NO. 1
Committee Abbreviations:
AGR - Agriculture |
CPC - Consumer Protection & Commerce |
EDB - Economic Development & Business |
EDN - Education |
EEP - Energy & Environmental Protection |
FIN - Finance |
HED - Higher Education |
HLT - Health |
HSG - Housing |
HUS - Human Services |
IAC - Intrastate Commerce |
JUD - Judiciary |
LAB - Labor & Public Employment |
LMG - Legislative Management |
OMH - Ocean, Marine Resources, & Hawaiian Affairs |
PBS - Public Safety |
TOU - Tourism |
TRN - Transportation |
VMI - Veterans, Military, & International Affairs, & Culture and the Arts |
WAL - Water & Land |
Committee |
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO AMEND THE MANNER IN WHICH JUSTICES AND JUDGES ARE APPOINTED, CONSENTED TO, AND RETAINED. Proposes amendments to the Constitution of the State of Hawaii relating to the appointment and retention of justices and judges. Authorizes the senate to approve or reject subsequent terms of office for justices and judges. Changes the required time frames from thirty to ninety days for the process to appoint and consent to a justice or judge. Harmonizes the senate consent procedures for district court judgeship nominees to mirror the senate consent procedures relating to supreme court justices and intermediate court of appeals and circuit court judges.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Authorizes tiny homes of less than 500 square feet for farm workers in agricultural districts in a county with a population of more than 180,000 but less than 250,000, notwithstanding any county ordinance or regulation to the contrary.
RELATING TO ANIMALS. Requires a research facility that intends to euthanize a dog or cat for any purpose other than scientific, medical, or educational research to make that animal available for adoption prior to euthanizing the animal if the animal is suitable for adoption.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires employers to provide a minimum amount of paid sick leave to employees to be used to care for themselves or a family member who is ill or needs medical care.
RELATING TO LABOR. Annually increases minimum wage 1/1/18 - 1/1/2021. On 9/30/2021 and thereafter requires DLIR to adjust the minimum hourly wage in accordance with the Honolulu region consumer price index. Deletes tip credit.
RELATING TO FIREWORKS. Increases penalties for certain offenses relating to the importation, storage, purchase, possession, setting off, igniting, transfer, sale, alteration, and construction of fireworks.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Increases maximum fines for violations of the fireworks control law. Appropriates funds for the Department of Public Safety, Sheriff Division, in collaboration with the Department of Defense, Department of Transportation, and other federal and state agencies, to establish a shipping container inspection program to randomly inspect shipping containers for illegal fireworks and explosives using explosive-sniffing dogs and establishes requirements for the inspection program. Requires the Department of Transportation to assess a fee on all shipping containers to fund the program.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Short form bill relating to public safety.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Short form bill relating to public safety.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Short form bill relating to public safety.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Short form bill relating to public safety.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Short form bill relating to public safety.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Authorizes off-duty corrections officers to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.
RELATING TO KEKAHA KAI STATE PARK. Appropriates funds for the employment of lifeguards and for life-saving equipment at Kua Bay.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT IMPOUNDMENT OR DISPOSAL OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Provides the State, each county, and their employees with immunity from civil liability arising from the impoundment or disposal of personal property unlawfully stored on public property, if prior notice requirements are met.
RELATING TO PUBLIC ORDER. Prohibits urinating and defecating in public places. Establishes graduated fines as penalties for violations.
RELATING TO THE COUNTIES. Exempts counties and their employees from liability for removing personal property from public property.
RELATING TO PUBLIC ORDER. Establishes an offense for remaining unlawfully in or upon state property after a request to leave is made by any law enforcement officer under certain conditions. Requires the departments with jurisdiction over state property to develop and implement a policy for coordinated enforcement.
RELATING TO BUSINESS. Authorizes the organization of low-profit limited liability companies as business entities for the accomplishment of charitable or educational purposes and not for the significant purpose of production of income or appreciation of property.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Provides a temporary, nonrefundable tax credit to owners of real property for albizia tree trimming or removal performed under certain conditions. Applies to tax years beginning after December 31, 2017, but shall not be available for tax years beginning after December 31, 2019.
RELATING TO THE GENERAL EXCISE TAX. Exempts gross receipts from the sale of mobility enhancing equipment and durable medical equipment from the general excise tax. Amends the definition of "prosthetic device" to include devices worn on the body. Exempts gross receipts from the repair of prosthetic devices from the general excise tax.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Requires funds appropriated to the University of Hawaii for a specific purpose to be expended for that specific purpose. Requires a report that explains to the Legislature any nonconformity with the specific purpose of an appropriation. Requires unexpended funds to be returned to the general fund.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Subjects to legislative disapproval any tuition fee increase at the University of Hawaii. Requires the University to submit a resolution for review of and a detailed justification for the increase. Applies to tuition fees for the 2018-2019 academic year and subsequent academic years, including summer sessions.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Requires the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii to develop procedures for the full utilization of university facilities. Requires the administration of the different UH campuses to collect and report data relating to facilities utilization. Prohibits the UH Board of Regents from approving the construction of a new university building until a public hearing is held to discuss facility utilization and cost.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Prohibits the University of Hawaii from transferring moneys from its special and revolving funds, or general funds appropriated for other purposes, for the purpose of funding construction projects that are not explicitly authorized by the legislature.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Prohibits any UH employee from having a salary and other benefits more than double that of the Governor without approval of the Legislature. Requires UH to submit an annual report on the employees with salaries and benefits in excess of the Governor's salary.
RELATING TO THE BUDGET. Requires UH to provide written notice to the Director of Finance no less than fifteen days prior to any transfer of special fund moneys between special funds, any use of special fund moneys for purposes outside of the statutory purpose of the special fund, and any transfer of appropriated funds and positions for the operating cost category among programs and among cost elements in a program.
RELATING TO EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS. Requires the University of Hawaii at Manoa to provide its nonsupervisory blue collar employees in collective bargaining unit (1) and supervisory blue collar employees in collective bargaining unit (2), or one of their family members, with tuition waivers comparable to the tuition waivers provided to faculty and their family members.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes an income tax credit for taxpayers who remove albizia trees from their real property.
