Rep. Sylvia Luke, Chair |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto, Vice Chair |
Rep. Romy M. Cachola |
Rep. Matthew S. LoPresti |
Rep. Ty J.K. Cullen |
Rep. Nicole E. Lowen |
Rep. Lynn DeCoite |
Rep. Richard H.K. Onishi |
Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson |
Rep. James Kunane Tokioka |
Rep. Jo Jordan |
Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita |
Rep. Jarrett Keohokalole |
Rep. Feki Pouha |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Gene Ward |
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 |
2:00 P.M. |
Conference Room 308 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
A G E N D A # 1
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Exempts a licensed or credentialed practitioner practicing within the practitioner's own recognized scope of practice from licensure and certification requirements. Temporarily exempts from the licensing requirements for the practice of behavior analysis, direct support workers who provide autism treatment services pursuant to an Individualized Education Plan. Requires the Department of Education to report to the Legislature on implementing measures to comply with the licensure and certification requirements.
RELATING TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Authorizes the State CIO to use or transfer funds, appropriated in the 2015 State budget Act, to executive departments and agencies for projects that have been approved by the governor.
RELATING TO PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, requires a child to provide written documentation of a physical examination performed within twelve months prior to attending seventh grade at a public school. Requires DOH to provide information to assist students who do not complete the physical exam before December 31 of the seventh grade year and also requires DOH to provide consultations with those students' parents and guardians about health lifestyles and obtaining health insurance. Appropriates funds.
RELATING TO SCHOOLS. Clarifies that developers of certain projects are subject to school impact fees, even when the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation or a corresponding county agency participates in the development of the projects. Provides that in urban Honolulu, fee in lieu funds may be used to purchase completed construction, construct new school facilities, improve or renovate existing structures for school use, or lease land or facilities for school use.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HEALTH CONNECTOR. Repeals the Hawaii Health Connector (Connector) as part of the transition to a federally supported, state-based exchange. Specifies that any debts and liabilities of the Connector remain that of the Connector and do not constitute the debts and liabilities of the State. Specifies that the provisions in the measure shall not diminish or limit the consumer protections contained in or alter the provisions of the Hawaii Prepaid Health Care Act.
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Authorizes the Department of Human Services to develop and administer outreach as required by the Affordable Care Act. Establishes a state health insurance exchange, the Hawaii Health Insurance Programs, in the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to conform Hawaii law to the Affordable Care Act. Appropriates funds to the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and the Department of Human Services. Repeals the Hawaii health insurance exchange programs on January 1, 2018.
RELATING TO THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT SECTION 1332 STATE INNOVATION WAIVER. Authorizes the State to submit and implement a waiver from certain provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
RELATING TO THE MOLOKAI IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER USERS ADVISORY BOARD. Authorizes Molokai irrigation system water users advisory board members to designate an agent, officer, or employee. Removes requirement that members be an active general excise tax licensee.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING COST ITEMS. To provide fund authorizations and appropriations for collective bargaining cost items for collective bargaining unit (8) and their excluded counterparts, including the cost of salary adjustments negotiated between the State and the bargaining unit representative for fiscal biennium 2015‑2017.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING COST ITEMS. Authorizes and appropriates funds for collective bargaining cost items for collective bargaining unit (14) and their excluded counterparts, including the cost of salary adjustments negotiated between the State and the bargaining unit representative for fiscal biennium 2015‑2017.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING COST ITEMS. Provides fund authorizations and appropriations for collective bargaining cost items for Unit (11) and their excluded counterparts.
RELATING TO EDUCATION. Adds as a purpose of the University of Hawaii community college system the provision of occupational training and certification programs designed to rapidly qualify persons to fill new and hard-to-fill position classes of the State, counties, and private sector that require technical skills. Appropriates an unspecified sum of general funds for the programs. Effective 07/01/16.
RELATING TO PAYMENTS BY EMPLOYERS TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Confirms that employer contributions to the Employees' Retirement System may be made in advance or on a monthly basis.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII EMPLOYER-UNION HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND. Amends the definition of "dependent-beneficiary" as used in chapter 87A, HRS. Exempts procurement of certain EUTF services from the Procurement Code. Specifies the fiduciary duties of EUTF Board of Trustees. Amends the composition, appointing authorities, vacancy-filling procedure, and quorum requirements of the EUTF Board. Authorizes the establishment of sub-boards of the EUTF Board for the negotiation of contributions that apply only to particular bargaining units. Authorizes the EUTF Board to appoint attorneys independent of the Attorney General. Amends the administration of EUTF moneys and transfers control of EUTF to the EUTF Board and placed under the Office of Collective Bargaining for administrative purposes.
RELATING TO INVESTMENTS OF THE HAWAII EMPLOYER-UNION HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND. Repeals certain restrictions on investments that can be made by the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund.
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony should indicate:
· Testifier's name with position/title and organization;
· The Committee(s) to which the comments are directed;
· The date and time of the hearing; and
· Measure number.
While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.
Submit testimony in ONE of the following ways:
PAPER: 3 copies to Room 306 in the State Capitol;
FAX: For testimony less than 5 pages in length, transmit to 1-800-535-3859 (for Neighbor Islander without a computer to submit testimony through e-mail or the Web); or
WEB: For testimony less than 10MB in size, transmit from
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6200 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" website at or call 536-2100.
________________________________________ Rep. Sylvia Luke Chair |