Senator Lorraine R. Inouye, Co-Chair
Rep. David A. Tarnas, Co- Chair
DATE: August 23, 2021 TIME: 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: Via Videoconference
The State Capitol is closed to the public during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Working Group members will participate remotely via videoconference. Please click here for the live stream of this meeting (link available shortly before the scheduled start time). Closed captioning will be provided.
Meeting materials will be made available for public review on the Working Group webpage here.
For meeting access to give testimony via phone or Zoom (audiovisual or audio-only), please email your name to:
To submit written testimony, please send via email to: or via postal mail to: ATTN: Act 90 Working Group, Hawai'i State Capitol, Room 316, 415 South Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96813 |
1. Call to order, Working Group introductions
2. Department of Agriculture (DOA) lessee testimony:
Testimony from lessees of agricultural lands (not in an agricultural park) managed by DOA after the land having been transferred from DLNR, pursuant to Act 90 (SLH 2003). Questions from Working Group members can be addressed by testifiers, DOA, or DLNR.
3. Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) lessee testimony:
Testimony from lessees of agricultural lands (not in an agricultural park) managed by DLNR which have not been transferred to DOA in the process provided by Act 90 (SLH 2003). Questions from Working Group members can be addressed by testifiers, DOA, or DLNR.
4. Additional public testimony
5. Discussion of work to be completed prior to next meeting
6. Adjournment
All written testimony will be distributed to Working Group members and publicly archived on the legislative website.
Persons wishing to submit written testimony are requested to submit their comments at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to allow members time to read testimony prior to the meeting. Testimony received within 24 hours of the scheduled meeting
Hearing ACT90WG 08-23-21 Info.docx.doc
time will be stamped as "late" and may not be reviewed by Working Group members prior to the meeting, but will be retained in the public record.
The Working Group may institute a per-person time limit for live testimony, as necessary.
The live stream of this meeting will include closed captioning. If you require other auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing or submit testimony, please contact the committee clerk at 808-586-8510 or at least 72 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 808-586-8510.
________________________________________ Representative David A. Tarnas Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Lorraine R. Inouye Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Scott K. Saiki Speaker of the House |
________________________________________ Senator Ronald D. Kouchi President of the Senate |
Hearing ACT90WG 08-23-21 Info.docx.doc