Dear District 13 Ohana,
Did you know State of Hawaii holds unclaimed property as a custodian for the rightful owner? Have you checked to see if you have Unclaimed Property?
Many of us do and don’t even realize it. Some have a few cents to a few hundred or even a few thousand Dollars $$$. It is very easy to check and you can do it yourself from home.
Please use the information on this card (Attached) to check to see if you, your family members or even your business/organization (past or present) have any Unclaimed property. The list is updated every year. If you do have unclaimed property is it very easy to fill out the forms and get them turned to the Unclaimed Property office. No fees and no lawyers needed.
Feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or if I can be of service to you.
Unclaimed Property Information
~ Rep. Lynn DeCoite
September 22, 2017
Evacuation Shelters for District 13
Aloha District 13,
With the Hurricanes happening on the Mainland many of you have asked about the Hurricane evacuation areas for our district.
My office called and spoke with the Maui Emergency Management Office. They confirmed that the list of emergency shelters listed on is the most updated list.
The office also mentioned that for each “event” these shelters may change. They also mentioned that there is always at least one shelter that is Pet Friendly (the most common question they are asked) and that the location(s) of those shelters would be announced in the days leading up to the “event”.
They also suggested checking the website. This website is maintained by the Maui DOH office and the Maui Emergency Management Office and is updated regularly.
Here is the Maui Ready shelter list:
Here is the Maui Ready Hurricane info page:
District 13 Shelters
H= Hurricane Shelter T= Tsunami Shelter
Upcountry Maui
•Eddie Tam Memorial Center (T)
•Ha’iku Community Center (T)
•Ha’iku Elementary School (T)
•Kalama Intermediate School (H,T)
•King Kekaulike High School (H,T)
•Kula Community Center (T)
•Kula Elementary School (T)
•Makawao Elementary School (H,T)
•Mayor Hannibal Tavares Community Center (T)
•Pa’ia School (T)
•Pukalani Elementary School (H,T)
•Hana High & Elementary School (H,T)
•Kualapu’u Elementary School (H,T)
•Maunaloa Elementary School (T)
•Moloka’i High & Intermediate School (H,T)
•Lana’i High & Elementary School (H,T)
•Lana’i Community Center (T)
The Maui Emergency Management Office also has a Facebook page:
Here is the link to the Hurricane Prep card that was mailed out earlier this summer
Hurricane Season Mailer July 2017.
Thank you all for being so vigilant. Please share this information with your family and community members that may not be able to get on the website(s). My office is working on putting together some more Emergency Preparedness information for the residents of District 13.
- Rep. Lynn DeCoite.
August 1, 2017
Let’s Get Ready!!! Hurricane Prep Info
Dear District 13 Ohana,
As we enter hurricane season, I want to make sure we are all ready.
Here are some lists and resources to make sure you and your family are prepared.
Please help share this information with your community members.
-Rep. Lynn DeCoite
Rep. DeCoite - Huricane Season Info July 2017
April 24, 2017
Rep. DeCoite Honors Teresa Shook on behalf of Hawaii State Legislature
Rep. DeCoite Honors Teresa Shook on behalf of Hawaii State Legislature at the Haiku Ho’olaule’a & Flower Festival
Haiku (Maui), Hawaii - Representative Lynn DeCoite, on behalf of the Hawaii State Legislature, honored Teresa Shook - Visionary for the 2017 Women’s March – at the Haiku Ho’olaule’a & Flower Festival on Saturday April 22, 2017
Rep. DeCoite accompanied by State Senator Kalani English presented Ms. Shook with a certificate for her vision and dedication in the creation of the Women’s March and all of the unifying principals it stands for in addressing equality across the entire State of Hawai’i and throughout the world.
“The Women’s March turned into a worldwide movement. And of course I thinks it’s awesome that it all started right here in District 13 – which is why I wanted to do this presentation here in the district.” Stated Rep. DeCoite.
“The Women's March movement became an inclusive, non-partisan event where everyone was welcome and people of all creeds, colors, religions, political ideologies and backgrounds came together to address many unifying principals.” Rep DeCoite continued, “Teresa has shown ALL of us – especially our Keiki- that one person can make a difference and that when we come together anything is possible.”
Teresa Shook is a Hana Resident, Grandmother, Retired Attorney and is the Visionary for the 2017 Women’s March. The presentation took place at the main stage at the Haiku Ho’olaule’a & Flower Festival with many community members and Women’s March supporters in the audience.
