Ka ‘Aha Kenekoa
Ka ‘Aha ‘Ōlelo Kanakolu
‘Aha Kau Kānāwai 2019
Ke Kōmike Ho‘okolokolo |
Kenekoa/Senator Karl Rhoads, Luna Ho‘omalu/Chair |
Kenekoa/Senator Glenn Wakai, Hope Luna Ho‘omalu/Vice Chair |
‘Ōlelo Ho‘olaha No Ka Ho‘oholo Mana‘o ‘Ana
Lā / DATE: |
Pōʻalima, Pepeluali 22, 2019 / Friday, February 22, 2019 |
Hola / TIME: |
9:00am |
Wahi / PLACE: |
Lumi ‘Aha Kūkā 016 / Conference Room 016 Ke Kapikala Moku‘āina / State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
Papa Kumuhana
Ua pau ka/nā pila ma lalo nei i ka ho‘olohe ‘ia e nā kōmike i pili i ke/nā kumuhana o ia (mau) pila:
The following measure(s) were previously heard in their respective subject matter committees:
RELATING TO RENTAL DISCRIMINATION. Prohibits discrimination, including in advertisements for available real property, based on participation in a housing assistance program, or requirements related to participation in housing assistance programs, in real estate transactions and requirements. (SD1)
RELATING TO ASSISTANCE ANIMALS. Codifies the administrative rule definition of "assistance animal". Clarifies the type of verification an individual may provide to substantiate a reasonable accommodation request for an assistance animal. Specifies that possession of a vest or other distinguishing animal garment, tag, or registration document commonly purchased online and purporting to identify an animal as a service animal or assistance animal does not constitute valid verification of a disability-related need for an assistance animal. (SD1)
RELATING TO PUBLIC MEETINGS. Requires public meeting notices to include instructions regarding accommodations for persons with disabilities. Requires boards to post public meeting notices on an electronic calendar on a state maintained website, file a copy with the office of the lieutenant governor or the appropriate county clerk's office, retain a copy of proof of filing, and post a notice in the board's office. Requires the office of the lieutenant governor or the appropriate clerk's office to timely post paper or electronic copies of all meeting notices in a central location in a public building. Requires a meeting to be canceled when the written public notice is posted on an electronic calendar less than six days prior to the meeting. Requires an emergency meeting agenda to be filed with the office of the lieutenant governor or the appropriate county clerk's office and posted in the board's office. (SD1)
RELATING TO GENDER IDENTIFICATION. Requires a license to include a person's full legal name, date of birth, gender category, residence address, and license or identification card number. Includes a third option of gender identification for driver's license and state identification card applicants. Effective 7/1/2020.
RELATING TO SHARK AND RAY PROTECTION. Establishes an offense of knowingly capturing, taking, possessing, abusing, entangling, or killing a shark in state marine waters, along with penalties and fines. Expands the existing prohibition on knowingly capturing or killing a manta ray in state marine waters to apply to all rays and to also include knowingly taking, possessing, abusing, or entangling a ray. Provides certain exemptions. (SD1)
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Provides that no person less than 21 years of age shall bring any firearm into the State.
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Requires a person to report the person's lost, stolen, or destroyed firearms to the appropriate county police department. Establishes penalties for failure to report. (SD1)
RELATING TO LIQUOR. Adds unlicensed sale of liquor and unlicensed manufacture of liquor as offenses for which property is subject to forfeiture and increases the grade of the offense of unlicensed sale of liquor to a class C felony. Amends definitions of "organized crime" and "racketeering activity" to include the unlicensed sale of liquor. (SD1)
RELATING TO STATE IDENTIFICATION CARDS. Creates a non-compliant identification card for individuals that are not able to provide an updated photograph and documentation in-person as required by the REAL ID Act of 2005.
RELATING TO THE STATEWIDE TRAFFIC CODE. Clarifies what pedestrians are required to do when in a crosswalk while a countdown timer is operating. (SD1)
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Extends the offense of false labeling of Hawaii-grown coffee to include roasted coffee.
RELATING TO LAND RECORDATION. Clarifies requirements for land recordation of deregistered lands by the bureau of conveyances to include a plan of the parcels or parcels sought to be deregistered that includes a map and description prepared by a licensed professional surveyor. (SD1)
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X, SECTION 6, OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION, TO MODIFY THE APPOINTMENT PROCESS FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Proposes an amendment to article X, section 6, of the Hawaii State Constitution to modify the appointment process for the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii. Repeals the Candidate Advisory Council for the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS. Grants county agencies the implicit right to enter property to investigate agricultural buildings and structures for violations of, and compliance with, building permit and code exemption qualifications.
RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. Prohibits written nondisclosure agreements involving sexual assault and sexual harassment as part of an employee's conditions of employment. Prohibits employers from retaliating against an employee for disclosing or discussing sexual harassment or sexual assault. Takes effect on 1/1/2051. (SD1)
RELATING TO HEALTH CARE. Requires health insurers, mutual benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for a comprehensive category of reproductive health services, drugs, devices, products, and procedures. Prohibits discrimination in the provision of reproductive health care services. (SD1)
RELATING TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Makes unenforceable confidentiality clauses in employment contracts when an act of sexual harassment is claimed by an employee. Bans mandatory arbitration agreements as to sexual harassment claims beginning July 1, 2019. Makes mandatory confidentiality clauses in an arbitration agreement unenforceable as to sexual harassment claims. Takes effect 1/1/2051. (SD1)
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Clarifies that failure to register a firearm within the required time period does not relieve the owner of the duty to register the firearm. Allows the owner of an unregistered firearm to register the firearm thereafter without penalty. (SD1)
RELATING TO DEBT. Prohibits the imposition of restrictions on a person's ability to obtain or renew a driver's license or to register, renew the registration of, or transfer or receive title to a motor vehicle, as a consequence of unpaid monetary obligations. Does not affect driver's license suspensions related to excessive speeding, lack of motor vehicle insurance, or non-compliance with a child support order. (SD1)
RELATING TO LAY NETS. Prohibits the use of lay nets to take aquatic life, except under a permit obtained by the department of land and natural resources. Establishes the use of lay nets to take aquatic life as a misdemeanor offense with a mandatory minimum period of imprisonment of one day or, for a first offense, a fine of no less than $1,000. Takes effect 12/31/2050. (SD1)
RELATING TO GUN VIOLENCE PROTECTIVE ORDERS. Establishes a process by which a law enforcement officer or family or household member may obtain a court order to prevent a person from accessing firearms and ammunition when the person poses a danger of causing bodily injury to oneself or another. Takes effect 7/1/2050. (SD1)
He hālāwai ho‘oholo mana‘o wale nō. ‘a‘ohe ‘ōlelo hō‘ike ha‘i waha e ‘ae ‘ia.
Decision making meeting only, no oral testimony will be accepted.
‘O nā kānaka i makemake e waiho mai i ‘ōlelo hō‘ike i kikokiko/kākau ‘ia, hiki nō a hiki i 24 hola ma mua o ka ho‘omaka ‘ana o ka hālāwai ho‘oholo mana‘o.
Persons wishing to submit written testimony may do so up to 24 hours prior to the hearing.
E waiho mai i kāu ‘ōlelo hō‘ike no ke Kōmike Ho‘okolokolo ma o ke kaomi ‘ana ma ‘ane‘i.
Click here to submit testimony to the Senate Committee on Judiciary.
No Nā Papa ‘Ōlelo Ho‘olaha I Ho‘ololi ‘Ia: Kahawaena ‘ia nā pila i kāpae ‘ia a kahalalo ‘ia nā pila i pāku‘i ‘ia. Kahawaena ‘ia me ke kahalalo pū ‘ia nā pila i kāpae ‘ia mai ka papa kumumana‘o.
FOR AMENDED NOTICES: Measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are underscored. If a measure is both underscored and stricken through, that measure has been deleted from the agenda.
No nā mea pono kōkua unuhi, a i ‘ole kekahi mau mea lawelawe ‘ē a‘e no ke komo ‘ana i nā hanana ma ka ‘aha ho‘olohe, e kāhea aku i ke kākau ‘ōlelo kōmike he 24 hola ma ka li‘ili‘i loa ma mua o ka ‘aha ho‘olohe i mea e hiki ai ke ho‘omākaukau pono.
If you require auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. ASL or foreign language interpreter, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
No Ka ‘Ike ‘Ē A‘e, E Kelepona Aku I Ke Kākau ‘Ōlelo Kōmike Ma (808) 586-6130.
_____________________________________ Kenekoa/Senator Karl Rhoads Luna Ho‘omalu/Chair |