RELATING TO STUDENT PRIVACY. Creates civil penalties for operators of web sites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications used for K-12 school purposes who misuse a student's protected online personal information. Allows the AG or the executive director of the Office of Consumer Protection to bring an action against an operator.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENTAL STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. Repeals the standards (1) requiring a liberal interpretation of the state ethics code; and (2) allowing determinations of gifts law violations under the state ethics code based upon an inference of impropriety, to instead require a finding of actual intent to influence the recipient of the gift. Requires state ethics commission advisory opinions to be approved and signed by a majority of the commission members. Requires that 2 of the 5 members of the state ethics commission be appointed by each chamber of the legislature.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Requires the investment yield rate assumption approved by the Board of Trustees of the ERS to be further approved by the legislature prior to its use in computing benefits.
RELATING TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND SALESPERSONS. Requires real estate brokers and salespersons to use an escrow depository in transacting a sale or lease of real estate and to file their names with the deed or lease with the Bureau of Conveyances or Land Court. Requires the escrow depositories to provide Form 1099s to the transferors, transferees, and real estate brokers or salespersons involved in the sale or lease and to inform transferees about the requirements of certain related tax laws.
RELATING TO NONRESIDENTS. Establishes the kamaaina card program for nonresident individuals born in Hawaii.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Establishes an Office of Condominium Complaints and Enforcement in the Department of the Attorney General to intervene in condominium disputes. Requires Legislative Reference Bureau to study extent of condominium disputes and efficacy of the Office of Condominium Complaints and Enforcement. Appropriates money.
RELATING TO FIREARMS. Amends the criteria for issuance of licenses by the respective county chiefs of police for concealed and unconcealed carry of pistols and revolvers.
RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Amends Hawaii Revised Statutes and Hawaii Administrative Rules to substitute references to "medical marijuana" and like terms with "medical cannabis" and like terms.
RELATING TO TOURISM. Short form bill relating to tourism.
RELATING TO TOURISM. Short form bill relating to tourism.
RELATING TO TOURISM. Short form bill relating to tourism.
RELATING TO TOURISM. Short form bill relating to tourism.
RELATING TO TOURISM. Short form bill relating to tourism.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Short form bill relating to human services.
RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Requires the department of health to adopt rules to prohibit: (1) the manufacture and sale of manufactured marijuana products that are shaped to appeal to children; and (2) the use of additives in manufactured marijuana products designed to make the product more addictive or more appealing to minors.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE XI, SECTION 8, OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION, RELATING TO NUCLEAR ENERGY. Repeals the provision of the state constitution that prohibits nuclear fission power plants to be constructed or radioactive material to be disposed of without the prior approval by a two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
RELATING TO APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES. Establishes an appraisal management company registration program within the department of commerce and consumer affairs to conform to minimum standards established under federal law and regulations. Establishes registration requirements, standards, and penalties for violations. Takes effect on 1/1/2018.
RELATING TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Permits a licensed real estate broker to pay a commission to a corporation or partnership; provided that the licensed real estate broker earned the commission on behalf of the corporation or partnership and is a member, officer, shareholder, or partner of the corporation or partnership.
RELATING TO LAHAINA SMALL BOAT HARBOR. Authorizes the issuance of $3,300,000 in general obligation bonds and appropriates funds for the construction of a new ferry pier at Lahaina small boat harbor.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds for design, plans, material, construction, and equipment for an extension of the Lahaina bypass road from north Keawe street to beyond Puukolii road.
RELATING TO SMALL BOAT HARBORS. Prohibits the Chairperson of BLNR from adopting any rule with respect to a small boat harbor where a marine fueling station has been established that requires the exclusive fueling of vessels from that station only.
RELATING TO ANIMALS. Prohibits certain restraints and tethers that endanger or deny sustenance to a dog. Specifies penalties.
RELATING TO VEHICLE WEIGHT TAX. Clarifies that an antique motor vehicle is taxed at a flat annual fee and is exempt from the State vehicle weight tax.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Requires motor vehicle safety inspections to be conducted every three years rather than annually for specific vehicles, including motorcycles, trailers, semitrailers, and pole trailers having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less, and antique motor vehicles.
RELATING TO GREEN ENERGY. Repeals the Green Infrastructure Loans and Green Infrastructure Bonds programs.
RELATING TO BURGLAR'S TOOLS. Prohibits the possession of bump keys with intent to commit offenses involving entry into premises or theft by a physical taking.
RELATING TO FISHING. Prohibits fishing at any time in the Waikiki-Diamond Head Shoreline Fisheries Management area or the area between the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium and the Diamond Head Lighthouse.
RELATING TO THE STATEWIDE TRAFFIC CODE. Prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle in which a minor is present. Requires the Department of Health to report on the enforceability of the prohibition and coordination of data collection efforts of the respective law enforcement agencies.
RELATING TO CANCER. Creates the colorectal cancer screening and awareness pilot program within the department of health and appropriates funds for the program. Repeals on 6/30/2020.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Provides that an elector shall pledge to name in their ballots the candidates for president and vice president of the United States who are the candidates of the political party or group the elector represents. Provides remedy and penalty for non-compliance.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Establishes a two-year job training pilot project in the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations for individuals affected by homelessness to provide job readiness and job skills training in the agricultural, agricultural processing, and tourism industries. Makes appropriation.
RELATING TO THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE BOWL-O-DROME PROPERTY. Authorizes general obligation bonds and appropriates funds to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands for the redevelopment of the Bowl-O-Drome property, located at 820 Isenberg Street, with the assistance of the Hawaii Community Development Authority.
RELATING TO PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Authorizes the legislature to reclassify certain agricultural lands and transfer them to DHHL or OHA. Requires the value of lands transferred to OHA to be credited against OHA's pro rata share of ceded land revenues.
RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Establishes the China-Hawaii Economic Council to further economic relations between China and Hawaii. Appropriates money.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Reallocates barrel tax revenues by increasing the distribution amounts to the environmental response revolving fund, energy security special fund, energy systems development special fund, and agricultural development and food security fund, in lieu of a distribution to the general fund.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Amends the distribution of conveyance tax revenues to better fund programs for environmental protection and affordable housing.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 26th Representative District.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. Establishes the Legislative Division within the AG to provide legal services to the Legislature. Requires the AG to submit a report to the Legislature on the progress of implementing the Division, its projected outcomes, and recommendations to amend the organizational structure of the AG. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. Makes housekeeping amendments to Section 14 of Act 48 SLH 2016 by removing reference to subsections.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYMENT OF ATTORNEYS. Replaces a requirement that the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate must jointly request legal representation for a legislative office before that office may receive legal representation with a requirement that allows either the Speaker's request or the President's request, as appropriate, to constitute a sufficient request.
RELATING TO THE SMALL BUSINESS REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ACT. Extends the time given to an agency to submit a small business impact statement to the departmental advisory committee on small business and the Small Business Regulatory Review Board.
RELATING TO SEPARATION BENEFITS. Amends Act 1, SSLH 2016, as codified, by offering an employee the further option of electing to remain in the employee's position until the expiration of the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
RELATING TO AN OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS. Establishes a centralized office of administrative hearings in the department of accounting and general services to hear cases referred to it by state executive branch agencies. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS IN HAWAII FAMILY COURT. Establishes a procedure to tender settlement offers in certain family court cases so that the party extending the offer may be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs if the offer is not accepted and the offeree does not obtain a judgment that, in its entirety, is patently more favorable than the offer.
RELATING TO FAMILY LAW. Temporarily requires parties in a divorce proceeding to refrain from moving a child from a county of residence, removing the child from school, interfering with custodial arrangements, or discontinuing payments on financial obligations. Expedites mediation and financial and property disclosure.
RELATING TO ANNULMENT, DIVORCE, AND SEPARATION. Imposes a restraining order that preserves the financial assets of the parties and their dependents upon the commencement of annulment, divorce, or separation court action.
RELATING TO CHECK CASHING. Specifies that the minimum term of a deferred deposit, or payday loan, shall be no less than six months with no penalty for early redemption. Caps the allowable interest rate at forty-five per cent and requires reimbursement of the prorated interest amount charged upon prepayment.
RELATING TO THE HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM. Prohibits any county from disqualifying a legal nonconforming dwelling unit from the housing choice voucher program if the unit meets zoning and building code requirements and other program standards such as health and safety standards.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Requires the governor to establish puuhonua safe zones where homeless persons may reside. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Authorizes the Department of the Attorney General to administer a statewide program for management of data related to the overrepresentation of Native Hawaiians in the criminal justice system. Establishes positions. Makes appropriation.
RELATING TO HIGHER EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to higher education.
RELATING TO HIGHER EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to higher education.
RELATING TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to post-secondary education.
RELATING TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION. Short form bill relating to post-secondary education
RELATING TO THE HOSPITAL SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM. Continues the Hospital Sustainability Program for two years. Appropriates funds out of the Hospital Sustainability Program Special Fund for fiscal years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
RELATING TO THE NURSING FACILITY SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM. Continues the nursing facility sustainability program for one additional year. Appropriates funds out of the nursing facility sustainability program special fund for fiscal year 2017-2018.
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Clarifies that acute care hospitals are covered under the clean claims statute, section 431:13-108, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
RELATING TO LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES. Provides for an annual inflationary adjustment in the methodology used to reimburse facilities for the long-term care of medicaid recipients. Appropriates funds for the inflationary adjustment for fiscal years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
RELATING TO MEDICAID. Establishes an add-on payment of forty per cent to the medicaid base rate for medicaid enrollees at long-term care facilities that have medically complex conditions requiring higher level of care. Appropriates funds for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 to cover increased costs.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII CANCER CENTER. Short form bill relating to the University of Hawaii Cancer Center.
RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL HEMP. Amends the licensing procedures of the industrial hemp pilot program by allowing applicants to apply for a license at any time during the year in which the applicant plans to grow industrial hemp.
RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL HEMP. Authorizes the Board of Agriculture to regulate industrial hemp growers and the growing of industrial hemp for research purposes. Makes an appropriation. Repeals the industrial hemp pilot program.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL LANDS. Requires an owner or occupier to provided notice to county agencies when subdividing and leasing agricultural land. Grants county and state agencies the implicit right to enter property to investigate for violations of and compliance with agricultural subdivision and lease qualifications.
RELATING TO THE CODE OF ETHICS. Clarifies the fair treatment law by delineating limitations placed on persons who are task force members from those placed on legislators who are task force members. Clarifies that legislators are not prohibited from making statements or taking action in the exercise of their legislative functions.
RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS. Grants county agencies the implicit right to enter property to investigate agricultural buildings and structures for violations of and compliance with building code exemption qualifications.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. Appropriates funds fot the operating and capital improvement budget of the Executive Branch for fiscal years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
RELATING TO STATE FINANCES. Short form bill relating to state finances.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. Short form bill relating to the state budget.
RELATING TO NON-GENERAL FUNDS. Short form bill relating to non-general funds.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Short form bill relating to taxation.
RELATING TO STATE PROGRAMS. Short form bill relating to state programs.
RELATING TO THE STATE CAPITOL. Appropriates money to install water fountains in the State Capitol reflecting pools to reduce cleaning costs and add a choreographed water fountain show with light displays and Hawaiian music to increase tourism.
RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Decriminalizes and establishes civil adjudicatory proceedings at the district court level for the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana.
RELATING TO MARIJUANA DISPENSARY GENERAL EXCISE TAX REVENUES. Establishes the marijuana dispensary special fund and requires DOTAX to transfer into the fund each year for enforcement purposes 15 per cent of general excise tax revenues from medical marijuana dispensaries.
