Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:    GOV. MSG. NOS. 573, 574, 575




Honorable Ronald D. Kouchi

President of the Senate

Thirty-First State Legislature

Regular Session of 2021

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Higher Education, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 573, 574, and 575, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of: 


Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)


G.M. No. 573


for a term to expire 06-30-2022;


G.M. No. 574


for a term to expire 06-30-2024; and


G.M. No. 575


for a term to expire 06-30-2025,


begs leave to report as follows:


     Your Committee reviewed the personal histories, resumes, and statements submitted by David Lassner, John Morton, and Colleen Sathre for service on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).




            Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the reappointment of David Lassner from WICHE and one individual.


            Upon review of the testimony and his qualifications, your Committee finds that Dr. Lassner's over forty years of service with the University of Hawaii, including as its President since 2013, qualify him to be reappointed to WICHE.  Your Committee notes testimony that Dr. Lassner has been a member of WICHE for a total of six years, and as its current Vice Chair and member of its Executive Committee, he has been providing guidance and valuable input on matters of importance to Hawaii and the western region.  Your Committee further notes that with his professional background in information technology and communications, Dr. Lassner has been a valuable asset to WICHE as it grapples with the effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic to best support students in their academic and professional endeavors.  Your Committee also finds that as the President of the University of Hawaii, Dr. Lassner is best situated to consider suggestions that WICHE may have for the institution.  Your Committee therefore recommends the reappointment of Dr. Lassner to WICHE based on his commitment to higher education, professional experience in policy and leadership at the University of Hawaii, and professional experience and knowledge in information technology and communication.




            Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment of John Morton from WICHE and one individual.


            Upon review of the testimony and his qualifications, your Committee finds that Dr. Morton's over fifty years of service with the University of Hawaii System until his retirement in 2019, including a total of thirty-five years as the former Vice President for Community Colleges and Provost/Chancellor at Kapiolani Community College, qualify him to be appointed to WICHE.  Your Committee notes that Dr. Morton led the community colleges through some of the most challenging and transformative years, including increasing access to higher education by decreasing the cost of attending college and launching of the Hawaii Promise scholarship program.  Dr. Morton also participated in the Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders, where he worked with the community colleges and technical schools in the western region and the State's governing boards.  Your Committee also notes Dr. Morton's extensive experience in serving on various boards, including his current membership in the Assets School Board of Trustees, for which he previously served as chair, and the Pacific Asian Affairs Council.  Your Committee therefore recommends the appointment of Dr. Morton to WICHE based on his extensive experience and knowledge in the administration of community colleges, dedication to increasing access to higher education for Hawaii's workforce, experience working with WICHE, and proven leadership on various boards.




            Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the reappointment of Colleen Sathre from WICHE and one individual.


            Upon review of the testimony and her qualifications, your Committee finds that Dr. Sathre's forty-four years of extensive experience in contributing to the University of Hawaii's policy and planning decisions in various positions, including as its Vice President Emeritus since 2004, qualify her to be reappointed to WICHE.  Your Committee notes that Dr. Sathre has been serving on WICHE for more than five years and is currently a member of its Policy Research and Analysis Committee and Nominating Committee.  Your Committee also notes that Dr. Sathre has spent her entire career in public service and has shared her expertise as a higher education planning consultant with institutions other than the University of Hawaii, including the Consortium of Pacific Education.  Your Committee further notes testimony attesting to Dr. Sathre's first-hand knowledge on WICHE's need for creative and thoughtful solutions to address the difficult issues it faces and her ability to identify, articulate, and implement strategic initiatives at scale.  Your Committee therefore recommends appointment of Dr. Sathre to WICHE based on her extensive experience and knowledge in academic policy and planning, commitment to public service through education, and ability to formulate effective plans to assist WICHE in addressing the educational challenges and opportunities in the region.


     As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your Committee on Higher Education that are attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Higher Education,



