S.R. NO. |
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urging the federal aviation administration to IMPLEMENT and grant to the state revenue generated by a noise pollution impact fee equivalent to ten percent of ticket revenues for all commercial aircraft flights over ewa beach on the island OF oahu.
WHEREAS, studies have shown that persistent noise pollution, including noise from overhead aircraft, can cause sleep disturbances, cognitive impairments, hypertension, hearing loss, mood disturbances, and other chronic health conditions; and
WHEREAS, a 2013 study published in the British Medical Journal found a statistically significant association between frequent exposure to aircraft noise and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease; and
WHEREAS, children are especially vulnerable to these health effects and can experience hearing impairment, developmental disorders, psychological disorders, and various illnesses as a result of persistent noise pollution; and
WHEREAS, property values may also be lower for residences located on commercial flight paths; and
WHEREAS, a great majority of the inbound commercial flights to Honolulu's Daniel K. Inouye International Airport follow a flight path directly over Ewa Beach; and
WHEREAS, the location of Ewa Beach on the flight path and the frequency of commercial flights to Daniel K. Inouye International Airport subject residents of Ewa Beach to more noise pollution, greater health risks, and lower property values than other communities in the State; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Thirtieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2020, that the Federal Aviation Administration is urged to implement a noise pollution impact fee equivalent to ten percent of ticket revenues for all commercial aircraft that file and follow flight paths over Ewa Beach on the island of Oahu; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Federal Aviation Administration is urged to grant revenue generated by these fees to the State for noise pollution mitigation efforts and the improvement and maintenance of roads, infrastructure, and schools in Ewa Beach on the island of Oahu; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, Governor, and member of the Honolulu City Council for District 1.
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FAA; Ewa Beach; Commercial Flights; Noise Pollution Impact Fee