohe and see the many homeless individuals that are
living on the streets, I think back to a time when our community didn't have
concerns with homelessness. I remember at 14, going out one evening with my
church youth group, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in hand, hoping to feed
and help the homeless. We walked along Kamehameha Highway and could not find
one individual who was in need. When we finally found a man who was rummaging
through a trash can near Safeway, he smiled and declined our sandwiches and
help. As a teenager who wanted to make a positive difference in our community,
I was disappointed that I didn't help anyone that evening. Now, twenty-five
years later, Kāneʻohe has seen an increase in homelessness and there are never
enough sandwiches to go around. The needs are greater and homelessness is
compounded by drug addiction and mental illness.
(to read the full article,
click here
October 28, 2019
Kane'ohe JOC Partners with Mobile Hygiene Service: Revive + Refresh
The Kane'ohe Joint Outreach Center has recently partnered with Revive + Refresh to
now include a shower service. The nonprofit organization, Revive + Refresh, will be
offering hot showers, hygiene supplies, and a meal to those in need. This service
will take place at the lower parking lot of the Kane'ohe Public Library every 2nd and
4th Friday of the month from 9:30am - 11:30am.
For the full news stories, please follow the links below:
click hereAugust 14, 2019
Kaneohe Complete Streets Community Meeting: Aug. 6, 2019
The city’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is holding a second community
meeting to present and gather feedback on conceptual plans for Complete Streets
improvements to Kamehameha Highway, Ha‘ikū Road, Kane‘ohe Bay Drive, and Kahuhipa Street.
The public can explore the Kane‘ohe Complete Streets Project online at while also following us on
Facebook ( and Instagram (@cch_complete_streets).
The conceptual plans will be posted online after the community meeting.
The meeting details are as follows:
Tuesday, Aug. 27
6:30 p.m.
Ben Parker Elementary School Cafeteria
45-259 Waikalua Road
Kane‘ohe, HI 96744
Light refreshments will be provided. For questions, comments, or if you require special
accommodations to attend the meeting, please contact Joanne Hiramatsu at or (808) 846-3309.
August 14, 2019
Community Joins Together to Open Kane'ohe JOC
If you ask anyone in our community what their concerns are about Windward O'ahu,
many will mention the fast-growing homeless population in our neighborhoods. Data
from the Institute for Human Services (IHS) indicates that there is a 12% increase
in the number of unsheltered individuals in 2019, and that Windward O'ahu has the
second highest number of unsheltered individuals of all Oʻahu regions. As your
legislators and fellow Kāneʻohe residents, State Senator Jarrett Keohokalole,
Representative Scot Matayoshi, and I, share your concerns about the growing homelessness
issue. In response, we have partnered with the Hawaiʻi Homeless Healthcare Hui (H4) to
create the Kane'ohe Joint Outreach Center (JOC) to help combat and alleviate this issue.
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - An urgent care clinic that caters to the homeless is in the
works for Kaneohe. The clinic is designed to save money by preventing emergencies ― and more
serious illness. Patients can walk-in and be seen by a doctor, even if they don’t have any money.
The clinic will be housed in the Kaneohe Civic Center, next door to the police station. It would
be Oahu's second Joint Outreach Center. The first, in Chinatown, has treated hundreds of patients
since opening in mid-April of last year. While the Kaneohe clinic will be open to the public, its
mission is to help the homeless ― many of whom live right outside the door. "We've seen over the
years the increase of the homeless population here in Kaneohe," said state Rep. Lisa Kitagawa,
whose district includes Kaneohe.
For the full story and video, click here
click hereJune 7, 2019
MidWeek: Remembering to Cherish Our Kane'ohe Anew
Having grown up in Kāneʻohe my entire life, I thought I knew Kane'ohe well. However, I
have come to realize this past year how much of Kane'ohe I have taken for granted or
overlooked. Sometimes we forget to appreciate what we have around us when we are blessed
daily. We are only reminded when someone living in urban Honolulu, or someone who has
moved away, says, "Wow, you live Kane'ohe? You so lucky." Although I’m reminded daily by
the panoramic view of the Ko'olau Mountain Range from my backyard and by the breathtaking
view of Kāneʻohe Bay as I make my way home from work through the tunnels, I sometimes take
for granted this special place that we call home.