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Provides insurance coverage for air travel and lodging for blind or disabled individuals living on neighbor islands requiring medical care on the island of Oahu and their attendants. Applies to health insurance policies, contracts, and plans issued or renewed after July 1, 2018.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT COST ITEMS. Makes appropriation for the public employment cost items of and cost adjustments for employees of the various legislative agencies. Appropriates funds.
MAKING AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION TO THE HAWAII HEALTH SYSTEMS CORPORATION. Makes an emergency appropriation to provide funds to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for Maui Memorial Medical Center, Kula Hospital and Clinic, and Lanai Community Hospital.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Deletes the element of recklessness in determining whether a person has violated a provision of the State Campaign Finance Law.
RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. Exempts vehicles transporting asphalt or other high temperature loads from the requirement that their loads be covered.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Requires any assessment of penalty or interest on taxes to be accompanied by an explanation, including calculations, of how the amount of the penalty or interest was determined. Amends the date of filing of monthly, quarterly, and semiannual general excise tax returns from the 20th day of the respective applicable month to the last day of the month.
RELATING TO HIGHWAYS. Directs the head of each state department or agency to convey title of all disputed highways situated within a county with a population of 500,000 or more to the respective county. Requires each county with a population of 500,000 or more to take ownership and jurisdiction over all roads over which there is a dispute over ownership between the State or any of its political subdivisions and a private party.
RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Requires the City and County of Honolulu to transfer to DOE all property upon which a public school is situated.
RELATING TO MARINE RESOURCES. Short form bill relating to marine resources.
RELATING TO HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS. Short form bill relating to Hawaiian affairs.
RELATING TO MARINE RESOURCES. Short form bill relating to marine resources.
RELATING TO HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS. Short form bill relating to Hawaiian affairs.
RELATING TO OCEAN MANAGEMENT. Short form bill relating to ocean management.
RELATING TO FERAL CATS. Appropriates funds to the Department of Health to enable it to contract with eligible non-profit or charitable organizations, private entities, or public entities to trap, neuter or spay, and release feral cats to the location where they were originally trapped.
RELATING TO INCOME TAX CREDITS. Amends income tax credit for low-income household renters to adjust for inflation. Applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2017.
RELATING TO COPPER. Establishes a Class C felony and specifies penalties for a scrap metal dealer who knowingly accepts stolen copper.
RELATING TO A SEX TRAFFICKING SPECIAL TREATMENT FACILITY. Allows the Department of Human Services to contract with a victim service provider to operate and manage a sex trafficking special treatment facility. Provides for tax, fee, and other exemptions. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO SOCIAL SERVICES. Requires certain applicants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits to undergo drug testing.
RELATING TO INTERNAL REVENUE CODE SECTION 501(C)(4) ORGANIZATIONS. Requires an organization that is exempt from federal taxation under IRC section 501(c)(4) to submit semi-annual reports to the campaign spending commission if the organization expends funds to make communications that advocate for or against elected officials or their positions on government actions.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a college savings program income tax credit.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HEALTH AUTHORITY. Requires the Hawaii Health Authority (HHA) to submit an updated comprehensive health plan to the Legislature. Appropriates funds for the hiring of an executive director and other staff and other expenses necessary for HHA to carry out its duties and responsibilities.
RELATING TO ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES. Establishes and appropriates funds for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Residency Program at the University of Hawaii Center for Nursing.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires all elections to be conducted by mail beginning in 2020. Provides places of deposit for personal delivery of mail-in ballots and requires a limited number of voter service centers in each county to accommodate voters with special needs. Appropriates funds for the implementation and administration of the election by mail program.
RELATING TO FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Establishes a commission within DOTAX to review and make recommendations on expenditures, revenue enhancements, and tax policy.
RELATING TO CHILD ABUSE. Requires Department of Education schools and charter schools to post signs containing the Department of Human Services hotline for reporting child abuse and neglect.
RELATING TO SPORTS. Establishes the Hawaii Sports Task Force to plan and coordinate efforts to reestablish the Pro Bowl in Hawaii, to secure Hawaii as a host site for a National Football League preseason game, world-title soccer tournaments, mixed martial arts Ultimate Fighting Championship tournaments and other international sporting events at Aloha Stadium, and to secure and maintain Hawaii as a host site for other sporting and sports entertainment events statewide.
RELATING TO SANITATION. Requires the Department of Health to establish rules requiring all shopping centers with 20 or more retail or commercial establishment tenants to provide restrooms for public use.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Establishes instant runoff voting procedures for any federal, state, or county election not held on the date of a regularly scheduled primary or general election.
RELATING TO STATE FUNDS. Makes technical amendments to the state law regarding the deposit of state funds into the state treasury.
RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET. Makes technical amendments to the budget allotment modification law.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT. Requires that the Senate President and House Speaker be notified in writing upon the receipt of any federal aid money for expenditure by the State.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Requires the department of taxation to publish certain reports relating to income tax patterns on an annual basis.
RELATING TO NON-GENERAL FUNDS. Makes technical amendments to the state budget law regarding the transfer of non-general funds to the general fund.
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT SERVICES. Clarifies the Office of the Legislative Analyst.
RELATING TO STATE BONDS. Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds. Makes findings required by Article VII, Section 13 of the State Constitution to declare that issuance of authorized bonds will not cause the debt limit to be exceeded.
RELATING TO THE MITIGATION OF HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS STATEWIDE. Extends the lapse date for the mitigating of hazardous situations appropriation from June 30, 2017 to June 30, 2019.
RELATING TO NET INCOME TAX. Restores the deduction for state taxes paid for taxpayers with income above specified thresholds. Establishes limitations on claims for itemized tax deductions, based on taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income.
RELATING TO CONFORMITY OF THE INCOME TAX LAW TO THE FEDERAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. Adopts moving date conformity, which will allow changes in the Federal Internal Revenue Code to automatically apply to State income tax law.
RELATING TO AMENDING OR REPEALING HAWAII NET INCOME TAX LAWS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DELETING OBSOLETE OR UNNECESSARY PROVISIONS. Repeals various sections of Hawaii net income tax laws for the purpose of deleting obsolete and unnecessary provisions.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Establishes a three-year pilot project that authorizes a vehicle with a single occupant to use the zipper lane for a fee. Appropriates funds to the department of transportation for the pilot project.