April 4, 2016
Representative Lynn Decoite's Statement On Governor Ige's Announcement For The State To Provide The Highest Level of Funding Ever For Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

"I think this is a huge step in the right direction for the beneficiaries moving forward. My hope is that by adding funding for positions for DHHL this will help address the Hawaiian Homes Wait List, affordable housing needs and homeless issues. These are a few of the many reasons I felt it was my responsibility to introduce HB 1932 this session.
It is great that the Governor and both the House and Senate have agreed to increase funding to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for 2016 and 2017, as well as, acknowledge that we must fulfill our constitutional obligation to sufficiently fund the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and its beneficiaries.
I want to thank my colleagues for their support of HB 1932. I look forward to working with them and Governor Ige to get this important measure passed."
March 4, 2016
Help "Fight The Bite"!
Here is some information and tips to help protect you, your family and community members from mosquitos. These steps are integral to help prevent the spread of Dengue Fever and the potential spread of the Zika Virus.
See flyer.
Some preventative steps are also being aware of Travel. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued travel notices for people traveling to regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing. Stay informed about these travel advisories by visiting:
Please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or if I can be of service to you.
September 14, 2015
Lawmaker's Listen - Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Please join Representative Lynn DeCoite and leaders from the Hawaii State House of Representatives for a community update on the 2015 Legislative Session and preview for the upcoming 2016 Session.
See flyer.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Haiku Community Center
Hana Highway at Pilialoha St , Haiku, Maui, HI 96708
March 5, 2015
Lynn DeCoite Is Sworn In As The New Representative For House District 13
February 20, 2015
Lynn DeCoite Is Sworn In As The New Representative For House District 13
HONOLULU, HAWAII - Today Representative Lynn DeCoite, who was appointed by Governor David Ige to complete the current term of the late Mele Carroll, was sworn in during the regular session of the Hawaii State House of Representatives.
"This is a bittersweet day for me and my family." Stated Rep. DeCoite" I know I have some big shoes to fill. I am grateful for having the opportunity to get to know Rep. Carroll. She was my Rep., my friend, and she was my family."
DeCoite continued "I know I have a lot to learn. I am committed to setting forth with an open mind and to do the best for District 13, the people of East Maui, Moloka'i and Lana'i. I am thankful for this opportunity and will not take it for granted."
Representative DeCoite will serve on the House Committee on Finance (FIN) along with the committees on Agriculture (AGR), Economic Development & Business (EDB), Tourism (TUR) and Veterans, Military, & International Affairs, & Culture and the Arts (VMI).
Rep. Lynn DeCoite was born in Honolulu and has lived on Moloka'i since she was four years old. She is a third generation homestead farmer, where she and her three siblings were raised to work hard and live off the land. Rep. DeCoite went to Moloka'i High School and then attended Moloka'i Community College. She is a devoted wife and proud mother of three children.
Rep. DeCoite and her husband Russell, own and operate L&R Farms Enterprises, LLC where they raise the famous Moloka'i purple sweet potato.
Along with being a small business owner DeCoite has a history of community service. She has been involved with the Annual Moloka'i Christmas Parade, the Moloka'i Ag Festival, the Annual Prince Kuhio Day Event and the Moloka'i Annual Charity Walk. She also served as the Parent Teacher Student Organization President for Moloka'i Middle School.
Lynn DeCoite has also served on the Boards for organizations like Lokahi Pacific (from 2004-2012 ) - a housing and small business loan agency, Hikiola Cooperative (2008-2011)- a feed and fertilizer Co-op, Moloka'i Irrigation Advisory Board (2008-2012), the Moloka'i Chamber Foundation (2006-2012), The Moloka'i Planning Commission from (2006-2009). Up until her appointment to the State House of Representatives Lynn served on the Moloka'i Homestead Farmers Alliance (2006-2015), Farm Service Agency (2007-2015) and the Hawaii State Board of Agriculture (2012-2015).
Rep. DeCoite has been engaged in issues and involved at both the Maui County Council and the State Legislature and advocated for the people of Hawaii for many years. She has participated in various working groups including the Maui Water Community Working Group and the Moloka'i Workforce Development Agricultural Working Group. She was instrumental in having Moloka'i Irrigation System audited and lobbying for it to have the necessary funds to fix the system so that farmers can continue to farm.
"I am committed to keep my ears open and am willing to listen and work with EVERYONE to make the State of Hawai'i a better place for all of its people." Rep. DeCoite said in closing.
Representative Lynn DeCoite serves House District 13 which includes the areas of Haiku, Hana,
Kaupo, Kipahulu, Nahiku, Paia, Kahoolawe, Molokini, Lanai and Moloka'i.
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