Ka ‘Aha Kenekoa
Ka ‘Aha ‘Ōlelo Kanakolu
‘Aha Kau Kānāwai 2019
Ke Kōmike Ho‘okolokolo |
Kenekoa/Senator Karl Rhoads, Luna Ho‘omalu/Chair |
Kenekoa/Senator Glenn Wakai, Hope Luna Ho‘omalu/Vice Chair |
‘Ōlelo Ho‘olaha No Ka ‘Aha Ho‘olohe
Lā / DATE: |
Pōʻahā, Pepeluali 14, 2019 / Thursday, February 14, 2019 |
Hola / TIME: |
9:30 a.m. |
Wahi / PLACE: |
Lumi ‘Aha Kūkā 016 / Conference Room 016 Ke Kapikala Moku‘āina / State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
Papa Kumuhana
RELATING TO MARRIAGE. Raises the minimum age requirement to enter into marriage from sixteen to eighteen years of age. Removes the parental consent and written approval by the family court requirements for a minor to marry. Requires, rather than permits, the family court to declare void the marriage contract on the ground that the parties, or either of them, had not attained the legal age of marriage at the time of the marriage. Removes spousal cohabitation after the parties attain legal age as an exception for an annulment based on nonage. Makes conforming amendments.
RELATING TO NAMES. Allows parties to a marriage or civil union to choose any middle or last name to use upon the marriage or civil union.
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT. Allows parties to a case brought under the Uniform Parentage Act to petition the court to consolidate multiple cases, motions, or petitions involving siblings with the same parents into a single case or add siblings with the same parents to a case, motion, or petition, without having to file a new case, motion, or petition. Requires the Judiciary to post the titles of all filings and all minutes in paternity cases to the Judiciary's website after redacting any information in which an individual has a significant privacy interest.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Specifies that the filing date for candidate committee preliminary reports is thirty days, rather than ten days, before a general, subsequent special, or subsequent nonpartisan election. Specifies that the filing date for candidate committee preliminary reports is sixty and then thirty days, rather than thirty days and then ten days, before a primary, initial special, or initial nonpartisan election and that the report filed sixty days before the election shall be current through May 31. Amends the filing due dates for noncandidate committee reports to correspond with the due dates for candidate committee reports.
RELATING TO SEXUAL VIOLENCE. Extends the amount of time from the date an act of child sexual abuse occurred for a victim to bring a civil cause of action.
RELATING TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Amends the offense of strangulation of a family or household member to include blocking the nose or mouth of the person or applying excessive pressure to the chest. Clarifies that infliction of visible injury is not required to establish the offense.
RELATING TO PROSTITUTION. Permits persons convicted of certain prostitution offenses to file a motion to vacate the conviction if the defendant is not convicted of another offense under the penal code within three years of the prostitution offense.
RELATING TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Amends the offense of abuse of family or household members to provide for misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor penalties. Allows the granting of a deferred acceptance of guilty plea in cases involving misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor abuse of a family or household member if certain conditions are met. Requires the judiciary to submit annual reports to the legislature on the number and outcome of abuse of family or household members cases. Repeals June 30, 2024.
RELATING TO MANSLAUGHTER. Amends section 707-702(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to authorize manslaughter prosecutions for dangerous drug distribution that results in overdose deaths.
Inā lawa ka manawa, e ho‘oholo mana‘o ma hope pono.
Decision Making to follow, if time permits.
E waiho mai i kāu ‘ōlelo hō‘ike no ke Kōmike Ho‘okolokolo ma o ke kaomi ‘ana ma ‘ane‘i.
Click here to submit testimony to the Senate Committee on Judiciary.
Hiki ke waiho mai i ka ‘ōlelo hō‘ike a hiki i 24 hola ma mua o ka ho‘omaka ‘ana o ka ‘aha ho‘olohe.
Testimony may be submitted up to 24 hours prior to the start of the hearing.
Inā makemake e waiho i ‘ōlelo hō‘ike ha‘i waha, he ‘elua minuke wale nō ka lō‘ihi loa.
Those wishing to provide oral testimony will be limited to two minutes.
No Nā Papa ‘Ōlelo Ho‘olaha I Ho‘ololi ‘Ia: Kahawaena ‘ia nā pila i kāpae ‘ia a kahalalo ‘ia nā pila i pāku‘i ‘ia. Kahawaena ‘ia me ke kahalalo pū ‘ia nā pila i kāpae ‘ia mai ka papa kumumana‘o.
FOR AMENDED NOTICES: Measures that have been deleted are stricken through and measures that have been added are underscored. If a measure is both underscored and stricken through, that measure has been deleted from the agenda.
No nā mea pono kōkua unuhi, a i ‘ole kekahi mau mea lawelawe ‘ē a‘e no ke komo ‘ana i nā hanana ma ka ‘aha ho‘olohe, e kāhea aku i ke kākau ‘ōlelo kōmike he 24 hola ma ka li‘ili‘i loa ma mua o ka ‘aha ho‘olohe i mea e hiki ai ke ho‘omākaukau pono.
If you require auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. ASL or foreign language interpreter, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.
No Ka ‘Ike ‘Ē A‘e, E Kelepona Aku I Ke Kākau ‘Ōlelo Kōmike Ma (808) 586-6130.
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_____________________________________ Kenekoa/Senator Karl Rhoads Luna Ho‘omalu/Chair |