S.B. NO. |
989 |
S.D. 2 |
H.D. 2 |
C.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. Chapter 201, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending the title of part IX to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Section 201-111, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Definitions. As used in this part:
["Applicant" means a person
applying for a grant or venture capital investment from the board under this
"Board" means the Hawaii
television and film development board.
"Eligible Hawaii project" or
"project" means an entertainment project in which at least
seventy-five per cent of the budget for the production costs, excluding
salaries and costs for the producer, director, writer, screenplay, and actors
in the project, is dedicated for the purchase or lease of goods or services
from a vendor or supplier who is located and doing business in the State.]
"Creative industries"
means those sectors that comprise Hawaiiʹs
creative economy, including media, arts, culture, music, design, fashion,
publishing, animation, interactive, and emerging media.
"Department" means the
department of business, economic development, and tourism.
"Fund" means the Hawaii [television
and] film and creative industries development special fund.
"Media" means film, motion
pictures, television, interactive, over-the-top television productions, virtual
reality, augmented reality and other forms of emerging media, multi-player
videogame publishing, and other digitally-developed content for theatrical or
digital distribution via streaming, mobile, and broadcast media.
["Venture capital investment"
means any of the following investments in a project:
(1) Common or
preferred stock and equity securities without a repurchase requirement for at
least five years;
(2) A right to
purchase stock or equity securities;
(3) Any debenture,
whether or not convertible or having stock purchase rights, which is
subordinated, together with security interests against the assets of the
borrower, by their terms to all borrowings of the borrower from other
institutional lenders, and that is for a term of not less than three years, and
that has no part amortized during the first three years; and
(4) General or
limited partnership interests.]"
Section 201-113, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§201-113[]] Hawaii [television and] film and
creative industries development special fund. (a)
There is established in the state treasury the Hawaii [television and]
film and creative industries development special fund into which shall
be deposited:
(1) Appropriations by the legislature;
(2) Donations and contributions made by private individuals or organizations for deposit into the fund;
(3) Grants provided by
governmental agencies or any other source; and
[(4) Any profits or
other amounts received from venture capital investments.]
(4) Effective
January 2, 2021, all revenues, fees, and charges from the processing of the
motion picture, digital media, and film production income tax credit pursuant
to section 235-17.
The fund shall be used by the [board to assist in, and provide
incentives for, the production of eligible Hawaii projects that are in
compliance with criteria and standards established by the board in accordance
with rules adopted by the board pursuant to chapter 91. In particular, the board shall adopt rules to
provide for the implementation of the following programs:
(1) A grant
program. The board shall adopt rules
pursuant to chapter 91 to provide conditions and qualifications for
grants. Applications for grants shall be
made to the board and shall contain such information as the board shall require
by rules adopted pursuant to chapter 91.
At a minimum, the applicant shall agree to the following conditions:
(A) The
grant shall be used exclusively for eligible Hawaii projects;
(B) The
applicant shall have applied for or received all applicable licenses and
(C) The
applicant shall comply with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting
discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin,
religion, creed, sex, age, or physical handicap;
(D) The
applicant shall comply with other requirements as the board may prescribe;
(E) All
activities undertaken with funds received shall comply with all applicable
federal, state, and county statutes and ordinances;
(F) The
applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the State of Hawaii and its
officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims arising out
of or resulting from activities carried out or projects undertaken with funds
provided hereunder, and procure sufficient insurance to provide this
indemnification if requested to do so by the department;
(G) The
applicant shall make available to the board all records the applicant may have
relating to the project, to allow the board to monitor the applicant's
compliance with the purpose of this chapter; and
(H) The
applicant, to the satisfaction of the board, shall establish that sufficient
funds are available for the completion of the project for the purpose for which
the grant is awarded; and
(2) A venture
capital program. The board shall adopt
rules pursuant to chapter 91 to provide conditions and qualifications for
venture capital investments in eligible Hawaii projects. The program may include a written agreement
between the borrower and the board, as the representative of the State, that as
consideration for the venture capital investment made under this part, the borrower
shall share any royalties, licenses, titles, rights, or any other monetary
benefits that may accrue to the borrower pursuant to terms and conditions
established by the board by rule pursuant to chapter 91. Venture capital investments may be made on
such terms and conditions as the board shall determine to be reasonable,
appropriate, and consistent with the purposes and objectives of this part.]
department to provide for:
(1) A
program to provide seed capital for film, media, and creative industries
intellectual property development projects for export, as determined by the
(2) Programs
that expand the skills of the Stateʹs resident workforce in the film,
media, and creative industries; and
(3) Marketing
programs that attract business opportunities within the film, media, and
creative industries in the State."
Section 201-112, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§201-112] Hawaii
television and film development board. (a) There is established the Hawaii television and
film development board. The board shall
be attached to the department of business, economic development, and tourism
for administrative purposes only. The
board shall administer the grant and venture capital investment programs and
the Hawaii television and film development special fund established under this
part. The board shall also assess and
consider the overall viability and development of the television and film
industries and make recommendations to appropriate state or county agencies.
(b) The board shall be composed of nine members,
four of whom shall be appointed by the governor pursuant to section 26-34, and
all of whom shall serve four-year staggered terms. One of the governor's appointments shall be
made from a list of nominees submitted by the president of the senate and another
appointment shall be made from a list of nominees submitted by the speaker of
the house of representatives. The four
appointed members shall possess a current working knowledge of the film,
television, or entertainment industry. The director of business, economic
development, and tourism, and the chairs of the four county film commissions or
its equivalent, shall serve as ex officio[,] voting members, who may be
represented on the board by designees.
The chairperson and vice chairperson of
the board shall be selected by the board by majority vote. Five members shall constitute a quorum, whose
affirmative vote shall be necessary for all actions by the board. The members shall serve without compensation
but shall be reimbursed for expenses, including travel expenses, necessary for
the performance of their duties.
(c) The film industry branch development manager
shall serve as the executive secretary of the board.
(d) The board may adopt rules pursuant to chapter
91 to effectuate the purposes of this part."]
Section 201-114, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§201-114] Inspection of
premises and records. The
board shall have the right to inspect, at reasonable hours, the plant, physical
facilities, equipment, premises, books, and records of any applicant in
connection with the processing of a grant to the applicant."]
SECTION 6. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $1,200,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2019-2020 for the University of Hawaii creative media program for the purposes of strengthening the pipeline of students to the creative media industry.
The sum appropriated shall be
expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 7. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2019.
Report Title:
Hawaii Film and Creative Industries Development Special Fund; DBEDT; Hawaii Television and Film Development Board; UH Creative Media Program; Appropriation
Renames the Hawaii Television and Film Development Special Fund as the Hawaii Film and Creative Industries Development Special Fund and expands its funding sources and purposes. Appropriates funds for the UH creative media program. (CD1)
The summary description
of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.