RELATING TO BODY-WORN VIDEO CAMERAS. Regulates the use of body-worn video cameras by law enforcement officers and body-worn video camera footage.
RELATING TO END OF LIFE OPTION. Establishes a person's ability to choose the End of Life Option when afflicted with a terminal illness; provides safeguards for the affected person; and repeals penalties for participating in the End of Life Option Act.
RELATING TO OFFENSES INVOLVING THE CONFINEMENT OR RESTRAINT OF DOGS. Establishes the criminal offense of unlawful confinement or restraint of a dog to enhance related offenses under the cruelty to animals law and provide standards for the use of tethers and enclosures for dogs.
RELATING TO WHEELING. Requires the Public Utilities Commission to establish policies and rules for the implementation of retail wheeling. Requires the Commission to report on the status of the implementation of retail wheeling annually until the implementation is complete.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires LRB to conduct a study on current practices and costs to administer all-mail elections and disseminate election information in other states in comparison with the election process in Hawaii. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO LEGISLATIVE HEARINGS. Requires both chambers of the Legislature to establish, by rule, procedures to enable persons to present oral testimony at legislative committee hearings through the use of prerecorded videos. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO ANIMALS. Provides for the support and maintenance and custody of pet animals when their owners are undergoing annulment, divorce, or separation proceedings.
RELATING TO REIMBURSEMENT OF PHARMACISTS. Requires insurers, mutual and fraternal benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations to recognize services provided by pharmacists.
RELATING TO VOTING. Provides that the ballot of an absentee or military-overseas voter is valid even if the voter becomes ineligible to vote after casting the ballot. Repeals the requirement that an absentee voter's ballot be deemed invalid if the voter returns the return envelope but dies prior to the opening of polls.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Short form bill relating to the Judiciary.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Short form bill relating to the Judiciary.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Short form bill relating to the Judiciary.
RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY. Short form bill relating to the Judiciary.
PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION. Short form bill proposing an amendment to the state constitution.
RELATING TO CHILD VISITATION. Adds as prerequisites to awarding visitation that the court finds that awarding visitation to grandparent is in the best interest of the child and that denial of reasonable grandparent visitation rights would cause significant harm to the child. Clarifies procedures for awarding visitation. Deletes duplicative provision of awarding grandparents reasonable visitation rights.
RELATING TO DISCLOSURE BY AN ARBITRATOR. Clarifies laws regarding an arbitrator's failure to disclose certain facts prior to or during arbitration.
RELATING TO PUBLIC MEETINGS. Requires, among other things, electronic posting of meeting notices, emergency meeting agendas, cancellation notices, and meeting minutes.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII RESEARCH. Authorizes UH to create, promote, and participate in new economic enterprises and expand workforce opportunities based on inventions and discoveries generated by or at the University.
RELATING TO THE DECOMMISSIONING AND RELOCATION OF THE ANIMAL QUARANTINE STATION IN HALAWA VALLEY. Authorizes general obligation bonds and appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the decommissioning and relocation of the animal quarantine station in Halawa Valley.
RELATING TO MEMORIALS. Appropriates funds for the planning and design of a memorial to honor service members of the recent conflicts in the Persian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the various theaters of the Global War on Terrorism, to be located at the Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery in Kaneohe, on the island of Oahu, and replicas of the memorial to be located at state veterans cemeteries statewide.
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Establishes a working group in the Department of Human Services to seek material and services for the Next Step Shelter. Appropriates funds for the working group.
RELATING TO THE SCHEDULING OF MARIJUANA. Requires the Department of Public Safety to reassess the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug under state law and to report its findings to the Legislature.
RELATING TO FORFEITURE. Specifies that no property shall be forfeited unless the owner or interest-holder of the property has been convicted of a covered offense or indicted for a covered offense and there is a significant risk that the property will be destroyed or otherwise made unavailable, and the State has met its rebuttable presumption for forfeiture. Requires the State to show by clear and convincing evidence that a claimant's interest in the property is subject to forfeiture.
RELATING TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. Authorizes a property owner or agent to enter adjacent property under certain conditions to eradicate albizia trees before they become hazardous. Provides defense to criminal prosecution.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires the office of elections to join the Electronic Registration Information Center and share information with counties to encourage voter participation and ensure integrity of voter registration rolls. Appropriates moneys.
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Requires the Department of Health to establish a working group to develop environmental management measures for State-owned lands.
RELATING TO VOTING. Allows an individual who is seventeen years of age and will be eighteen years of age on or before the next federal, state, or local primary, general, or special election to register for and vote at that respective election.
RELATING TO THE STANDING OF LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS. Gives standing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate in judicial proceedings challenging the duties or authority of the legislature.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Prohibits associations of apartment owners, boards of directors, managing agents, resident managers, and condominium owners from retaliating or discriminating against a condominium owner who files a complaint; acts in furtherance of a complaint, report, or investigation of an alleged violation of the State's condominium laws or a condominium's governing documents; or exercises or attempts to exercise any right as a condominium owner.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT. Requires condominium boards to post board meeting agendas and make board meeting materials available to association members at least seven days prior to each meeting. Requires association members to be provided an opportunity to submit materials and present testimony about any item on the board meeting agenda. Requires board meeting minutes to include the recorded vote of each board member on all motions without exception. Requires boards to make approved minutes available to association members within seven calendar days. Reduces the number of days after the meeting by which the board must make available unapproved final drafts of the minutes of a meeting.
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Establishes ranked choice voting for special election for Congressional races and for the election of council members in counties that have adopted the method.
RELATING TO EDUCATION FUNDING. Establishes an education surcharge on residential investment properties and visitor accommodations for the purpose of funding public education.
RELATING TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION. Clarifies that the AG shall not represent the legislature and individual legislators acting in their official capacity. Requires the respective house to provide legal representation for any member who is sued in the member's official capacity unless the member declines such representation.
PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES VII AND X OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII TO AUTHORIZE THE LEGISLATURE TO ESTABLISH A SURCHARGE ON RESIDENTIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTY AND VISITOR ACCOMMODATIONS TO INCREASE FUNDING FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. Proposes amendments to the Constitution of the State of Hawaii to advance the State's goal of providing a quality education for the children of Hawaii by authorizing the legislature to establish, as provided by law, a surcharge on residential investment property and visitor accommodations.
RELATING TO EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLES. Establishes an emergency response vehicle noise task force to determine the impact of emergency response vehicle sirens in terms of excessive noise, the effect on public safety, and the relative effectiveness of the use of emergency lights instead of the use of sirens at night.
RELATING TO RECYCLING. Mandates the recommendations made by the office of the auditor to the department of health regarding advance disposal fee glass containers and glass recycling. Requires the department of health to report on its implementation of the recommendations to the legislature.
RELATING TO ANIMALS. Establishes licensing requirement for dog breeders and clarifies and strengthens laws pertaining to abandonment of or cruelty to animals.
RELATING TO COFFEE BERRY BORER BEETLE. Extends the sunset date for the Coffee Berry Borer Pesticide Subsidy Program until June 30, 2021, for the purchase of pesticides containing Beauveria bassiana to combat the coffee berry borer. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Requires the driver of a slow-moving motor vehicle on a two-lane highway where passing or overtaking is unsafe or not permitted to pull over at the nearest reasonable and safe location to allow other motor vehicles to overtake the driver if 5 or more motor vehicles are immediately trailing behind the driver.
RELATING TO HONOKOHAU SMALL BOAT HARBOR. Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to transfer the operation, administration, management, and maintenance of Honokohau small boat harbor to a county in which the harbor is located. Authorizes a county to operate and maintain a small boat harbor. Appropriates funds for repairs and maintenance of Honokohau small boat harbor.
RELATING TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION. Makes pilot schools that are approved and certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration subject to the oversight of the Hawaii Post-secondary Education Authorization Program.
RELATING TO PRIVATE FLIGHT SCHOOLS. Requires the Department of Education to authorize private flight schools that: (1) are physically present in the State; (2) are certified by the Federal Aviation Administration; (3) offer flight instructor certificates; (4) request authorization; and (5) meet other requirements.
RELATING TO BICYCLES. Requires the driver of a vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction to allow at least a three-foot separation between the right side of the driver's vehicle and the left side of the bicyclist. Allows for passing of a bicyclist in a no pass zone.
RELATING TO HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATIONS. Expands the law on planned community associations to apply to homeowners' associations.
RELATING TO PROPERTY. Increases the amount of the exemption from attachment or execution of (1) real property that is owned by any individual who is not delinquent on income taxes, real property taxes, or mortgages; and (2) a motor vehicle. Exempts one month of child support and spousal support from attachment or execution.
RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA COLLECTIVES. Authorizes certification and regulation of medical marijuana collectives comprising qualifying patients.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Permits a driver of a vehicle to make a right turn from the shoulder of a roadway with a speed limit of forty-five miles per hour or higher under certain conditions and it is reasonably safe to turn.
RELATING TO WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT. Appropriates $5,000,000 for the study, design, engineering, and land acquisition for a wastewater treatment plant for Pahoa, Hawaii.
RELATING TO ADMINISTERING, DISPENSING, OR PRESCRIBING NARCOTIC DRUGS FOR USE IN MAINTENANCE OR DETOXIFICATION TREATMENT TO A NARCOTIC DEPENDENT PERSON. Clarifies that treatment drugs such as suboxone may be used in the maintenance or detoxification of narcotic dependent persons.
RELATING TO FUEL TAXES. Permits the county of Hawaii to appropriate the county's share of fuel tax revenue for the maintenance of substandard private subdivision roads that are used by the public. Provides that neither the State nor the county shall be required to install infrastructure improvements if the roads are thereafter sold to a private entity. Sunsets 6/30/22.
RELATING TO ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES. Authorizes the Department of Human Services to investigate allegations of the physical isolation of vulnerable adults and take corrective action including obtaining judicial relief.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Broadens the scope of condominium related disputes for which an apartment owner or the board of directors can mandate mediation. Lowers the additional annual condominium education trust fund fee, used to support costs of mediation, to 75 cents times the number of condominiums units included in a registered project or association and discourages future surpluses of the fee. Specifies that any surplus funds collected for the additional annual condominium education trust fund to support mediation may be used for any education purpose provided under section 514B-71(a), HRS. Amends the conditions that mandate mediation and exceptions to mandatory mediation.
RELATING TO AID IN DYING. Allows a terminally ill adult with the capacity to make an informed healthcare decision to request a prescription for aid in dying medication from their attending physician to facilitate a peaceful death. Ensures that physicians who assist patients in obtaining aid in dying medication are not subject to civil or criminal liability.
RELATING TO STATEWIDE INTEROPERABLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS. Establishes a statewide interoperability executive board for public safety communications.
RELATING TO STATEWIDE INTEROPERABLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS. Establishes a statewide interoperability executive board for public safety communications. Finances the board through surcharges on traffic violations.
RELATING TO THE CONTRACTORS LICENSE BOARD. Increases and amends the membership of the contractors license board. Establishes residency and domiciliary requirements for membership on the board.
RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Authorizes persons 21 years of age or older to consume or possess limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. Provides for the licensing of marijuana cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, safety testing facilities, and retail stores. Applies an excise tax on transactions between marijuana establishments.
RELATING TO ENHANCED 911 SERVICES. Establishes a prepaid wireless E911 surcharge at the point of sale. Allows sellers to deduct and retain for administrative purposes 3% of the surcharge that is collected. Requires the surcharge balance to be deposited in the enhanced 911 fund.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Expands the low income-household renters' income tax credit based on adjusted gross income and filing status.
RELATING TO LABOR. Authorizes the Director of Labor and Industrial Relations or the Director's designee to issue and serve on an employer a stop-work order prohibiting the use of employee labor by the employer until the employer complies with the provisions of section 386-121, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Establishes penalties, enforcement, and protest procedure related to stop-work orders.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Expands the low income-household renters' income tax credit based on adjusted gross income and filing status. Establishes a state earned income tax credit. Restores the income tax rates for high income brackets that were repealed on 12/31/15. Removes the sunset for the refundable food/excise tax credit.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Removes the sunset for the refundable food/excise tax credit.
RELATING TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Appropriates funds for 2 FTE positions in the disability compensation division of DLIR.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes a state earned income tax credit.
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Permits an employee to take family leave in order to care for the employee's sibling with a serious health condition or upon the death of an employee's child, spouse, reciprocal beneficiary, sibling, or parent. Specifies notice and certification requirements.
RELATING TO PAID FAMILY LEAVE. Provides for four weeks of paid family leave for full-time State employees.
RELATING TO COUNTY SERVICES. Requires counties to respond within 72 hours to claims relating to disruption of water or sewer service. Subjects the counties to treble damages in civil court for failure to respond.
RELATING TO COMMUNITY PARAMEDIC SERVICES. Implements the recommendations of the working group convened pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution No. 90, Regular Session of 2016, by establishing and appropriating funds for a three-year community paramedic services pilot program. Requires a report to the Legislature before the Regular Session of 2021.
RELATING TO BIOMASS ENERGY. Specifies conditions under which electric utilities shall purchase power from biomass facilities.
RELATING TO FORECLOSURES. Requires every public notice of a public sale of mortgaged property to be published 3 times in a newspaper and on a state website.
RELATING TO TRESPASS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Asserts sovereign immunity from torts arising from trespass onto public property.
RELATING TO LAND USE. Establishes a five-year moratorium on county permit approvals for a project in or within one mile of a transit-oriented development area if the developer substitutes any requirement for the provision of affordable housing with the payment of a fee.
RELATING TO DISPOSITION OF TAX REVENUES. Amends the list of non-general funds that receive distributions from the conveyance tax by: (1) increasing the maximum dollar amount of the distribution to the land conservation fund; and (2) restoring and setting a maximum dollar amount for the distribution to the natural area reserve fund.
RELATING TO POLICE REPORTS. Allows surviving immediate family members of murder or manslaughter victims to access a copy of the closing report prepared by the investigating police department, upon the conclusion of all criminal and civil proceedings that arose from the offense.
RELATING TO THE RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD-TENANT CODE. Allows a landlord, when processing an application to rent residential property, to charge an application screening fee for the actual cost of screening the applicant. Requires landlords to refund any unused amount of the application screening fee and, upon request, provide a receipt of the fee and a copy of any report obtained via the screening process to the applicant.
RELATING TO ARTS PROGRAMS. Allows the works of art special fund to be used for arts programs in public schools and the University of Hawaii system.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Prohibits the noise level of mufflers or exhaust systems on motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and motor vehicles from emitting a noise level exceeding sixty decibels, with certain exceptions. Provides a graduated schedule of fines for first, second, and subsequent violations.
RELATING TO THE LANDLORD TENANT CODE. Eliminates the five day notification requirement for the eviction of a tenant for delinquent rent. Allows a landlord to prohibit access to a dwelling unit, including by changing the locks to the dwelling unit, upon court awarding possession of the unit. Allows a landlord to dispose of the tenant's personal property.
RELATING TO VETERANS. Requires the Office of Veterans' Services in the Department of Defense to study the establishment and administration of a veterans conservation corps program to assist veterans in obtaining training, certification, and employment in the areas of environmental protection, restoration, and management. Report to the 2018 Legislature.
RELATING TO INVASIVE PLANTS. Simplifies the listing process for the designation of plants to the restricted plants list and the noxious weeds list by using the findings of the Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment to prevent the importation, sale, and uncontrolled spread of invasive species.
RELATING TO SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS. Prohibits the State and counties from adopting building codes that require minimum floor space or room sizes unless necessary for safety or environmental standards.
RELATING TO TAXATION. Establishes an income tax credit for agricultural businesses that are required to take land out of active production in order to comply with federal food safety requirements.
RELATING TO THE AHA MOKU. Clarifies that the Aha Moku Advisory Committee is placed within DLNR for administrative purposes only. Requires DLNR to provide budgetary and administrative support to the Committee. Allows the Special Land and Development Fund to be used for expenses incurred by the Committee. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Clarifies the allowable scope of collective bargaining negotiations regarding the rights and obligations of a public employer. Clarifies prohibited practices for parties to a public employment collective bargaining agreement.
RELATING TO SEPARATION BENEFITS. Amends Act 1, SSLH 2016, as codified, to offer employees the choice of receiving both a voluntary severance benefit and a special retirement benefit or exercising a reduction-in-force right.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Repeals the voluntary severance benefits from Act 1, SSLH 2016, as codified.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Increases the authorized benefit for acupuncture treatments allowed under personal injury protection benefits provided through motor vehicle insurance. Ties increases in payments for acupuncture treatments in with annual increases, if any, to the medicare economic index.
RELATING TO PLANNED COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS. Permits portions of the common areas of a planned community association to be conveyed, subjected to a security interest, or dedicated to the appropriate county or to the State, if at least eighty per cent of the members of an association agree in writing to that action. Limits the ability of the board of directors to impose excessive regular assessments or special assessments, except in emergency situations, without the approval of a majority of the members of an association.
RELATING TO SCHOOL BUSES. Requires school buses imported into Hawaii after June 30, 2018, to have seat belt assemblies and school bus contracts to require seat belt assemblies in all school buses by July 1, 2028. Applies only to school buses with gross vehicle weight of over 10,000 pounds. Requires DOT and DOE to adopt applicable rules.
RELATING TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Creates criminal penalties for real estate brokers for improper deposit, segregation, or disposition of client trust account funds. Requires the principal broker to report the client trust account number and name of the managing institution to the real estate commission. Specifies that the principal broker must report changes in the account number and account location within ten days of a change. Authorizes the real estate commission to take action in circuit court to enforce client trust account requirements.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Clarifies that when a standard proxy form is returned with no boxes checked or more than one box checked, the proxy shall be deemed defective and shall be counted for quorum purposes only.
RELATING TO SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES. Authorizes motor vehicle and boat towing options for self-service storage facilities after sixty days or more delinquency; provided that an occupant is provided notice. Requires owners to notify occupants via two of the following three methods: telephone number, electronic mail, or postal address. Allows owners to send notices by electronic mail, publish notices of sales in any commercially reasonable manner, conduct sales online, and charge late fees. Authorizes limits on the liability of the owner of self-service storage facilities to be based on the maximum monetary value of property that may be stored pursuant to the rental agreement.
RELATING TO PSYCHOLOGY. Establishes licensure and registration requirements for school psychologists to be administered by the board of psychology. Amends the composition of the board to include two school psychologists.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Establishes a condominium unit owner hotline to provide unit owners with legal information relating to disputes with a condominium's board of directors. Services are provided free of charge for qualifying low-income households.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Clarifies who qualifies as a board member of a condominium association. Provides when a vote by standard proxy form is defective and counted for quorum purposes only.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Part I: Purpose section. Part II: Clarifies that when a unit owner and association reach a payment plan to cure a nonjudicial foreclosure, completion of the payment plan is required to cure the default; specifies that if a unit owner and an association have agreed on a payment plan to prevent a nonjudicial foreclosure from proceeding, any association fines imposed while the payment plan is in effect shall not be deemed a default under the payment plan; and clarifies the obligations of a unit owner and an association while a unit owner is not otherwise in default under a payment plan. Part III: Clarifies that the pay first, dispute later provisions in Hawaii's condominium law apply only to common expense assessments claimed by an association of apartment owners; specifies that a unit or apartment owner who disputes the amount of an assessment may request a written statement about the assessment from the association, including that a unit or apartment owner may demand mediation prior to paying contested charges, other than common expense assessments; specifies requirements for mediation on contested charges, except for common expense assessments; and repeals language that permitted associations to convert delinquent fines and late fees into delinquent common expense assessments, if certain conditions were met. Part IV: Makes conforming amendments.
RELATING TO VOTING. Requires that any person who is eligible to vote and applies for a new or renewal motor vehicle driver's license, provisional license, or instruction permit, or a new, renewal, or duplicate identification card be automatically registered to vote if that person is not already registered to vote unless the applicant affirmatively declines to be registered to vote. Authorizes access to and electronic transmission of databases maintained or operated by the counties or the department of transportation containing driver's license or identification card information to election officials and the statewide voter registration system.
RELATING TO CHAPTER 245, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES. Imposes an excise tax on electronic smoking devices, disposable electronic smoking devices, reusable electronic smoking devices, and e-liquid sold by a wholesaler or dealer on and after 01/01/2018. Requires retailers engaged in the retail sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, or e‑liquid to obtain a retail tobacco permit. Increases the license fee for wholesalers or dealers of cigarettes, tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, and e-liquid. Increases the retail tobacco permit fee for retailers of cigarettes, tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, and e-liquid.
RELATING TO CHAPTER 245, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES. Increases the excise tax imposed on large cigars from fifty to seventy per cent of the wholesale price of any large cigar sold by a wholesaler or dealer on and after January 1, 2018, whether or not sold at wholesale, or if not sold then at the same rate upon the use by the wholesaler or dealer.
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Requires all health insurers, including health benefits plans under chapter 87A, HRS, to disclose on their public web sites any standards, criteria, or information used for making preauthorization decisions.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Appropriates moneys for DOH lead poisoning prevention activities.
RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH. Entitles designated family members and other interested persons of a person having a mental health emergency to: notice of certain procedures and actions, option to be present in the courtroom for a hearing on a petition for involuntary hospitalization or assisted community treatment, and option to receive copies of hearing transcripts or recordings. Requires the court to adjourn or continue a hearing on a petition for involuntary hospitalization or assisted community treatment for failure to timely notify designated persons, with certain exceptions.
RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Authorizes the counties to adopt ordinances to legalize marijuana cultivation, possession, sale, transfer, and use, for persons over the age of twenty-one. Clarifies that penal code provisions pertaining to drug and intoxicating compounds offenses do not apply to counties that have adopted ordinances legalizing marijuana and adopted administrative rules to regulate marijuana.
RELATING TO PESTICIDES. Makes an appropriation to implement the recommendations of the joint fact finding study group's report on pesticide use by large agribusinesses on Kauai.
RELATING TO PESTICIDES. Prohibits the use of pesticides containing the active ingredient chlorpyrifos.
RELATING TO PESTICIDES. Expands the membership of the pesticide advisory committee to include a representative from the DOE, each county mayors' office, a medical expert, and a non-governmental organization scientist. Expands the duties of the pesticide advisory committee to include establishment of state standards for chronicity, recommendation to the legislature of specific changes to the State's pesticide laws and regulations, expansion of the good neighbor program, and establishment of a comprehensive buffer zone policy for the State.
RELATING TO LOCALLY GROWN FOOD. Establishes the farm to school grant program to provide grants to farmers participating in the Hawaii farm to school program. Creates the farm to school grant program special fund. Makes an appropriation.
RELATING TO COFFEE LABELING. Requires coffee blend labels to disclose regional origins and per cent by weight of the blended coffees. Prohibits using geographic origins of coffee in labeling or advertising for roasted or instant coffee that contains less than 51 per cent coffee by weight from that geographic origin.
RELATING TO DAIRY. Permits the retail sale of unpasteurized milk under certain conditions. Permits the sale of unpasteurized milk for animal consumption. Defines unpasteurized milk. Permits milk producers to establish cow share programs.
RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FIFTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 5th Representative District.
RELATING TO COMMUNITY FOOD FORESTS. Establishes a community food forest program in the Department of Land and Natural Resources and requires Department of Land and Natural Resources to work collaboratively with local government and community organizations to provide sources of healthy food statewide. Appropriate funds.
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Short form bill relating to the environment.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Short form bill relating to energy.
RELATING TO ENERGY. Short form bill relating to energy.