NO. 30
Committee Abbreviations:
AGR - Agriculture |
CPC - Consumer Protection & Commerce |
EDB - Economic Development & Business |
EDN - Education |
EEP - Energy & Environmental Protection |
FIN - Finance |
HED - Higher Education |
HHS - Health & Human Services |
HSG - Housing |
IAC - Intrastate Commerce |
JUD - Judiciary |
LAB - Labor & Public Employment |
LMG - Legislative Management |
OMH - Ocean, Marine Resources, & Hawaiian Affairs |
PBS - Public Safety |
TOU - Tourism |
TRN - Transportation |
VMI - Veterans, Military, & International Affairs, & Culture and the Arts |
WAL - Water & Land |
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RELATING TO THE POLICY ADVISORY BOARD FOR ELDER AFFAIRS. Decreases the number of members appointed to the Policy Advisory Board of Elder Affairs. Specifies that ex officio members are nonvoting members. Revises the list of agencies that provide representatives to serve as ex officio members. (SD1)
RELATING TO DENTISTRY. Amends the ethics training requirement for dentists in the continuing education program to be six hours of ethics training within the previous two years, for each biennial renewal period. (SD1)
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RELATING TO TAX ON SALES OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. Clarifies that a person who sells or assists in the sale of tangible personal property and who provides customer service, processes payments, and controls fulfillment is the seller of the property for general excise tax and use tax purposes.
RELATING TO CONCESSIONS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Allows proposals to be submitted for concessions on public property. Establishes criteria for acceptance and awarding of proposals for concessions on public property. Specifies advertising requirements for bids or proposals and allows for online advertising. Repeals the fifteen-year limit on the granting of concession space and the exemption from the fifteen-year limit for non-profits. Allows for the granting of concession space for over thirty years if approved by the head of the agency awarding the concession contract.
RELATING TO CONSUMER PROTECTION. Requires the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to adopt state appliance efficiency standards to save consumers' money while conserving energy and water resources. (HB2248 HD1)
RELATING TO TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS. Establishes a 1-time amnesty program for certain delinquent transient accommodations and general excise tax obligations. Allows transient accommodations brokers to register as a tax collection agent for its operators and plan managers. Requires registered tax collection agents to inquire with their operators and plan managers whether the transient accommodation is in compliance with all state and county land use and tax laws. Requires the operator or plan manager to provide verification of compliance with state and county land use laws. Requires an operator or plan manager to remove a transient accommodation advertisement upon notice that the property is not in compliance with state law or county ordinance. Makes it unlawful for transient accommodations brokers to engage in business with operators or plan managers that are not in compliance with all state laws and county ordinances. Authorizes counties to disgorge profits obtained through unfair or unlawful business practices. Authorizes counties to adopt ordinances to amortize or phase out transient vacation rental units. Allocates up to $1,000,000 of TAT tax revenues to each county, contingent upon the county establishing a process to provide verification of compliance by an operator or plan manager with county land use laws. Makes it unlawful for a hosting platform to collect a fee for booking services regarding transient vacation rentals that are not lawfully certified, registered, or permitted under applicable county ordinance. (SD1)