Friday, April 22, 2016 |
1:00 PM |
Conference Room 224 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
The Conference Committee will meet to resolve differences between the last House and Senate versions of the following: |
RELATING TO HUNTING. Department of Land and Natural Resources; Hunting; Game Management Advisory Commission; Report; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Rhoads/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Onishi, Matsumoto (WAL, JUD, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Inouye, Co-Chair; Shimabukuro, Slom (WLA, WAM)
RELATING TO WATER MANAGEMENT. Reclaimed Water; State Facilities; Hawaii Water Plan House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Cullen, Co-Chairs; C. Lee, Pouha (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Kim/Dela Cruz, Co-Chairs; Slom (WLA/GVO, WAM)
RELATING TO WATER INFRASTRUCTURE LOANS. Water Infrastructure Loans; Infrastructure Financing; Appropriations House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Evans, Matsumoto (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Wakai, Co-Chair; English, Slom (WLA, WAM)
RELATING TO CONSERVATION DISTRICTS. Conservation District; Permits; Automatic Extension of Decision Deadline House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Say, Pouha (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Wakai/Riviere, Co-Chairs; Slom (WLA/EET, WAM)
RELATING TO THE WORLD CONSERVATION CONGRESS. Appropriation; International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Brower/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Matsumoto (WAL, TOU, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; English/Tokuda, Co-Chairs; Slom (WLA/TSI, WAM)
RELATING TO WATER SECURITY. Department of Land and Natural Resources; Water Security Advisory Group; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/C. Lee/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Matsumoto (WAL/EEP, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Dela Cruz, Co-Chair; L. Thielen, Slom (WLA, WAM)
RELATING TO THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY. Public Lands; Acceptance of Dedicated Real Property; Kakaako House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Rhoads, Co-Chairs; Nishimoto, Pouha (WAL, JUD) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Keith-Agaran, Co-Chair; Galuteria, Slom (WLA, JDL)
RELATING TO RAPID OHIA DEATH. Rapid Ohia Death; Ceratocystis; Trees; Research; Study; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Onishi, Co-Chairs; Evans, Matsumoto (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; English, Co-Chair; Nishihara, Slom (WLA, WAM)
RELATING TO LIPOA POINT. DLNR; Maui; Lipoa Point; Management Plan; Implementation; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Yamane/Cullen, Co-Chairs; Yamashita, Pouha (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Gabbard, Chair; Riviere, Co-Chair; L. Thielen, Slom (WLA, WAM)
As this is a decision making meeting only, no public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6150 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6150.
________________________________________ Rep. Ryan I. Yamane Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Mike Gabbard Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Karl Rhoads Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Lorraine R. Inouye Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Ty J.K. Cullen Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Donna Mercado Kim Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Tom Brower Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Chris Lee Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Glenn Wakai Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Richard H.K. Onishi Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Gil Riviere Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator J. Kalani English Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Jill N. Tokuda Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran Co-Chair |