Monday, April 25, 2016 |
2:30pm |
Conference Room 016 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
The Conference Committee will meet to resolve differences between the last House and Senate versions of the following: |
RELATING TO CHARITABLE SOLICITATION. Charitable Solicitation; Professional Solicitors; Required Disclosures; Donors; Registration; Reports House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/San Buenaventura/Nishimoto, Co-Chairs; Morikawa, Fukumoto Chang (CPC/JUD, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Keith-Agaran/Galuteria, Co-Chairs; Kidani, Slom (CPH/JDL, WAM)
RELATING TO MORTGAGE INDUSTRY REGULATION. Division of Financial Institutions; Mortgage Loan Originators; Mortgage Servicers; Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/Cachola, Co-Chairs; Woodson, Fukumoto Chang (CPC, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Riviere, Co-Chair; Kidani, Nishihara, Slom (CPH, WAM)
RELATING TO THE INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM. Insurance Holding Company System; Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Model Act House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/Cachola, Co-Chairs; Brower, Fukumoto Chang (CPC, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Kidani, Slom (CPH)
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Insurance; Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act; Captive Insurance Companies; Model Risk Retention Act House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/Cachola, Co-Chairs; Woodson, Fukumoto Chang (CPC, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Slom (CPH, WAM)
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Property Insurance; Premium Tax; Electronic Filing; Electronic Payments; Short-term Health Policies; Child Health Supervision Services; Claim Filer; Risk Retention; Captive Insurance; Mental Illness Benefits; Duty to Respond; Visual or Optometric Services Coverage; Surgical or Emergency Services Coverage; Contraceptive Services House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/Cachola, Co-Chairs; Woodson, Fukumoto Chang (CPC, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Taniguchi, Co-Chair; Slom (CPH, WAM)
RELATING TO CITATIONS FOR MASSAGE THERAPY VIOLATIONS. Massage Therapy; Massage Therapists; Massage Therapist Apprentices; Licensees; Violations; Citation; Fines House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/San Buenaventura/Nishimoto, Co-Chairs; Oshiro, Tupola (CPC, JUD, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Galuteria, Co-Chair; Slom (CPH, WAM)
RELATING TO TIME SHARE COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Commissioners of Deeds; Rules; Fees; Administrative Fines; Office of the Lieutenant Governor; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives McKelvey/Johanson, Co-Chairs; Fukumoto Chang (CPC, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Baker, Chair; Dela Cruz, Co-Chair; Slom (CPH, WAM)
As this is a decision making meeting only, no public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6070 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6070.
________________________________________ Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Rosalyn H. Baker Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Joy A. San Buenaventura Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Brickwood Galuteria Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Romy M. Cachola Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Gil Riviere Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Brian T. Taniguchi Co-Chair |
________________________________________ Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz Co-Chair |