Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:     GOV. MSG. NOS. 613, 615, 617, 618




Honorable Ronald D. Kouchi

President of the Senate

Thirtieth State Legislature

Regular Session of 2019

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 613, 615, 617, and 618, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of: 


Hawai'i Medical Board


G.M. No. 613


for a term to expire 06-30-2022;


G.M. No. 615


for a term to expire 06-30-2023;


G.M. No. 617


for a term to expire 06-30-2023; and


G.M. No. 618


for a term to expire 06-30-2023,


begs leave to report as follows:


     Your Committee reviewed the personal histories, resumes, and statements submitted by Peter Holt; Danny Takanishi, Jr.; Jone Geimer-Flanders; and Wesley Mun for service on the Hawaii Medical Board.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the reappointment of Peter Holt from the Hawaii Medical Board, Hawaii Medical Association, and two individuals.


     Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds Dr. Holt's background, experience, and proven leadership on the Hawaii Medical Board qualify him for reappointment to the Hawaii Medical Board as a physician member.  Your Committee notes that Dr. Holt has nearly twenty-five years of experience as a radiologist and is certified by the American Board of Radiology, with a certificate of added qualifications in pediatric radiology.  Dr. Holt has been licensed in Hawaii since 2011 and is currently a teleradiologist for Sheridan Radiology Services of West Florida, Inc. and the Chief of pediatric radiology quality assurance.  Dr. Holt has also demonstrated a strong commitment to his community and public service through active participation with The Institute for Human Services.  Your Committee further finds that Dr. Holt has been a member of the Hawaii Medical Board since June 2015 and serves as the Hawaii State Liaison to the Federation of State Medical Boards, and his experience and unique perspective as a radiologist who exclusively practices telemedicine continue to enhance the effectiveness of the Board.  Your Committee therefore recommends that Dr. Holt be reappointed to the Hawaii Medical Board based on his background, knowledge, and commitment to public service.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment of Danny Takanishi, Jr. from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hawaii Medical Association, and Federation of State Medical Boards.


     Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds Dr. Takanishi's background, experience, and dedication to serving the community qualify him for appointment to the Hawaii Medical Board as a surgeon member.  Your Committee notes that Dr. Takanishi is a board-certified surgeon who has been licensed in Hawaii since 1989.  Dr. Takanishi is presently an attending surgeon at The Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu and Associate Chair of Surgery for Academic Affairs at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine.  Dr. Takanishi also serves on multiple regional and national professional organizations and has extensive experience in academic medicine, including as a member of the National Board of Medical Examiners/United States Medical Licensing Examination Test Development Committees and has been an active member of the Federation of State Medical Boards since 2006.  Your Committee further finds that Dr. Takanishi previously served on the Hawaii Medical Board from 2006 to 2014, including serving as the Board's Chair for five years and his deep familiarity with national issues affecting state medical boards will be an asset to the Board.  Your Committee therefore recommends that Dr. Takanishi be appointed to the Hawaii Medical Board based on his extensive experience, background, and commitment to public service.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the reappointment of Jone Geimer-Flanders from the Hawaii Medical Board, Hawaii Medical Association, and one individual.


     Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds Dr. Geimer-Flanders' experience, background, and proven leadership on the Hawaii Medical Board qualify her for reappointment to the Hawaii Medical Board as an osteopathic physician member.  Your Committee notes that Dr. Geimer-Flanders is a board-certified cardiologist and internal medicine physician and has been licensed in Hawaii since 2006.  Dr. Geimer-Flanders is a staff Cardiologist and Chief of Inpatient Medicine Services at Tripler Army Medical Center and previously served as the Medical Director for Mountain-Pacific Quality Health.  In addition to her medical practice, Dr. Geimer-Flanders is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine and has served on numerous peer review, credentials, and quality risk management committees throughout her career.  Your Committee further finds that Dr. Geimer-Flanders has been a member of the Hawaii Medical Board since July 2014, currently serves as the Board's Chair and has acted as Hawaii's representative and delegate to the Federation of State Medical Boards.   Your Committee also finds that Dr. Geimer-Flanders' insight and experience continue to enhance the effectiveness of the Board and recommends that Dr. Geimer-Flanders be reappointed to the Hawaii Medical Board based on her background and commitment to public service.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of the nomination for the appointment of Wesley Mun from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Department of Public Safety, Hawaii Disability Rights Center, and three individuals.


     Upon review of the testimony, your Committee finds Mr. Mun's background, experience, and dedication to public service qualify him for appointment to the Hawaii Medical Board as a public member.  Your Committee notes that Mr. Mun has nearly forty years of experience in health care, insurance administration, and corrections.  Currently, Mr. Mun is a semi-retired consultant for WM and Associates and previously served as the Administrator of the Department of Public Safety's Health Care Division for a collective eighteen years, until his retirement in December 2018.  Mr. Mun also held numerous positions in the health care industry, including the Acting Med-QUEST Division Administrator for the Department of Human Services, Executive Director for Foundation Health Services of California/DentiCare of California and Hawaii, and the Vice President of Operations of Hawaii Dental Service.  Mr. Mun has also demonstrated a strong commitment to his community and public service through active participation in various organizations, including serving as President of the Pearlridge Rotary Club and Vice President of the Kung Sheong Doo Chinese Society.  Your Committee further finds that Mr. Mun's insight from the public consumer perspective will enhance the effectiveness of the Hawaii Medical Board and therefore recommends that Mr. Mun be appointed to the Board based on his background and commitment to public service.


     As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health that are attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health,



