COM. REP. NO. 2204
Honolulu, Hawaii
RE: GOV. MSG. NOS. 702, 703, 705
Honorable Ronald D. Kouchi
President of the Senate
Thirtieth State Legislature
Regular Session of 2019
State of Hawaii
Your Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 702, 703, and 705, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of:
Board of Dentistry
G.M. No. 702 |
GEORGE WESSBERG, for a term to expire 06-30-2019; |
G.M. No. 703 |
GEORGE WESSBERG, for a term to expire 06-30-2023; and |
G.M. No. 705 |
JOYCE YAMADA, for a term to expire 06-30-2023, |
begs leave to report as follows:
Your Committee reviewed the personal histories, resumes, and statements submitted by George Wessberg and Joyce Yamada for service on the Board of Dentistry.
Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment and reappointment of George Wessberg from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hawaii Dental Association, and three individuals.
Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds that Dr. Wessberg's background, experience, and dedication to community service qualify him to be nominated for appointment and reappointment to the Board of Dentistry as a dentist member. Your Committee notes that Dr. Wessberg is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon with thirty-eight years of experience in private practice. Dr. Wessberg also previously served as Chief of Oral Surgery at The Queen's Medical Center and Chief of Dentistry at Kapiolani Medical Center. Dr. Wessberg is active in numerous professional organizations; has served as the past President of the Hawaii Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and Director of Hawaii Dental Service; and has been a member of the Regulated Industries Complaints Office's Advisory Committee for nearly twenty years. Your Committee further finds that Dr. Wessberg has a thorough understanding of the role and responsibilities of board members and recommends that Dr. Wessberg be appointed and reappointed to the Board of Dentistry based on his knowledge, experience, and dedication to serving his community.
Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment of Joyce Yamada from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, University of Hawai‘i Kapi‘olani Community College, and one individual.
Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds that Ms. Yamada's background, experience, and desire to serve the community qualify her to be nominated for appointment to the Board of Dentistry as a dental hygienist member. Your Committee notes that Ms. Yamada has been working as a dental hygienist in Hawaii since 1985; is a certified dental assistant; and has held various roles at the University of Hawaii Maui College since 2002. Ms. Yamada is an active participant within her community and profession, including as a member and former officer of the Maui County Dental Hygienists' Association, and is an advocate for dental health, including launching community outreach initiatives for Maui's kupuna. Your Committee further finds that Ms. Yamada has a thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of board members and her extensive experience as a dental hygienist will be an asset to the Board of Dentistry. Your Committee therefore recommends that Ms. Yamada be appointed to the Board of Dentistry based on her background, knowledge, and commitment to public service.
As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health that are attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health,
____________________________ ROSALYN H. BAKER, Chair |