<br> <em>November 1, 2010</em> <h3> MAJOR ISSUES</h3> Homelessness has been one of Rep. Brower's top issues. <a href="http://www.hawaiireporter.com/solving-hawaiis-homelessness-crisis/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> (More issues to be posted)<br> <br> <hr> <em>October 24, 2008</em> <h3>IN THE NEWS<br> From The Honolulu Advertiser</h3> Brower has been an effective legislator and is the best choice for the district. As a freshman lawmaker, Brower has worked hard in the Legislature. He authored and was able to get several bills through, including legislation to preserve a slice of ever-precious waterfront land in Kaka'ako for an educational children's program; clarify condominium rules in dealing with disputes; and allow small-boaters in Kewalo Basin to use Honolulu Harbor under certain conditions.<br> <br> Brower sensibly intends to focus on pocketbook issues - reducing the cost of government and finding ways to help residents keep more of their hard-earned dollars top his list. He plans to look at reducing or eliminating the tax on essential food items and prescription drugs.<br> <br> Brower also supports increasing the percentage of affordable housing in the Kaka'ako development area to 30 percent, and will continue to encourage community input and look out for small business concerns as the development evolves.<br> <br> Few lawmakers can keep pace with Brower's energy, passion and commitment to serving his constituents. <br> <br> <hr> <br>