April 20, 2021

Live at the Legislature with Rep. Henry Aquino

Click here to view video
April 9, 2021

4/13/21 Virtual Presentation - Highridge Costa's & Kamehameha Schools Concept for a New Waipahu Project

March 8, 2021

Honolulu Mayor Announces City's Rental & Utility Relief Program

March 11, 2021

Hawaiian Humane Society's Waipahu Pet Kokua Center Grand Opening

Hawaiian Humane Society celebrated the grand opening for its new Pet Kokua Outreach center in Waipahu on Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Representatives Aquino, Cullen, and LoPresti joined Honolulu City & County Councilmembers Tulba and Elefante along with Hawaiian Humane Society Board Chair Ginny Tiu, Board Member Bob Bean, and Hawaiian Humane President & CEO Anne Neubaer in the celebration.

The new pet outreach center is inside the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu and offers Pet Food Bank services, along with information on reduced or waived-fee spay/neuter services and other supportive functions for pet owners. The mission of the Pet Kokua program, according to the nonprofit, is to "keep pets and their people together," and improve the quality of life for all animals by providing assistance.

The Pet Kokua program also works to prevent owner surrender, animal cruelty, neglect and pet overpopulation in the Islands.

Between March 2020 and February 2021, Pet Kokua distributed 50,000 pounds of pet food, which represents a 160% year-over-year increase. The Pet Kokua program also holds multiple events throughout the year including reduced-fee microchipping and vaccination clinics, and wellness events with Oahu's homeless communities.

Hawaiian Humane's Pet Kokua Outreach Center in Waipahu offers services 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Sunday and 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Thursday. The center is closed on Friday and Saturday.
March 8, 2021

FilCom Covid Vaccination Clinic for 75 Years & Older

March 4, 2021

Joint House & Senate Filipino Caucus

March 4, 2021

Promoting Literacy - Read Across America

March is Read Across America Month. Promoting literacy puts students on the pathway to a lifetime of learning and success. Due to COVID restrictions, Hawai'i State Representatives were not able to visit schools to read to students in-person. This year, we are bringing the story-telling to students. Click here to enjoy our Hawai'i House Representatives reading select works from Dr. Seuss's book - "Seussisms".
March 3, 2021

Dedication of Kapalama Container Terminal Phase 1 & Groundbreaking of Phase 2

March 1, 2021

WHS Students Selected for United States Senate Youth Program

Waipahu High School Seniors Hollie Rader and Ashley Pascua Valois (pictured above with State Rep. Henry Aquino and State Rep. Ryan Yamane) will join U.S. Senator Brian Schatz and U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono in representing Hawaii during the 59th annual United States Senate Youth Program Washington Week, to be held March 14 to 17, 2021. Ms. Rader and Ms. Valois were selected from among the state's top student leaders to be part of the 104 national student delegation who will each also receive a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate study. Due to the pandemic, the 2021 program will break ground as the first-ever fully virtual Washington Week, and is designed to be a highly interactive and exciting education and leadership forum for the nation's most outstanding student leaders.
February 17, 2021

Waipahu High School In the News

February 4, 2021

News for Our Community

January 15, 2021

Waipahu High School Integrated Academy Learning Facility

On January 14, 2021 Rep. Henry Aquino, Gov. David Ige, fellow legislators representing Waipahu and neighboring communities, along with Waipahu High School Principal Keith Hayashi, participated in a groundbreaking ceremony for the Waipahu High School Integrated Academy Learning Facility. This new three-storied facility will feature an innovative agricultural program integrating artificial intelligence; biotechnology, chemistry and computer labs; creative space to leverage Design Thinking; and will be the new home to the Marauder Cafe, featuring the school's acclaimed culinary, baking and pastry, and hospitality programs.

January 14, 2021

Coronavirus Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance and Mediation Program (RAMP)

The Rent Assistance and Mediation Program (RAMP), funded by a portion of Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Office of Consumer Protection settlement monies from Honda Motor Co., will benefit Hawai'i consumers, including renters in distress as a result of the pandemic. The $6 million program, administered by Catholic Charities Hawai'i, intends to help tenants avoid eviction by providing rental payments for unpaid rent and mediation services. Rental payments will be considered from January 1, 2021 with a statewide cap of $1,500.00 per household per month. A maximum of up to two (2) months total of past due and ongoing assistance can be provided.

For more detailed information including eligibility requirements and application deadline, please visit the https://www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org/housinghelp/

APPLICATION DEADLINE Although the deadline for the online applications has closed (January 11, 2021 to January 13, 2021 between 8:00am to 5:00pm.), hard copy applications can be mailed by January 18, 2021. Applications after January 18, 2021 will not be considered.

Electronic applications must be emailed or faxed between January 11, 2021 – January 18, 2021. All applications must be postmarked or sent (email or fax) during this time frame.

