STAND. COM. REP. NO.  1467


Honolulu, Hawaii

                , 2019


RE:   S.B. No. 1058

      S.D. 2

      H.D. 1





Honorable Scott K. Saiki

Speaker, House of Representatives

Thirtieth State Legislature

Regular Session of 2019

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Judiciary, to which was referred S.B. No. 1058, S.D. 2, entitled:




begs leave to report as follows:


     The purpose of this measure is to require:


     (1)  The Attorney General to prepare a statement in English and Hawaiian for each proposed constitutional amendment, in language that is clear and indicates the purpose, limitations, and effects of the proposed amendment; and


     (2)  The Office of Elections and county clerks to make the statement available to the public at all polling places in the State and on a website operated by the Office of Elections.


     Common Cause Hawaii, Oahu County Committee on Legislative Priorities of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, and an individual testified in support of this measure.  The Department of the Attorney General offered comments.


     Your Committee has amended this measure by requiring the Attorney General to consult with the Legislative Reference Bureau when preparing a statement for a proposed constitutional amendment.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Judiciary that is attached to this report, your Committee is in accord with the intent and purpose of S.B. No. 1058, S.D. 2, as amended herein, and recommends that it pass Second Reading in the form attached hereto as S.B. No. 1058, S.D. 2, H.D. 1, and be referred to your Committee on Finance.



Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Judiciary,




