H.R. NO.













Recognizing THE state of hawaii office of planning and the hawaii housing finance and development corporation for their AWARD-WINNING hawaii strategic plan for transit-oriented development.




     WHEREAS, preparation of a strategic plan for transit-oriented development on state lands was one of the first duties charged to the Hawaii Interagency Council for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), a twenty-five-member advisory body established by Act 130, Session Laws of Hawaii 2016; and


     WHEREAS, the State of Hawaii OFFICE OF PLANNING AND HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, co-chairs of the Hawaii Interagency Council for TOD, received three awards from the American Planning Association, Hawaii Chapter, in their 2019 Chapter Awards Program; and


     WHEREAS, the annual awards from the American Planning Association, Hawaii Chapter, recognizes individuals, communities, private organizations, public agencies, and professional planning and design firms whose work exemplifies the planning profession's highest goals and ideals; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii Strategic Plan for TOD was selected for the Outstanding Planning Award, which recognizes a project, process, or program that exemplifies excellence in planning; the plan also received the Economic Development Planning Award with its advocacy for greater use of financial tools to support TOD implementation; and


     WHEREAS, the OFFICE OF PLANNING AND HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION also earned the Public Agency Award which honors the work of public sector planning agencies that have continually produced a program of exceptional work that has elevated awareness about planning; and

WHEREAS, the Hawaii Strategic Plan for TOD provides a dynamic framework for the State to create a unified vision and approach to the development of its properties; the core of this vision is the strategic use of state facilities and properties as anchor civic institutions that catalyze other public and private investments in the creation of compact, dense, opportunity-rich, and walkable communities that are served by public and multimodal transportation; and


     WHEREAS, proposed TOD investments encompass sixty-five projects statewide, including mixed-use affordable housing, Aloha Stadium redevelopment, mixed-use civic centers, University of Hawaii campus enhancements, transit hubs, and TOD-serving infrastructure; and


     WHEREAS, in developing the Hawaii Strategic Plan for TOD, the OFFICE OF PLANNING AND HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION accomplished the daunting task of gathering a large number of state and county agencies with diverse institutional missions and mandates to develop a coordinated, collaborative, long-range program for the implementation of statewide TOD-supportive projects and policy initiatives; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirtieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2020, that this body hereby congratulates the OFFICE OF PLANNING AND HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION for earning the 2019 American Planning Association, Hawaii Chapter's Outstanding Planning, Economic Development Planning, and Public Agency Awards and expresses to them its appreciation for their work in producing the Hawaii Strategic Plan for TOD, which will serve to revitalize neighborhoods, increase affordable housing, and improve access to public facilities and services – all critical to the success of the State in addressing the development challenges Hawaii faces, including limited land supply, high development costs, aging infrastructure, and a persistent and critical shortage of affordable and rental housing.









Report Title: 

State Office of Planning and HHFDC Congratulatory Reso.