February 25, 2016


The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) and Kiewit advises residents, businesses and commuters in the Waipahu area that construction equipment used to build the overhead guideway along Farrington Highway will be removed during the coming weeks. See brochure

October 21, 2014

Celebrate Halloween at Waipahu Public Library on 10/29/14

Waipahu Public Library invites the community to Celebrate Halloween at our library on Wednesday, October 29 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The evening starts with not-so-scary stories from 5:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. for children 6 and under. Then, from 5:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., children 12 and under are invited to trick-or-treat through our library's "Spooky House." Finally, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., teens, adults, and children 12 and up are invited to walk through our "Haunted House" -- if they dare! :) No registration is required and this fun program is generously sponsored by the Friends of Waipahu Public Library and Waipahu's Teen Library Council. See flyer for more information. View full article

October 21, 2014

Free Medicare Seminar at Waipahu Public Library

A free Medicare Seminar will be held at Waipahu Public Library on Wednesday, October 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This free educational seminar will present senior citizens with affordable coverage choices, benefits, and changes taking place in Medicare insurance, and will be led by financial expert Edward Motosue. No registration is required. For more information, please view full article. View full article

August 27, 2014

Waipahu Pop-Up Legal Clinic - October 18, 2014

Do you have a legal issue and need legal advice? Volunteer attorneys with the Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii (VLSH) will provide legal advice On October 18, 2014 at Waipahu High School Cafeteria for the following types of cases:

*Family Law
*Estate Planning
*District Court
*Veterans Benefits

This service is FREE to all low and moderate income individuals. Please call (808)528-7050 to qualify and to reserve your spot by October 13, 2014. For more information, please view full article.View full article

August 27, 2014

HART Traffice Advisory: Lane Closures

The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) would like to inform drivers about lane closures during the week of August 22nd related to design and construction work for the Honolulu rail transit project. Motorists are advised that work along the 20-mile rail route from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center will require lane closures during non-peak traffic hours. For more details, please view the full article.View full article

August 13, 2014

Rail Column Work Moves to Waipahu

HART (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation) announced the column construction for the elevated rail guideway is moving forward in east Kapolei and Ewa, and construction crews are now scheduled to begin similar work in the Waipahu area in August. For more details, please read the HART WEEKLY eBLAST.View full article

June 16, 2014

Rail Construction Traffic Alert

HART and Kiewit will be conducting environmental studies along Farrington Highway from June 19 through the 21st. This work will occur at night and should not cause major disruptions to traffic in Waipahu. For more details, please read HART alert.View full article

April 7, 2014

Marauder Pride! U.S. Secretary of Education Visits Waipahu High School

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited Waipahu High School and met with students and teachers. Hawaii students, teachers and the Department of Education has made notable strides under Hawaii's $75 million federal Race to the Top grant. And, Waipahu High School exemplifies that progress. Secretary Duncan's visit was posted to the United States Department of Education website. View full article

December 10, 2013

Traffic Alert for December 9-13


The state Department of Transportation (DOT) advises Oahu motorists of daytime lane closures on the H-1 Freeway on the week of December 9, in addition to regularly scheduled nightly closures, at the following locations and times. For more details, please visit the DOT website View full article

November 6, 2013

Rail Transit Constructuion Update - Week of 11/3/13

Rail construction in Waipahu and neighboring communities continues. Kiewit and HART provides weekly updates affected streets. Please see the attached traffic advisory for the week of 11/3/13. View full article

October 29, 2013

Rail Transit Construction Update - Week of 10/27/13

Rail construction in Waipahu and neighboring communities continues. Kiewit and HART provides weekly updates affected streets. Please see the attached traffic advisory for the week of 10/27/13. View full article View full article

October 21, 2013

Rail Transit Construction Update - Week of 10/20/13

Rail construction in Waipahu and neighboring communities continues. Kiewit and HART provides weekly updates affected streets. Please see the attached traffic advisory for the week of 10/20/13. View full article

September 27, 2013

Rail Construction Traffic Update

Kiewit, working together with the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART), provides community updates on project-related activities as rail construction continues. Please read the 9/27/13 HART Traffic Advisory update for more information.View full article

April 10, 2012

Honolulu Rail Transit Project - Traffic Update for Farrington Highway & Kamehameha Highway

Kiewit Infrastructure West is committed to keeping our community updated during the construction of the first two sections of the Honolulu rail transit project from East Kapolei to Pearl City and Pearl City to Aloha Stadium. Please refer to the link for a traffic update from Kiewit for Farrington Highway and Kamehameha Highway for the week of April 8, 2012.View full article

March 16, 2012

3.15.12 Community Newsletter - 2012 Mid-Session Highlights

The House of Representatives approved measures aligned with its priorities of economic recovery and job growth for the 2012 Legislative Session. The bills, which are part of 286 measures that passed third reading before crossing over to the Senate, focus primarily on Economic Revitalization and Business, Agriculture, Military Affairs, and Health care. See the 3.15.12 Community Newsletter highlighting several key bills approved by the House lawmakers and crossed over to the Senate for further review and consideration.View full article