MidWeek: Get Involved In Community For Volunteer Month
April is National Volunteer Month, when we celebrate and show appreciation for the work that
volunteers do year-round. Many of us have volunteered before – whether it’s helping with a
local non-profit organization, serving at church, volunteering at school or sports activities,
or helping a neighbor in need. Volunteering not only helps the community, but can also have
a positive impact on your life. It can improve your health emotionally, physically, socially,
spiritually, and in other positive ways, such as build community, create friendships and
connections, improve self-esteem, and add more meaning to life.
MidWeek: Discovering, Cherishing Waihe'e's Waters of Life
Ka wai ola, the waters of life!
Last month I had the opportunity to voyage deep into the Ko'olau Mountains
to visit the Waiheˈe Water Tunnel. The Waihe'e Tunnel is managed by the
Board of Water Supply. Aunty Mahealani Cypher and Aunty Rocky Kaluhiwa of
the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club invited State Legislators to visit this
special place.
MidWeek: Remembering the Past to Chart a Future Path
Happy New Year! I wish you and your family good health, prosperity
and happiness in 2019.
I have always believed that the new year is a time to reflect on the
past and to look forward to the future. As a newly elected State
Representative, I have spent time preparing for my role by thinking
about the future – the future of our families and children, the
future of our Windward community, and the future of our State.
To read the full article,
click here April 15, 2019
Malama 96744 Graffiti Paint-Out & Community Clean-Up - April 27, 2019
The community is invited to attend the Malama 96744 Graffiti Paint-Out &
Community Clean-Up on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. at Kāne’ohe District Park. To sign up or for more information,
contact the PACT Kāne’ohe Community Family Center at 235-7747 or e-mail See flyer for more details.
March 19, 2019
Invitation to Kāneʻohe Town Hall on April 10, 2019
Senator Keohokalole, Representative Matayoshi, Councilmember Anderson and I will be hosting a Kāneʻohe
Town Hall to provide legislative updates. Please see the attached flyer above for more details. For more
information, contact Senator Keohokalole's office at (808) 587-7215. We hope to see you there!
February 19, 2019
Live at the Legislature - House Majority - 2/19/2019
January 28, 2019
Invitation to Feb. 5 Town Hall Meeting with Sen. Riviere, Rep. Kitagawa, and Councilmember Tsuneyoshi
You are invited to a Town Hall meeting sponsored by Senator Gil Riviere with Representative Lisa Kitagawa and
Councilmember Heidi Tsuneyoshi on Tuesday, February 5 at 6:30pm at Kahaluu Elementary School.
Your elected officials will share updates on the legislative session and what is going on at the State Capitol.
If you have any questions, contact Senator Riviere's office at (808) 586-7330. We hope to see you there!
January 15, 2019
Public Outreach Information for 2018 Windward TheBus Routes Redesign Phase 2
Modifications to the Windward TheBus Routes are listed below:
Route 70 will retain service to le Jardin Academy, and along Aloha Oe Dr.
Routes 85A and 88 will NOT be combined, and will not change.
A new Kaneohe circulator route (Route 651) will connect Windward City Shopping Center, Puohala, Windward Mall & Windward Community College.
Route 55 will remain on Kamehameha Hwy between Haiku Rd & Hygienic Store. Routing along Haiku Rd & Alaloa/Heeia Sts will be removed.
Route 65 will remain on Kahekili Hwy between Haiku Rd & Hui Iwa St, extend all trips to Ala Moana, and extend routing along Alaloa/Heeia Sts.
Route 85 will be extended to provide service to Mokulele/Namoku/Aumoku Sts.
Route 87 will be extended to provide service to Hele/Kupau Sts
Route maps and descriptions can be found at Pending the availability of funding, all or part of these proposed route changes may be implemented next year.
Timelines are subject to change.
Public Outreach Period
Nov 2018 to Jan 2019: General distribution of brochure to the public and Neighborhood Boards (presentations will be made upon request by the NB - please refer to the NB Agenda).
Kailua meets 1st Thursday
Waimanalo meets 2nd Monday
Kahaluu meets 2nd Wednesday
Koolauloa meets 2nd Thursday
Kaneohe meets 3rd Thursday
North Shore meets 4th Tuesday
To let us know what you think and/or if you require translation services.
Voicemail: 808-768-8368
Direct line: 808-768-8367 (M-F, 8am-4pm)
Detailed information: