STAND. COM. REP. NO.  1096


Honolulu, Hawaii

                , 2017


RE:   S.B. No. 1146

      S.D. 2

      H.D. 1





Honorable Joseph M. Souki

Speaker, House of Representatives

Twenty-Ninth State Legislature

Regular Session of 2017

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Housing, to which was referred S.B. No. 1146, S.D. 2, entitled:




begs leave to report as follows:


     The purpose of this measure is to exempt school impact fee requirements from any form of housing units reserved for persons or families with incomes up to 80 percent of the area median income located in a county with a population greater than 500,000.


     Hui for Excellence in Education and Hawaii Habitat for Humanity testified in support of this measure.  The Department of Education, The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, Building Industry Association of Hawaii, IMUAlliance, and an individual testified in opposition to this measure.  The Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Office of Planning, Hawaii Community Development Authority, City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting, Hawaii Public Housing Authority, Hawaii Construction Alliance, Hawaii Rental Housing Coalition, and Pacific Resource Partnership provided comments on this measure.


     Your Committee has amended this measure by:


(1)  Exempting the following housing projects from school impact fee requirements:


(A)  Housing projects certified or approved for a general excise tax exemption under section 201H-36, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), and government housing projects and projects processed pursuant to sections 46-15.1 and 201H-38, HRS; and


(B)  State or federal public housing projects as defined in section 356D-1, or 356D-91, HRS, or a state low-income housing project as defined in section 356D-51, HRS; and


(2)  Making technical, nonsubstantive amendments for clarity, consistency, and style.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Housing that is attached to this report, your Committee is in accord with the intent and purpose of S.B. No. 1146, S.D. 2, as amended herein, and recommends that it pass Second Reading in the form attached hereto as S.B. No. 1146, S.D. 2, H.D. 1, and be referred to your Committee on Education.



Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Housing,




