Rep. Sylvia Luke, Chair

Rep. Ty J.K. Cullen, Vice Chair


Rep. Romy M. Cachola

Rep. Matthew S. LoPresti

Rep. Lynn DeCoite

Rep. Nicole E. Lowen

Rep. Beth Fukumoto

Rep. Nadine K. Nakamura

Rep. Cedric Asuega Gates

Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita

Rep. Daniel Holt

Rep. Andria P.L. Tupola

Rep. Jarrett Keohokalole

Rep. Gene Ward

Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi






Thursday, January 11, 2018


9:00 AM – Completion


Conference Room 308

State Capitol

415 South Beretania Street





9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


The Judiciary

                Courts of Appeal                                                                                                                           JUD 101

                First Judicial Circuit                                                                                                                       JUD 310

                Second Judicial Circuit                                                                                                                 JUD 320

                Third Judicial Circuit                                                                                                                     JUD 330

                Fifth Circuit                                                                                                                                    JUD 350

                Judicial Selection Commission                                                                                                   JUD 501

                Administration                                                                                                                               JUD 601


Department of Business, Economic Development, & Tourism

                Strategic Marketing & Support                                                                                                  BED 100

                Statewide Land Use Management                                                                                            BED 103

                Creative Industries Division                                                                                                       BED 105

                Foreign Trade Zone                                                                                                                      BED 107

                Tourism                                                                                                                                          BED 113

                Hawaii State Energy Office                                                                                                        BED 120

                Office of Aerospace                                                                                                                     BED 128

                Economic Planning & Research                                                                                                BED 130

                Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority                                                                                    BED 138

                General Support for Economic Development                                                                         BED 142

                High *HI Technology Development Corporation                                                                 BED 143

                Statewide Planning & Coordination                                                                                         BED 144

                Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation                                                                           BED 145

                Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority                                                                   BED 146

                Hawaii Community Development Authority                                                                         BED 150

                Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation                                                        BED 160




9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (continued)


Department of Agriculture

                Financial Assistance for Agriculture                                                                                         AGR 101

                Plant, Pest, & Disease Control                                                                                                   AGR 122

                Rabies Quarantine                                                                                                                       AGR 131

                Animal Disease Control                                                                                                              AGR 132

                Agricultural Resource Management                                                                                         AGR 141

                Quality & Price Assurance                                                                                                          AGR 151

                Aquaculture Development                                                                                                         AGR 153

                Agribusiness Development & Research                                                                                   AGR 161

                Agricultural Development & Marketing                                                                                  AGR 171

                General Administration for Agriculture                                                                                    AGR 192

                Measurement Standards                                                                                                            AGR 812

                Pesticides                                                                                                                                       AGR 846






1:30 PM – Completion


Department of Human Resources Development

                Work Force Attraction, Selection, Classification, & Effectiveness                                     HRD 102

                Supporting Services – Human Resources Development                                                       HRD 191


Department of Land and Natural Resources

                Public Lands Management                                                                                                        LNR 101

                Conveyances and Recordings                                                                                                   LNR 111

                Water and Land Development                                                                                                  LNR 141

                Fisheries Management                                                                                                                LNR 153

                Forestry-Resource Management & Development                                                                 LNR 172

                Ecosystem Protection and Restoration                                                                                    LNR 401

                Native Resources and Fire Protection Program                                                                      LNR 402

                Water Resources                                                                                                                           LNR 404

                Conservation and Resources Enforcement                                                                             LNR 405

                Natural Area Reserves and Watershed Management                                                           LNR 407

                Ocean-Based Recreation                                                                                                            LNR 801

                Historic Preservation                                                                                                                    LNR 802

                Forest and Outdoor Recreation                                                                                                 LNR 804

                District Resource Management                                                                                                 LNR 805

                Parks Adminstration and Operation                                                                                         LNR 806

                Prevention of Natural Disasters                                                                                                 LNR 810

                LNR-Natural and Physical Environment                                                                                 LNR 906




1:30 PM – Completion (continued)


Department of Public Safety

                Halawa Correctional Facility                                                                                                      PSD 402

                Kulani Correctional Facility                                                                                                        PSD 403

                Waiawa Correctional Facility                                                                                                     PSD 404

                Hawaii Community Correctional Center                                                                                  PSD 405

                Maui Community Correctional Center                                                                                     PSD 406

                Oahu Community Correctional Center                                                                                     PSD 407

                Kauai Community Correctional Center                                                                                   PSD 408

                Women’s Community Correctional Center                                                                             PSD 409

                Intake Service Centers                                                                                                                 PSD 410

                Corrections Program Services                                                                                                     PSD 420

                Health Care                                                                                                                                    PSD 421

                Hawaii Correctional Industries                                                                                                   PSD 422

                Narcotics Enforcement                                                                                                                PSD 502

                Sheriff                                                                                                                                              PSD 503

                Adult Parole Determinations                                                                                                       PSD 611

                Adult Parole Supervision & Counseling                                                                                    PSD 612

                Crime Victim Compensation Commission                                                                               PSD 613

                Non-State Facilities                                                                                                                       PSD 808

                General Administration                                                                                                                PSD 900




* Act 69, SLH 2017 changed the name of the High Technology Development Corporation to the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation



If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6200 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements.  Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.


For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6200.








Rep. Sylvia Luke





Rep. Scott K. Saiki
