Over 100 Hokulani School students & teachers visited the Capitol this morning, met with
Representative Kobayashi, Senator Taniguichi & Lt. Gov. Green, toured the Capitol
building - including the House & Senate galleries, the Governor's & Lt. Governor's
offices, the Liliuokalani statue, the Iolani Palace banyan trees, the reflecting pond,
the Aquarius mural, and the Public Access Room, where they learned more about the
legislative process & how they can participate.
We were sad to see them go back to school!
1) The Hokulani group from the 3rd floor |
2) Rep. Kobayashi greets Hokulani |
3) Answering questions in the House gallery |
4) Lt. Gov. Green answering questions |
5) Behind the Lt. Gov's desk |
6) The whole group together just before heading back to school |
One in seven people entering the hospital in Hawaii will need blood, but only about 2% actually donate. Spring into action and save lives in your community by signing up to donate blood.
Listed below are the upcoming blood drives in (or near) District 23 this March. Please note: drives are subject to change. To schedule an appointment or check on drive information, call 848-4770 or visit BBH.org.
The general requirements to be a blood donor are simple:
Be in good health
Be 18 years of age or older (16-17 year old donors with signed Blood Bank of Hawaii parent/legal guardian consent)
Weigh 110 pounds or more (Additional height/weight requirements apply for female donors 16-18 years old)
Bring photo ID with date of birth
Tue 03/05/19 - Mid-Pacific Institute Technology Center, Seminar Room - 7am-3:30pm
Tue 03/05/19 - UH Manoa Campus Center, Executive Dining Room - 9am-3:30pm
Tue 03/12/19 - UH Manoa Campus Center, Ballroom CC301 - 9am-3:30pm
Wed 03/13/19 - Roosevelt High School, Library - 8am-2:30pm
Pop-Up Donor Centers
UH Manoa Campus Center - Tuesdays, 8am-3pm
By Allison Schaefers, Honolulu Star Advertiser, February 7, 2019
The Manoa Neighborhood Board unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday calling for a halt on an Ala Wai Canal
flood control project to give stakeholders an opportunity to give feedback on a plan to add detention
and catchment basins to the upper reaches of Manoa, Palolo and Makiki.
The board is expected to be the first of many neighborhood boards to weigh in on the project, which
recently came under community fire after it became evident that it was moving forward before all
stakeholders had been afforded a chance to comment.
Full article

A city contractor is scheduled to begin an extensive repaving project in the Manoa Valley area
tentatively starting on Monday, Feb. 11 (see project map and list of streets below). The work
is expected to take up to 365 days.
The allowable work hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays
(with possible weekend work). Motorists are advised to observe and obey all traffic controls,
posted signs and special duty police officers, and proceed with caution through the construction
area. Drivers should anticipate delays due to detours, lane and/or road closures, and allow
extra travel time while driving through the work areas.
The project includes, but is not limited to: cold planing; resurfacing and reconstruction of
asphalt concrete pavements; adjustment of utility manhole and handhole frames and covers;
installation of pavement markings and vehicle loop detectors; reconstruction of existing
concrete curbs and/or gutters; removal of existing gutter and replacement with asphalt treated
concrete base; construction of asphalt concrete bus pads; tree removals as required by a certified
arborist; tree root pruning and canopy trimming; and installation of new underdrains.
Contractor Maui Kupono Builders LLC is responsible to coordinate local traffic, including access
to homes by residents, deliveries, trash collection and emergency services. On-street parking
will be prohibited during working hours.
Please observe the dates and times on posted roadway signs as illegally parked vehicles may be
towed if necessary at the owner's expense. For questions or concerns, please contact Maui Kupono
Builders LLC at (808) 369-1800 or Construction Management & Engineering LLC at (808) 829-1902.
Akaka Place, Alani Drive, Emekona Place, Hipawai Place, Huelani Drive, Hulu Place, Kahaloa Drive,
Kahawai Street, Kahewai Place, Kahiwa Place, Keahi Place, Komaia Place, Kumukoa Street, Kumu
Street, Lono Place, Loulu Place, Loulu Street, Lower Road, O'ahu Avenue, Old East Manoa Rd, One
Street, Pakanu Street, Pawale Place, Pawaina Street, Pinao Street, Pinao Place, Pu'u Nanea Place
, Rainbow Drive, Sonoma Street, Waipuna Rise, Woodlawn Drive, and Woolsey Road.